Monthly Archives: February 2015

Climate Weenies Totally Worried About Megadrought

Today’s “zOMG, we’re doooooooomed!” story Megadrought may plague parts of USA We ain’t seen nothing yet: The intense drought in California is only an appetizer compared with what’s coming this century across much of the western and central USA, according to a study out Thursday. During the years 2050 to 2100, the Southwest and Great […]

If All You See…

…is a wise use of water than the evil dishwasher, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Director Blue, with a post on Obama mainstreaming anti-Semitism.

Surprise: Skeptics Edge Out Warmists In Climate Change Knowledge Study

Granted, the study is rather limited and only scratches the surface (Fox News)  Are global warming skeptics simply ignorant about climate science? Not so, says a forthcoming paper in the journal Advances in Political Psychologyby Yale Professor Dan Kahan. He finds that skeptics score about the same (in fact slightly better) on climate science questions. […]

Climate Change Totally Means Bigger Snow Storms And Cold Snaps

Hot? Climate change. Wet? Climate change. Dry? Climate change. Snow? Cold? Yup, climate change. Extreme Weather Exposes Serious City Flaws Deespite the Patriots winning the Super Bowl, January and February were not kind months for the people of Boston and New England. By February 10th, more than 60 inches of snow in 30 days fell […]

Obama Illegal Aliens Program Pretty Much Includes Pathway To Citizenship

We probably shouldn’t be surprised that Team Obama was trying to pull a fast one (Washington Times) The Obama administration quietly told Congress this week that its deportation amnesty programs will, in fact, include a pathway to citizenship, according to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, who said that breaks a promise President Obama made […]

Clueless President Chimes In On Chapel Hill Murders

This incompetent Boob has no clue (WRAL) President Barack Obama expressed outrage Friday over the shooting deaths of three students in Chapel Hill this week. “No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like or how they worship,” Obama said in a statement. […]

Semi-retired President Played With Selfies On Day It Was Confirmed Kayla Mueller Was Killed

Let’s play a game, called “What If Bush Had Done This?” Obama played his little selfie stick Schtick in order to drum up support for Ocare, apparently think that the young people the video was aimed at are idiots. But, consider (Hot Air) But there is more to mourn here than simply the devaluation of […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible gas fired stove, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on Obama’s Internet power grab. And a big happy 52nd birthday to Gator Doug!

“Climate Change” Experts Claim Winter Storms Will Get Worse

This is the evolution of Hotcoldwetdry at play Experts: Climate Change May Make Northeast Winter Storms Worse The idea of a snow day is becoming less and less appealing as the city and surrounding areas suffer one winter storm after the other. Snow has been no friend to the Northeast this winter, and as another storm […]

Civil Rights Leaders Get Big Lesson In Police Shoot/Don’t Shoot Situations

It’s very easy for people not in situations to say how the police should have handled them. It’s rather different when you yourself are put in those situations (Fox News) It was a split-second decision. A distressed man with a baby in tow was pacing back and forth in a manic state and shouting incoherently. […]

Pirate's Cove