It was actually rather tough, figuring out the headline, since this letter to the Duluth News Tribune by Peter Johnson is a mishmash of Warmist thoughts beliefs
Reader’s view: Newspapers should publish climate-change evidence
Human-caused climate change is real and supported overwhelmingly by climate scientists worldwide.
It’s funny how so many man-made global warming deniers deny receiving payments from conservative organizations or financial support from big oil, big coal and powerful lobbyists who can influence legislation. However, if one researches, one typically discovers conservative roots spending conservative money.
Yet, believers in Hotcoldwetdry, overwhelmingly obtain “payments” from Left leaning organizations and Government. How is that money any better? Oh, right, I’m not supposed to ask inconvenient questions. BTW, Warmists organizations also receive funding from fossil fuels companies.
Considering this, it’s grossly unethical that ordinary people be successfully duped by conservative propaganda — as well as the testimony of self-appointed “experts†who supposedly see through an alleged liberal hoax.
Is it ethical to rely almost solely on computer models from, to put it generously, on flawed data? Is it ethical to force one’s almost religious belief sets on other people while refusing to practice them yourself?
A popular conspiracy theory proposes that scientists are seeking to control future energy markets at the behest of Democrats and are pressured by Democrats to skew research. That’s ironic since, from the 1970s on, climate scientists have dispensed the same essential findings, no matter which party controlled Washington. They also must have used a time machine to visit 2015 and gain accurate information about today’s climate conditions. Or were they just lucky to promote a massive conspiracy that actually came true — based on guesses?
Yeah, remember when these same climate scientists were Very Concerned about the coming ice age? Too bad the conditions via their talking points and computer models keep being invalidated by real world data. BTW, I’ve never heard the conspiracy theory offered.
How about asking newspapers to publish weekly debates between learned climate scientists and their opponents? They could then offer evidence supporting or refuting specific arguments, not just shots in the dark taken without prior knowledge of which issues will be discussed.
I’m all in for that one. Too bad that very few Warmists will actually debate actual Skeptics, because the Warmists usually lose. And lose badly. And look bad. Really bad. Foolish. And like they have a political agenda.
Mr. Johnson wraps up by seemingly pushing the notion that newspapers should actually refuse to publish anything from Skeptics. Is anyone surprised?

Peter Johnson is little jeffery!
“Human-caused climate change is real and supported overwhelmingly by climate scientists worldwide.”
I agree! And Astrology is real and supported overwhelmingly by astrologist scientists worldwide!
So teach I guess you must think ALL governments are “left leaning”?
Kevin the USAF believes in AGW maybe you should use a different avatar one that conforms more to your views
Well, all governments that you support are left leaning. Does that answer your question?
Who exactly is this “USAF” fellow or woman? Do you have his or her address?
Tell us john, if your boss wants you to support something, do you you support it? Or do you walk around telling everyone how you are against what the boss wants? (Sorry…. that is assuming that you ever worked before which may or may not be accurate since you seem to disdain work and are more for taking money from others.)
Also, Kevin’s avatar is a shot of the A-10, a plane that pilots, crews and people on the ground love. It is less costly and does its mission better than it’s proposed replacement.
Of course you would support the replacement as it costs taxpayers more and doesn’t do the job as well.
Sucks to be you.
“Human caused climate change is real and is supported overwhelmingly by climate scientists world wide.” Very telling, that line. Actually, if true, it would read “human caused climate change is real and is supported overwhelmingly by the data.” But it isn’t, because it’s not.
the military is doing what it is told to do by the civilian authority .. the air force believes nothing … grow up j …. like that will happen
Interesting deflection, John.
Newspapers should and do publish only what they believe will help their bottom line
They are under no obligation to publish debate on the existence or non existence of unicorns