Most people understand that heavy handed government regulation is a Bad Idea, at least when it comes to that same heavy handed government regulation directly affecting their own lives
(CNS News) Matthew Berry, chief of staff to Federal Communications Commissioner Ajit Pai,pointed out that only nine percent of Americans support the commission’s plan to regulate the Internet.
“More Americans believe in witches (21%) than support Pres. Obama’s Internet regulation plan as it stands (9%),†Berry Tweeted on Friday.
Berry was referring to the findings of a poll conducted over the weekend that found that only nine percent of Americans support the “net neutrality†regulations set for a vote next Thursday. The study was conducted by Hart Research Associates, a Democratic polling firm.
In a 2005 poll looking at beliefs in the paranormal, Gallup found that more than twice that number – 21 percent – of Americans “believe in witches.†The poll also found that 24 percent of Americans believe that “extraterrestrial beings” have visited Earth.
We also find in the poll
- 56% of Americans do not believe that the government should take a stronger and more active role in overseeing and regulating the Internet. Only 33% favor such government action.
- 53% of Americans believe that it would be harmful for the FCC to do what President Obama has requested and regulate the Internet using the same authority it has used to regulate telephone service. Only 32% believe taking that step would be helpful.
Those who are in favor are either fools or believe that these draconian and burdensome regulations will make sure that their political opponents and people they do not like will be shut up. 79% also want the FCC to release the actual text of the plan, all 332 pages, prior to the upcoming vote, something the Democrats who run the FCC refuse to do.
Ted Cruz did a great job in explaining why the net neutrality plan is a Bad Idea
Let me tell you another reason. I’ve mentioned that I used to work in the wireless industry, from 1994-2010. I started when it was still called “cellular”. As time when on, and we hit the late 90’s, the “joke” in the industry was that the USA was 5 years behind the rest of the world. Which was almost true. The rest of the world had jumped into using SMS, MMS, wireless internet, heck, even color displays, way before the US. Why? A couple of reasons. One was that the US is a very big country with a spread population, one which travels on roads quite a bit. Americans wanted coverage. Putting up towers takes capital, and could take up to 2 years to accomplish. It doesn’t happen by magic. There were quite a few considerations, such as “will this tower make money or is it a need tower (such us might be on a major highway, but they would be very spread out. Remember dropping calls on highways?)”. Making sure there were enough channels available to place calls (yes, that is a thing). Oh, and dealing with massive government regulations, requirements, permits, and permission.
I remember a time when a city council member from Wake Forest came in to my store and complained about coverage in WF. A big boss happened to be in store that day, and informed said council member that the council was blocking BellSouth Mobility DCS from building towers in the city limits. Huh.
Another big problem was government regulation overall. The government did a great job in stifling innovation. Hence, most big tech advances in wireless occurred overseas. They had been texting and picture messaging and using the Internet on their phones for years prior to the US getting it. The phones with the most tech tended to be foreign in origin. Ericsson, chief among them. Sony. Nokia. When we finally saw wireless Internet, what is called WAP (wireless access protocol), it had a maximum speed of 14.4kbs, with a true access of 9.6kbs. In other parts of the world it was considerably faster. I could go on and on, but government regulation helped stifle innovation.
Net Neutrality will stifle innovation, drive out business, and be used as a political tool. Those who love the idea of restrictions on content that they do not like should remember that they themselves could end up on the short end.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

I was at a meeting and someone expressed a belief in something that would be considered a hate crime in Canada. (I’m Canadian) I wanted to ask them why they believed this but the occasion was not appropiate. When I went home I went to Google “why people who believe this belive this,” buy thought better of it as i did not want my Google search to raise any red flags anywhere. This saddened me as I then realised that yes our right to free speech was being curtailed. His views were extreme and likely false but I wanted to know why he believed them. i also believe that he had the right to express them and then those that opposed these beliefs will have had the opportunity to convince him otherwise.
The incomparable John Oliver blasts the FCC: