The situation where the NYPD loathes NYC mayor Bill de Blasio is wholly a creation of de Blasio. He ran on opposition to the NYPD and so many of their policies which were reducing crime, he’s intimated that the NYPD is racist, took the side of all the protesters, and just fails to show respect for the NYPD. And then we get this
(DNAinfo) While Mayor Bill de Blasio was personally coaxing the city’s police union presidents to meet with him, his top aides were on the phones with lawmakers urging them to blast PBA President Patrick Lynch and other officers for turning their backs on the mayor following the assassinations of two of New York’s Finest, DNAinfo New York has learned.
As late as Monday afternoon — the same time de Blasio was speaking with police union leaders to set up Tuesday’s détente to possibly mend their fractured relationship — the mayor’s government affairs honchos were privately cold-calling the city’s Democratic delegation of city and state elected officials, asking them to publicly criticize Lynch and those officers who dissed the mayor.
“City Hall wanted me to blast the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association for turning their backs on him,†a Big Apple legislator told “On The Inside.†“They called up Monday, said they were calling all of us, and that it was our obligation to stand up defending the mayor.”
One has to wonder of the mayor’s aides also contacted the NY Times and New Yorker, both of which have run nasty opinion pieces aimed at the NYPD, along with other NY newspapers.
In an update to the article, press secretary Phil Walzak emailed a response
Walzak confirmed that de Blasio aides cold called city Democrats but insisted they “did not ask elected officials to ‘attack’ anyone,” and only requested the politicians “support the families” of the slain NYPD officers.
Asked about Walzak’s claim, one of the lawmakers who received a call said it was “preposterous” and “not reality.”
One has to wonder, if Walzak is telling the truth, do Democrat politicians really need someone to tell them to support the NYPD?
Meanwhile, the hate police crowd is continuing its hate of police. In Upper Darby, a suburb of Philly, a man who had threatened to kill police and FBI agents attempted to run down police officers with his car, and earned himself an early grave by bullet. Cops in other cities have been attacked, including several in Durham, NC, which is the next town over, and we have to wonder how much has to do with the current anti-police attitude running through liberals around the country.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

75% of the voters chose DeBlasio to be our mayor. I live in NYC
Since I help pay their salaries which average over 90000% after 5 years I fully expect them to show respect to the civilian elected as their boss
Salaries start at 40K and go up 10K for the next 5 years
If they have compalints about their boss let them quit
Teach if you look at OSHA stats you can see that police on the job deaths are less than landscapers per capita
Out of the close to 10000 deaths by guns 50 were police
Usually about 900 truck drivers are fatally injured each year while on the job
Are you at all worried about the radical right wing killing police
the 2 police killed by radical right wing extremists immediately after leaving Cliven Bundy’s place where the many who aimed high power rifles at law enforcement were applauded as patriots
The right wing anti government sniper who shot 2 PN state troopers
Look at all the right wing militias who are always parading around with their guns and with the same anti government paranoia that you carry
When th e rightwing news does Title it
haha isn’t that funny ?
just a couple a crazy kids
John, wherever they were, was it illegal for the right wing militia to “always parade around with their guns?”
The police would have to check their IDs to determine if they were legal. But that’s beside the point. If Black men or kids even pick up a toy gun they get shot, but white extremists can target federal agents in their gunsights with no repercussions.
If black men or kids pick up a toy gun they don’t automatically get shot. But if they’re mindless enough to point that toy gun at the police, who don’t know it’s a toy, they might get shot. I agree, there obviously should be doubt about whether it’s a real gun when small children are involved, but with “kids” 13 and 14 years old being found with real ones, how do they know?
Policing is an incredibly difficult job, but we cannot have one set of rules, even if informal, for whites and another for Blacks.
That’s what the protests are about.