Actually, something
The bird that travels 29,000km a year
The Rufa red knot’s epic annual migration from Tierra del Fuego to the Canadian Arctic risks being grounded by climate changeThey call him Moonbird, or sometimes, just “B95†– the number from the band on his leg. Moonbird is the most famous, charismatic member of a group of mid-sized shorebirds named Rufa red knots, whose numbers have plummeted so dramatically in the past several decades that they just became the first bird ever listed under the Endangered Species Act with climate change cited as a “primary threatâ€.
Rufa red knots are among the avian world’s most extreme long-range flyers (especially in light of their relatively small size). They travel vast distances – some flying more than 29,000km – in the course of an annual migration that begins in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, and extends all the way up to the Canadian Arctic(and back again). (snip)
Assuming that Moonbird is still living – the last sighting was in May – there are reasons to wonder whether there will ever be another bird that is his equal. Why? Simply put, his subspecies has been devastated, and climate change will make matters worse – making extreme survival of the sort that Moonbird has achieved that much more difficult.
See, Moonbird is 21, and the species generally live 6-7. And “climate change” is Bad!!!!!!! Oh, wait
According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, there has been a 75% decline in numbers of Rufa red knots since the 1980s. One key reason is that the birds, during their northward migration, stop off in Delaware Bay in May and dine on the buried eggs of horseshoe crabs – a food source upon which they vitally depend. But those crabs saw their numbers plummet when fishermen realised if they chopped up horseshoe crabs and threw them in the water, the smell would draw in eels and conch. When numbers of horseshoe crabs crashed, so did numbers of the birds.
It’s not “one key reason”, it is the main reason. Birds have dealt with changes in the climate for tens of millions of years. Changes that can affect their migratory patterns, their nesting areas, and the places they stop for food. In this case, yes, Mankind has seriously damaged a main spot they eat. But, instead of dealing with the real environmental damage, these Warmist wankers have to interject their pet loon cult into the mix.

Yes Teach birds HAVE dealt with changing climates over millions of years (assuming of course that you are a Bible denier)
One common way that have dealt with it is by becoming dead