Obviously, this is one of those horrible actions by evil Christians, right? (tweets via Twitchy)
(Raleigh N&O) Police charged a Chapel Hill man Wednesday with first-degree murder in the deaths of three Muslim students in a quiet neighborhood near Meadowmont just south of N.C. 54.
Craig Stephen Hicks, 46, is being held in the Durham County Jail on three counts of first-degree murder.
Hicks is accused of shooting his Finley Forest neighbors, Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, and his wife Yusor Abu-Salha, 21, and Abu-Salha’s sister, Razan Abu-Salha, 19, of Raleigh.
It very much was a horrible crime. But, something is missing
(UK Daily Mail) A man has been arrested after three Muslim students were shot dead close to a University complex.
Craig Stephen Hicks, who has previously posted comments criticising all religions online and describes himself as a supporter of atheism, has been charged with three counts of murder after the trio were shot dead in Meadowmont, close to the University of North Carolina campus.
Dentistry student Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, of Chapel Hill, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21, of Chapel Hill and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, of Raleigh, were all found dead on Tuesday.
That’s right. Context is missing. It’s missing from the WRAL story, as well. Same with WNCN. Nor at ABC11.
On a Facebook page in his name Hicks published a number of anti-religion posts, describing himself as a supporter of ‘Atheists for Equality.’ A banner about ‘anti-theism’ sits prominently on his page and he appears to be a regular social media user.
Hicks posted a photo from United Atheists of America on February 8, which has the title ‘why radical Christians and radical Muslims are so opposed to each others’ influence when they agree about so many ideological issues.’
Just to be clear, I am not blaming atheists, but simply noting that the typical over-reaction that occurs in blaming Christians is wrong-headed. The thing is, we do not know why Hicks murdered the three people. Was it because they were Muslim? Was it over a disagreement, or some slight? We really do not know at the moment.
We do know that if #MuslimLivesMatter, perhaps they should stop killing each other so willy-nilly around the world. Maybe they could come more forcefully against things like ISIS beheading people, like another recent event where they took the heads of eight men accused of being members of Israel and Egypt’s armies.
Chapel Hill Police Department press release pic.twitter.com/2ZQZWkFwcJ
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 11, 2015

Teach how about posting some links to LiveLeak showing Aftican witches being burned to death by Christians ?
And stop it with that no they were poisoners
Refuting the legitimacy if the King James Bible might get you death by burning
Or maybe some links to good Southern Baptists having a great 15000 strong picnic/lynching/castration party
Or mention that there hasn’t been a mass lynchhing here in the USA by Christians since the 1940s
Nice deflection. Perhaps you missed where ISIS killed some witches, too?
You certainly missed where I condemned the African witch burning, especially since it has nothing to do with Bible, specifically the old Testament.
Say, I missed your comments in yesterday’s post on the Crusader Challenge. Will you take it up?
John-remember, punctuation is your friend.
sorry john the boy was an atheist who was a facebook fan of the splc, anti conservative groups, and was a lefie … now the news is reporting it may have been over a traffic or parking incident ….. john your hate and bigotry is again showing
[…] NevÂerÂtheÂless we’re already seeÂing a hashÂtag #musÂlimÂlivesÂmatÂter. at Pirates Cove William Teach already has an answer to this: […]
[…] Nevertheless we’re already seeing a hashtag #muslimlivesmatter. at Pirates Cove William Teach already has an answer to this: […]