February 7, 2015 – 6:47 am
I’ve said many, many times over the years, and, in particular, over the past few days, that Liberals like to use language designed specifically to deflect from the given subject. They create strawmen, they throw out words and phrases such as “racist!”, “bigot!”, “settled science”, and “Islamophobia”, they attempt to put people on the defense, […]
February 7, 2015 – 6:38 am
This is apparently a real thing (via Twitchy) (Foreign Policy)  Critics of President Barack Obama’s foreign policy have for years assailed his administration for responding too slowly to crises ranging from Syria to Russia. In a far-reaching blueprint released Friday that outlines the administration’s worldview, the White House insisted the United States is leading the […]
February 6, 2015 – 1:49 pm
Here’s one of those causes brought on by nature that have an effect on the climate (UK Daily Mail) Volcanoes lurking hidden under the world’s oceans may play a far greater role in climate change than previously thought, according to a new study. Scientists have found that underwater volcanoes, which were long assumed to ooze […]
February 6, 2015 – 1:00 pm
…are horrible plastic bottles causing heat induced snow from climate change, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Sister Toldjah, with the headline of the day. BTW, please recycle those bottles. “Climate change” may be a load of mule fritters, but pollution is real.
February 6, 2015 – 9:48 am
Nothing worse than a whiny Islamic jihadi (UK Daily Mail) A British extremist accused of faking his death to return to UK posed with a severed head in Syria – but moaned when he did not have enough toilet paper. Imran Khawaja, 27, posed for the picture while with the Rayat al-Tawheed (RAT) insurgents to […]
February 6, 2015 – 7:11 am
Of course, none of the articles actually mention that the State legislator proposing this is a Democrat (Time) It’s difficult to vote if you’re dead. (Unless you live in Chicago. Or New York. Or Florida.) But an Indiana lawmaker is hoping to make election season a bit easier for the recently departed at least. Indiana […]
February 6, 2015 – 6:49 am
Hmm, a very Left learning university full of Left leaning students is having a problem with “hate speech” on a smartphone app, so, hey, let’s consider blocking the app (WRAL) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is considering banning a smartphone app that some say encourages hate speech, but other schools say free […]
February 5, 2015 – 2:37 pm
He, unshockingly, has a big problem in naming Islamic terrorism and extremism, but does trot out the leftist trope about those evil Christians (AP) President Barack Obama condemned those who seek to use religion as a rationale for carrying out violence around the world, declaring Thursday that “no god condones terror.” “We are summoned to […]
February 5, 2015 – 1:00 pm
…is horrible canned food that makes people fat which is bad for climate change, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Fire Andrea Mitchell, with a post noting that every business started by Al Sharpton has tax problems.
February 5, 2015 – 10:00 am
This sounds familiar. As I’ve noted multiple times, Warmists claimed that “climate change” would cause more tropical storms that would impact land, especially blowing a gasket after the big year of 2005. Almost immediately, tropical systems started drying up, with landfalling storms dropping considerably. Then they claimed that Hotcoldwetdry would mean that there would not […]