Let’s play a game, called “What If Bush Had Done This?” Obama played his little selfie stick Schtick in order to drum up support for Ocare, apparently think that the young people the video was aimed at are idiots. But, consider
(Hot Air) But there is more to mourn here than simply the devaluation of the stature of the presidential office, a feature of the executive branch that many see as unduly inflated and the loss of which they will not grieve. According to reports, this video was shot mere hours after the United States government confirmed that another of its citizens, Kayla Mueller, died in ISIS custody. The day that this video was shot, February 10, was also the day in which American embassy staff and security personnel abandoned Yemen amid chaos and violence.
Well, perhaps Obama hadn’t had the chance to learn all that from the news.

Even if Bush had done something like this, it wouldn’t excuse this disgraceful behavior by Obama.
But it’s nothing new. After James Foley was beheaded, Obama interrupted his vacation to make a few remarks, then jumped back into his gold cart to resume playing.
Some 2.5 million Americans die each year, and that’s almost 7,000 a day.
Only the most of odious right-wingers would make political hay from a young woman’s death. Disgusting. I’m sure her family appreciates your concern.
Oh Jeffrey, pull your face out of Obama’s crotch and try taking a look at the reality around you.
In case you missed it, (and you probably did since it contradicts your world view) the young woman’s death has been used as political fodder by a lot of groups – including many on the left.
Perhaps yours sense of smell degrades when you are standing in the midst of the stench coming from the left.
And you’re right. Your hypocrisy is disgusting.
Our resident fool focuses on the supposed reaction to the killing rather than those who killed. Ignorant.
Suck my balls, jarhead.
And the resident blogger posts about the President’s response or non-response and not about the victims. Pathetic.