Yesterday I noted that CNN gave a platform to a notorious 9/11 Truther to  yammer on about doooooooom!!!!!! from “climate change”.  Today we learn
(Daily Caller)  Is this the new climate consensus? More than half of Americans say global warming is not a threat to their way of life, according to a CNN poll. Furthermore, nearly half of Americans say global warming is caused by natural forces or isn’t a proven fact.
CNN’s poll reveals that a “majority of those polled, at 57 percent, say global warming will not pose a serious threat to their way of life,†and that only 43 percent “expect global warming to threaten them.â€
Even with 50% taking the position that global warming is mostly caused by emissions from cars and industry, they can still only get to 43% who are concerned. 23% say primarily natural. 26% say it is a theory that has not been proven yet. Heck, only 69% of Democrats stated that they believe in AGW. And only 67% of Democrats feel that AGW is a threat.
Along with that poll, we find that 57% support building Keystone XL.

You are lying because the CNN poll was done 2 years ago and the 57% number is a total fiction:
CNN Poll: Do Americans agree with Obama on climate change…?
January 22nd, 2013
05:00 AM ET
2 years ago
CNN Poll: Do Americans agree with Obama on climate change…?
January 22nd, 2013
05:00 AM ET
2 years ago
CNN Poll: Do Americans agree with Obama on climate change…?
January 22nd, 2013
05:00 AM ET
2 years ago
Several lying news orgs’ are pushing this misinformation today.
The question: Do you think that global warming will pose a serious threat to you or your way of life IN YOUR LIFETIME?
Under 50….49% No
50-64…….62% No
65+………70% No
Dems……..33% No
Cons……..80% No
You neglected to include the qualifier IN YOUR LIFETIME that was central to the question. That explains the age-based distribution since most 80 yr old Americans would rightly conclude that IN THEIR LIFETIME the warming Earth will have little impact on their remaining life. CNN didn’t say how many toddlers they interviewed.
73% agreed that GLOBAL WARMING IS A PROVEN FACT, and 50% attribute global warming to emissions, 23% believe it is “natural”. 26% Deny that global warming is occurring.
Who are the 26% that Deny that the Earth is warming??
the truth cannot be denied … the planet is not warming and the gloabal warming nazis cannot will it to be so
You’re an imbecile.