Why? Because *mumble mumble garble*, and if you’re asking, you must be one of those icky skeptics (sneer)
(AP) Â For years, the government has been issuing guidelines about healthy eating choices. Now, a panel that advises the Agriculture Department is ready to recommend that you be told not only what foods are better for your own health, but for the environment as well.
That means that when the latest version of the government’s dietary guidelines comes out, it may push even harder than it has in recent years for people to choose more fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and other plant-based foods — at the expense of meat. (snip)
The study said that compared with other popular animal proteins, beef produces more heat-trapping gases per calorie, puts out more water-polluting nitrogen, takes more water for irrigation and uses more land.
Anyone think the people at the FDA are going to give up their own meat intake? Yeah, me neither.
Interestingly, the same people who want to control our meat and other foods intake are A-OK with legalizing marijuana. Speaking of marijuana, apparently many restaurants are having trouble with stoned people passing out from having too much THC beforehand, to the point of having to call medical professionals.

They are discussing updates to the guidelines.
We already have guidelines that take into account economic issues (the meat and dairy industries get their say), so why not environmental issues?
These are guidelines, not commandments.
sometimes Teach has to misstate things to make his point
out of the bottom 9 7 were among the radical rights biggest talking points
talk about manufacturing problems Americans don’t really care about !!!
All this started with Rajendra Pachauri in 2008
The IPCC head, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri declared, as the AFP sums it up, “Don’t eat meat, ride a bike, and be a frugal shopper.”