Monthly Archives: February 2015

#MuslimLivesMatter: Man Kills Three Muslims In Chapel Hill

Obviously, this is one of those horrible actions by evil Christians, right? (tweets via Twitchy) (Raleigh N&O) Police charged a Chapel Hill man Wednesday with first-degree murder in the deaths of three Muslim students in a quiet neighborhood near Meadowmont just south of N.C. 54. Craig Stephen Hicks, 46, is being held in […]

Smart Power: Team Obama Abandons Embassy In Yemen

Well, at least they learned something from the Benghazi affair (Fox News) The State Department announced late Tuesday that the U.S. Embassy in Yemen had been closed and evacuated after much of the country was taken over by Shiite rebels last month. Hours later, Britain and France followed suit and ordered their citizens to leave […]

Have You Ever Read A Book That Seemed More Like A Newspaper Or Magazine Article?

In all my years, I don’t think I’ve ever read a book that unintentionally mimicked a newspaper or magazine article. I’ve read, and enjoyed (and not enjoyed) fiction books that were intended to be like a non-fictional account, such as Zombie War by Nicholas Ryan (his 3 other zombie books are damned good, too). However, […]

Major Snowstorms Are Cause For “Climate Change” Concern

I’d wonder if Warmists are trolling Skeptics with this kind of insanity, but, no, they really do believe this Major snowstorms in B.C. prompt climate-change worries Warm weather and rain linked to the Pineapple Express weather system is forcing Mount Washington Alpine Resort on Vancouver Island to shut down its winter operations as of Monday, […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fridge contributing to heat hiding in the deep oceans, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Israel Matzav, with a post on Obama playing the race card against Netanyahu.

Atlanta Radio Host Offers Crusader Wager

One of the things I mentioned (multiple times) regarding Obama’s cute little “hey, but Christians were bad hundreds and thousands of years ago” comment at the National Prayer Breakfast, a comment that refused to acknowledge the problems with extremist Islam, was that so many immediately went on the defensive, throwing out comparisons, and, really, going […]

It’s Bobby Jindal Vs The World, Baby!

Yes, I know, Bobby Jindal supposedly has some problems, but, then, what politician doesn’t? Including Republicans. It all depends on the level of problems. Jeb Bush? Big problems, such as Common Core and his amnesty belief. Marco Rubio? Amnesty. Rick Perry? Never sure what blunder will come from his mouth. Mike Huckabee? I like the […]

Man With Largest Footprint In World Thinks “Climate Change” Bigger Threat Than Terrorism

Mr. Obama is a guy who has a massive, giant “carbon footprint”, estimated several years ago to be 41000 metric tons. The average American’s footprint was rated at 19mt, and I doubt that Obama’s has actually gone down. This is a guy who will take a cross-country trip to attend a brief official event before […]

Buzzfeed Seems Shocked That People Can Be Fired For Exceeding Their Work Hours

Hyper-leftist Buzzfeed runs this story in their business section, as written by Sapna Maheshwari, who, like most liberals, seems shocked at The Way Business Works Staples Threatens To Fire Staff For Working More Than 25 Hours A Week Last year Alice*, 19, typically clocked anywhere from 25 hours to 40 hours a week at the […]

Strange: An Ancient Event Confirms That The Climate Changes

Of course, this ancient event is supposed to create fear and anxiety and push Other People to give up their use of fossil fuels and move towards a 15th Century lifestyle Climate Change Predications Confirmed by Ancient Warming Event Current climate change predictions have been confirmed by an ancient warming event that surpasses today’s warming […]

Pirate's Cove