The annual Christmas Warmist pastime of self flagellation flagellating Other People continues
Christmas and Carbon: What’s The Connection?
The Christmas-New Year holiday season is here and it may not be a good time for serious energy talk. However Christmas and carbon footprint does have a close connection. The period between Thanksgiving and New Year sees the largest number of shoppers – both online and offline in the United States. According to Terry Rayner, the General Manager of cardboard recycling company in Dallas, this is the busiest season of the year. His company, Pioneer Paper Stock Company has been processing 2000 tonnes of cardboard a week. A lot of this cardboard goes in the packaging and delivery of gifts and other online purchases made during this season.
Not all of the cardboard and paper necessary for shipping and delivery is recycled material. According to statistics released by the Food &Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, countries like Australia, Brazil and Indonesia have each lost more than 2.5 million hectares of forest cover between 2005 and 2010. A huge chunk of the deforestation is to cater to the demands of the paper manufacturing industry.
The evolution of the shopping trends from offline to online is a unique case study as far as climate change discussions go. While the retailers have been saving energy wasted on commuting, lighting and inventory holding costs, they are also consuming more paper and cardboard due to the hard packaging of every individual shipping. Not accounting for the energy costs in shipping products, one positive aspect of this evolution from a consumer aspect however is that the consumption of non-renewable gas resources have now been replaced with higher consumption of renewable resources like cardboard.
So, any Warmists out there engaging in gift giving, you are the problem in cause the temperature to spike some time in the future, and it’s your fault for all the extreme weather. It rained today, and it’s chilly here in Raleigh, so I blame you. Because that never happened before.
Paper consumption is one metric that the government must monitor intently – because, a growth here would mean a loss for earth climate as a whole.
Gee, more government power. Who would have guessed?

[…] Climate Change And Christmas Are Totally Linked Or Something […]
Tuesday morning links
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