Even Democrats can’t possibly defend O on this one. If they try, they should just imagine their outrage if we substitute “Bush” for “Obama” (via Twitchy)
Barack Obama, wedding crasher: http://t.co/g0Idc6SJbB via @bpolitics
— Michael C. Bender (@MichaelCBender) December 29, 2014
Natalie Heimel and her fiancé, Edward Mallue Jr., a pair of captains in the Army, were walking from their wedding rehearsal on Saturday at the 16th tee box at Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course in Hawaii when they were informed they’d have to move their wedding, scheduled for the next day.
President Barack Obama wanted to play through.
It was the second time that day that the couple heard from the nation’s commander in chief, whose affinity for golf has, at times, caused political headaches for the White House. Stationed in Hawaii and knowing the president spends his Christmas holiday on the islands, they invited him to their ceremony on a lark. They had received a letter earlier on Saturday saying Obama regretted he couldn’t come and wishing them happiness on their wedding day.
“It was kind of ironic they got the letter from them and then, within hours, they were told they had to be moved due to him,†Jamie McCarthy, Mallue’s sister, said in an interview. “It was emotional, especially for her—she’s the bride and in less than 24 hours they had to change everything they had planned.â€
In all fairness, perhaps no one on his staff told him about the wedding when he said he wanted to play a round. Even if he didn’t know beforehand, this is the tone of selfishness that he sets within his administration.

Teach why would you think that he would have known about that wedding ?
And quite frankly since my taxes pay for both the military and the POTUS I would rather have him rested up remember he takes many fewer days of vacation than did Bush
Perhaps this is why Obama’s approval ratings are twice what Bush ended up with
They moved the wedding from the 16th hole to another part of the course. The bride and groom weren’t bothered, why are you?
Color me shocked that you both immediately come to Obama’s rescue. Ask yourselves, honestly, if Bush had done this, how would you respond.
Also, do you actually think two active duty military personnel would complain about the POTUS?
you can see how Michael Bender just HATES on Obama
Many people are always inconvenienced when the POTUS arrives. It happened every summer when i lived the Vineyard
If it had been President Bush I would have ignored it as the insignificant action it was.
Recall there were two issues of enormity during President Bush’s terms.
He and his minions were destroying the economy.
He and his minions invaded and occupied Iraq.
I wished he had played more golf.
When they made their wedding reservation they were told that since Obama often plays golf during his vacation that their might be a date conflict. It was NOT a total surprise to them Army Captains
It’s always fun to read J’s posts just to see how misinformed he is. “He (Bush) and his minions invaded and occupied Iraq.” First off- drama queen award for Bush and minions in the same sentence. Second- J, I was wondering- seeing as 58% of the Dem Senators and 39% of Dem House members at the time voted that they, too, were for invading and occupying Iraq, would not they also be part of your minions? Third- did you forget some of the reasons we did what we did? Obviously you do. A few: Non-compliance with the 1991 ceasefire agreement. Interference with UN weapons inspectors. Iraq’s use of weapons of mass destruction on it’s own citizens. The 1993 assassination attempt on George H.W. Bush. Firing on US aircraft enforcing the no-fly zone. (Those last two alone at any time in history would be considered an act of war). Iraq paying suicide bombers. And of course, Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction program- (hence the interference with the UN weapons inspectors. I know that sounds obvious, but liberals have a hard time putting two and two together). But erroneously and deceptively writing “Bush and his minions…” takes so much less thought and intelligence.
Well yes, the cowardly Dems, along with the national media, were Bush’s minions enabling the disastrous invasion. But it was Bush’s idea and plan.
None of the excuses you gave, actions dating back to the late 1980s, justify the 2003 invasion.
The invasion further destabilized the region, strengthened Iran and harmed the US status.
It was a debacle, costing the lives of thousands of brave Americans, maiming tens of thousands more, and costing a couple of trillion dollars. Please list the positive accomplishments that offset the cost. Revenge for a failed assassination attempt 10 years earlier? Punishment for gassing Kurds 14 years earlier? Punishment for 9/11 where Iraq had no role? Firing on US aircraft in a no-fly zone deemed illegal by the UN? The only manned craft downed was from a friendly fire incident that killed over 20
“No justification..” Right, as if riding the world of a madman with WMDs at his disposal weren’t enough justification. And it doesn’t matter if someone shoots at you plane and misses, what matters is that someone shot at your plane. “It was Bush’s idea and plan.” Reduced to the wife-beater excuse of “she made me do it!”, are we? But I was wondering, how could it be “Bush’s idea and plan” if Clinton, Gore, Pelosi, Sandy Burger and others had the same motive as Bush even before he was president? I can give you actual quotes from that time period where they advocated using force to remove Saddam. It’s from my collection of the democrats hit parade of hypocrisy on Iraq.
But Clinton did not invade Iraq, Bush did. And with tragic results.
The world may be better off without Saddam, but the cost to America was too high. Some argue that the resulting stimulation of the economy (and the surge in the stock market) from the deficit spending made the invasion worth it, but we could have used the money to rebuild our infrastructure with an even greater impact on workers.