I’ve said many, many times over the years, and, in particular, over the past few days, that Liberals like to use language designed specifically to deflect from the given subject. They create strawmen, they throw out words and phrases such as “racist!”, “bigot!”, “settled science”, and “Islamophobia”, they attempt to put people on the defense, all which changes the tone of the debate. This is exactly what Obama did with his petty speech at the National Prayer Breakfast regarding past negative actions of Christians. I’ve listened a bit to Beck, Hannity, and Rush fall into this trap. Jonah Goldberg did. Many on Fox News and in the Conservative Blogosphere fell into this same trap. So did many Republican politicians. They started going down all the roads of “wait a minute, this happened hundreds of years to a millennium ago.” Not Bobby Jindal, though
(National Review)  Bobby Jindal on Friday released a statement responding to the president’s remarks on Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast in which he cautioned Americans from getting on a “high horse†when taking a stance against radical Islam because people have committed “terrible deeds†in the name of Christianity, too.
“It was nice of the President to give us a history lesson at the Prayer breakfast,†Jindal said. “Today, however, the issue right in front of his nose, in the here and now, is the terrorism of Radical Islam, the assassination of journalists, the beheading and burning alive of captives. We will be happy to keep an eye out for runaway Christians, but it would be nice if he would face the reality of the situation today. The Medieval Christian threat is under control, Mr. President. Please deal with the Radical Islamic threat today.â€
That is an utterly perfect response. In sales, we deal with something similar all the time. Customers try and take off the beaten path, and our job is to get them back to the correct trail, which leads to a sale (or at least to not waste more time than necessary). What Jindal did is much like the basic form of overcoming objections (amazingly, many try to over-complicate this with 5 to 7 steps). Acknowledge the objection. Reiterate the objection. Then provide a solution. This is also sometimes called ARC (Acknowledge the concern, Respond to the concern, Close that part of the conversation, with C being the hard part. Different situations have different closes). If this isn’t done correctly, you get stuck in the quicksand.
Jindal acknowledged the concern, responded to the concern, then closed it and moved on without get stuck in the quicksand of Obama’s intended conversation deflection, and put it back on Obama.
OK, cue up the Islamist supporting deflections and strawmen from Lefties.

agree … anytime the enemy, in this case barryboy and his mohammedan pals, frame the argument, they are in control … in business meetings he who asks the questions is usually in control. Like the way you framed it Teach
Simply a response that shows a politician that uses critial THINKING, not simple sound bites
Simple and totally correct. You know some of your governors do show promise Promise we do not seem much of in DC.
Don’t get all gooey over Jindal. He talks real nice. But he has been our governor now almost 8 years and we really don’t like the guy, and I am talking about really true conservatives. Jindal is more in the mold of Bush and Christie.
White Christians stopped burning blacks to death so ISIS should stop too said no on , ever .
Teach you want to see savagery ? Look up the 1916 Waco horror lynching see what southern whites were used to doing
They slowly roasted that black by lowering and raising him on a chain over a bonfire
He took 2 hours to die
15000 came to watch
Oh yeah. You are right. My only reason for comment was his specific statement. He does not make my short list for anything else.
Yeah, it was pretty bad what White Democrats did. Did those Democrats do that in the name of Jesus and Christianity? Of cours3, Blacks more than make up for that by continually killing other blacks in such places as Detroit, Baltimore, Atlanta, Chicago, et.
Of course, what you are saying Democrats did occurred nearly 100 years ago. What ISIS is doing is happening now.
Yep, Conservatives whether Democrat or Republican, always hated them some Negroes.
Do you really think the violent crime that takes place in the poorest sections of our cities is motivated by race?
[…] Bobby Jindal Provides Perfect Response To Obama’s Silly Christian Blaming. […]
Actually, the violent crime in the poorest sections of our cities is primarily motivated by economics, although race does play a part in some instances.
TPTB want the poor Blacks and poor Whites to always be at each others’ throats. That way, we stay poor and hungry while the fat cats keep making money from all the strife and turmoil.
Oh, by the way, conservatives have never hated anybody. We may despise the actions of one subset of a group or another, but hate has nothing to do with it. That is a progressive liberal emotion.
[…] William Teach at The Pirate’s Cove: Bobby Jindal Provides Perfect Response To Obama’s Silly Christian Blaming […]
Good grief. Jeff actually went there. Beyond absurd.
Conservative and liberal labels for today have absolutely no bearing on their meaning at that point, much as how the language has changed tremendously over the last couple hundred years. However, it was Democrat voters who put the segregation and discrimination policies in place.
Maybe, maybe not. The Facts are that those cities are primarily Black. And the extent of Black on Black crime is appalling.
So Democrats today are the same as Democrats 100 years ago? Ridiculous. The Democratic Party was the party of the Southern working classes until half a century ago.
Conservative Democrats (very few left today) supported American apartheid and liberal Republicans (very few left today) opposed it. Liberals marched in the 60s for racial equality, conservatives opposed it. Liberals died in the 60s for racial equality, conservatives murdered them. Overt racism is no longer tolerated (from what conservatives call “political correctness”), so conservatives no longer try to keep Blacks out of public schools, or can no longer support “colored” drinking fountains but they still work hard to limit the progress of non-white, non-Christian, non-straight, non-male Americans.
Black on Black crime is appalling.
Black unemployment is 10.4% which is also appalling (4.8% for whites).
White households’ median wealth increase to $141,900 in 2013, up 2.4% from three years earlier. Net worth for Black households dropped by a third during that time from $17,000 to $11,000. Hispanic families experienced a 14% decline in wealth to $13,700.
47.4% of minorities were homeowners in 2012. 73.9% of whites owned homes.
In 2013, 27% of Black households lived in poverty, compared to 10% of White households.
Certainly, crime is correlated with poverty. But is there more to it than that – probably. Does a culture of destitution, desperation and crime also contribute?
Keep spinning, Sparky, keep spinning. Better yet, take responsibility for the actions of your Party, rather than cast aspersions on other people. But, then, Democrats are loathe to take responsibility for their own actions.
As far
Certainly, crime is correlated with poverty. But is there more to it than that – probably. Does a culture of destitution, desperation and crime also contribute?
I’d prefer not to get sucked into a race based discussion, because, like when discussing abortion, it never ends well, but, consider two very liberal cities, Detroit and Portland. The first is 83% Black. The latter is 76% White. The first is a major shithole, with high crime, barely recognizable property values, little social capital, massive urban blight, it takes police 58 minutes on average to respond (which is better than the 4 hours it took in the late 1970’s under mayor Colemen Young), people do not pay their taxes, nor do they pay their water bills (that includes the city itself, which owes oodles of money), and companies mostly want nothing to do with Detroit. Without large infusions of cash from government and the suburbs it would further resemble Mogadishu, rather than the “Paris Of The West” it was once called.
The latter is continuously considered one of the best places to live in the US, and, some rankings even have it as a best place in the world. It is generally clean, the economy is vibrant, tax revenue is collected, people can go to parks, and the percent of budget used for things like law enforcement and the criminal justice system is low, allowing Portland to use money for parks and city beautification projects. Property values are high. Schools are places of learning rather than being day time prisons.
Now, I’m sure you or John will immediately trot out “racism!!!!!!’, but facts are facts. You and John initiated this. It is a sad state of affairs. Until these are acknowledged the underlying issues cannot be fixed. Deal with it.
These two nut job liberals that frequent the comments are getting to be too much. They make statements without any support and basically show their utter stupidity. Make sure that you keep their information as these are the types to go out and kill someone.
Said the neo-Confederate seditionist. Liberal commenters are killers? You silly old fool. I guess the good thing with you commenting here, it leaves you less time to harm your patients.
I thought that was a requirement at right-wing blogs. Anyway, you have me confused with Teach.
Hey dave, did you ever figure out how that trace of CO2 from underwater volcanoes is causing global warming but the 99% from burning fossil fuels has no effect?