Well, that’s strange, don’t you think? Of course, don’t cry any tears for BCBS or any other insurance companies that willfully, enthusiastically, and wholeheartedly embraced the Affordable Care Act
(Raleigh N&O) Blue Cross and Blue Shield, the state’s largest health insurer, said Friday that it posted its first financial loss in 15 years as a result of insuring high numbers of older and sicker people under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
The Chapel Hill organization signed up 257,704 people under the federal health care law, which requires insurers to provide coverage regardless of a customer’s health condition.
New enrollees last year swelled Blue Cross’s covered membership to 3.91 million people, and boosted revenue by 25 percent to an all-time high of $8 billion.
But steep medical claims – for hip and knee replacements, heart procedures, specialty drugs and other costs – drove up medical claims from $5 billion in 2013 to $6.4 billion in 2014. Blue Cross also paid $156 million in ACA-related fees, a new cost for the company.
As a result, Blue Cross posted a loss of $50.6 million last year, compared to net income of $92.6 million in 2013. It’s the first annual loss for Blue Cross since 1999.
One thing BCBS notes is that the people they were signing up were older and sicker. The pool of new enrollees who were younger and healthier did not materialize, just like with most Exchanges.
The architects of the ACA foresaw a surge of sicker customers and created an insurance pool to cover losses for affected insurers. Blue Cross plans to seek $120 million from the pool this year and booked $60 million in pre-tax revenue it expects to collect in the coming three years.
I’ll admit, that’s the first time I’ve truly heard of this deep pool. Weren’t the younger and healthier supposed to cover that? Apparently, said architects knew that what they were actually telling the public was a load of mule fritters.
Of course, opponents of the ACA noted that with this “free” and “cheap” health insurance people would use it willy nilly, increasing costs, and shifting the costs to the American taxpayer even more.
Meanwhile, Politico runs an article by Abbe R. Gluck about King v Burwell, which complains that the suit is really about States Rights, which is a bad thing or something
King v. Burwell—the challenge to the Affordable Care Act that the Supreme Court will hear on March 4th—is about more than health care. Court watchers have finally begun to realize that the case is also all about states’ rights. And while the challengers have tried to submerge this issue—because it dramatically undermines their case—its centrality to King has become undeniable.
The challengers maintain that the case is simply about reading plain language. (I have detailed elsewhere why their hyper-literal reading of four words out of context is anything but plain and is not how the Supreme Court usually reads statutes.) But King is about a lot more than this. The case is about federalism—the role of states in our national democracy. The reason the challengers don’t want anyone to realize that is because the very text-oriented justices to whom they are appealing are the exact same justices who have consistently interpreted federal laws to protect states’ rights. And the challengers would read the ACA in the opposite way—as having devastating implications for the states.
Or, it could simply be about one of the most lopsidedly passed bills in U.S. history, which passed without one Republican vote, was not read by those who voted to pass it, and, furthermore, those “four words” being exactly in context of what the architects wanted, to force States to create their own exchanges.
If this was primarily about States Rights, they could file a suit which follows the 10th Amendment, which specifically would stop the ACA, since it is not a power delegated to the Federal Government. Leftists, though, do not like States Rights, because they love the notion of a Central Government dictating everything.

That is the price you pay when you get in bed with the devil. You A-holes thought you would reap massive profits when you forced everyone to buy insurance.
50 million dollars WOW that sure is a lot of money Teach ! Of course it is but a drop in a big bucket compared to the 6.4 illion dollar number
Let’s see if that loss of 50 million was in any way significant
– 50.000,000
Is there really any difference? Between those numbers? Looks like Blue cross may have to raise its rates like 0.1% next year just to cover that cost
Of course health costs always go up BUT since ACA has come on that rate of increase has gone down
Beaner. Was math a tough subject for you in school?
No,it wasn’t. Three semesters of Calculus and a semester of Advanced Engineering Mathematics was hard but I got through it in college.
Was sarcasm tough for you? It must be since anyone reading this article knows the insurance companies thought their profits would be more profitable and bonuses for the big wigs would be bigger.
Thanks for the reply, It restores my belief that you are a total jerk.
No it wasn’t. Three semesters of Calculus and semester of Advanced Engineering Mathematics was hard but I got through it.
Was sarcasm tough for you? It must be since anyone with a brain reading this sob story would conclude it is just a bunch of whiney executives not getting the big bonuses they thought they would receive as a result of bigger profits.
Thanks for the reply to my first post since it restores my belief of what a big jerk you are.
So, let me see if I have this correct. $50 million is a tiny number not worthy of consideration. A 1.4F increase in global temps in 150 years is freaking doom.
Anyhow, now that we’ve established that $50 million is negligible, liberals can stop whining about The Rich. Oh, wait, liberals complain about people making $250k, so that completely invalidates what John was yammering on about, which was completely off topic.
I have often wondered why at least one state has not filed a suit. Sure wish the 10th was used every time the feds try to extend their reach.
As for the insurance companies you reap what you sow.
[…] William Teach on The Pirate’s Cove: BCBS NC Posts First Loss In 15 Years, Blames Obamacare […]
So john calls someone ‘math challenged’ but he thinks that 6,400,000,000 minus 50,000,000 equals 6,395,000,000.
Really genius?