Monthly Archives: February 2015

ISIS Throws Another Gay Man From Roof, Stoned To Death When Survives

Here’s your Religion of Peace (UK Daily Mail) A man has reportedly been blindfolded and thrown off a tower block in Syria for ‘being gay’ before being stoned to death after surviving the fall. New images have emerged appearing to show ISIS militants hurling the man off the seven-storey building in the town of Tal […]

NY Times Is Very Concerned Over Chris Christies Luxury Travel

Alternate title: NY Times Totally Unconcerned About Barack Obama’s Luxury Travel On Public Credit Card (NY Times) As Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey waited to depart on a trade mission to Israel in 2012, his entourage was delayed by a late arrival: Mr. Christie’s father, who had accidentally headed to the wrong airport. A […]

Bummer: “world could turn nearly uninhabitable within current lifetimes” From Hotcoldwetdry

Doom Abrupt Climate Change, Already? There are some serious scientists who believe it is already here. If their analysis is correct, the world could turn nearly uninhabitable within current lifetimes. And those serious scientists are looking at real data, right? Nevertheless, it’s the scientists who base their opinion on first hand knowledge, “boots on the […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible plastic water bottle causing desertification, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on home ownership rates.

Global Warming Created Snow Is Like Totally Bad For Animals

Because animals never had to deal with winter before Winter Storms Impact Connecticut Wildlife In Different Ways by Gregory B. Hladky Bitter cold and heavy snowfall of the kind we’ve been experiencing lately is usually just an inconvenience for people. For Connecticut’s wildlife, these violent winter storms can be life or death events. Deep snow […]

Surprise: Libyan Officials Were Very Concerned About Arms Transfers Ending Up In Hands Of Jihadis

Here’s the Obama/Clinton “Smart Power” at work (Washington Times) Libyan officials were deeply concerned in 2011, as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was trying to remove Moammar Gadhafi from power, that weapons were being funneled to NATO-backed rebels with ties to al Qaeda, fearing that well-armed insurgents could create a safe haven for terrorists, […]

Obama Budget Pushes Overseas Corporate Profit Tax

This makes it pretty darned clear that Obama is simply looking to pick a fight with not just Congressional Republicans, but all Republicans and conservatives. The only other option is that he is completely divorced from reality, that he’s a total political hack, that he’s still out of ideas, and has absolutely no idea that […]

If All You See…

…is horrible pizza which makes people fat which makes climate change worse, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Lady Liberty 1885, who goes into rant mode about passing stopped school buses.

Sorta Blogless Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in America. It’s Super Bowl day. I’ll admit, this one really doesn’t excite me. I dislike the Seahawks, and, after Deflategate, I can’t root for the Patriots. And I don’t watch for the commercials. Oh, well. Anyhow, I’m not sure who did this pinup. What is happening in Ye Olde […]

ISIS Beheads Japanese Hostage

The Religion Of Peace at work (Japan Times) Despite an unusual lull that had raised hopes hostage Kenji Goto might be freed, many in Japan were shocked Sunday to learn the Islamic State group had apparently executed him. In a new video posted online early in the morning, the same masked man seen in previous […]

Pirate's Cove