Fortunately, this had a better outcome than for the Jordanian pilot
(UK Daily Mail) A group of children in Yemen have attempted to burn a 10-year-old boy to death after first locking him in a cage in a shocking imitation of the Islamic State’s murder of a Jordanian pilot.
As many as seven boys are believed to have attacked the as-yet unnamed victim in Al Dahthath village in the country’s northern Ibb province.
The defenceless child was then locked in a wooden cage and had petrol poured over his body before being set alight. Thankfully a group of locals spotted the attack and managed to save the boy’s life, although he was still left with horrific burn injuries on his legs.
Local journalist Mohammad Mouzahem was told about the attack and posted details of it on his Facebook page, according to Gulf News.
The boys are understood to have been inspired by murders committed by ISIS after using mobile phone apps such as WhatsApp to share gruesome videos of the terror group’s atrocities, despite living in a remote village where electricity supplies are unreliable.
Anyone still think ISIS and extremist Islam aren’t serious concerns? Beware the link, which contains graphic photos of the child’s burned legs.
Meanwhile, also at the UK Daily Mail
The Gaddafi clan’s most senior figurehead has warned of ‘a 9/11 in Europe within two years’, while claiming that ISIS forces in Libya are now recruiting migrants to their terror cause with promises of ‘white virgins’.
Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s cousin and former intelligence official, has professed that ‘not less than half a million’ migrants will set sail from Libya to European shores this year.
Among them, he claims, are thousands of terrorists, who will soon be running amok in Europe culminating in a terror strike on the same scale as the September 11th attacks.
Mr Gaddaf al-Dam, one of several high-profile regime figures who fled to Egypt during the 2011 revolution, gave an interview to MailOnline as the North African state descends into ever-worsening chaos and bloodshed.
There is also a new terror threat at Charlie Hebdo, as police chase drones hovering over the building as well as many other sensitive areas.
Meanwhile, ISIS threw yet another gay man off a building while an enthusiastic crowd watched. One has to wonder when Liberals, who profess to be champions of gay people, will turn on ISIS and extremist Islam. One also has to wonder why so many news outlets refuse to cover what the UK Daily Mail covers daily.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Maybe what it shows is the power of corporatist, sensationalist media to push a meme. How did the boys in Yemen learn of this? Maybe they watch FOX.
What are conservative doomsday cultists doing that liberals should be doing?
Teach how about noting that burning witches in Christian Africa happens about 10
Times each day
Or maybe psting the live leak videos of witch burning?
Or maybe you still don’t
Think that is a problem since it is what the bible commands
Interesting. Here we have a boy set on fire and both John and Jeff deflect.
Interesting. Teach attacks liberals for Yemeni boys burning another boy.
I’ll ask again:
What are conservative doomsday cultists doing that liberals should be doing?
Bueller? Bueller?
Crickets chirping…
Sorry, J. The only “doomsday cultists” are climate astrologers. They are the ones running around whining about doomsday scenarios. That you would fail to see the obvious is interesting. Anyway- Stand by for: “But..but..but.. Christians a thousand years ago did…..” in 3..2…1.
the old religion of peace at it again .. and the leftists blame Christians .. why not join with the evil jimmy carter and blame Jews? I am sure you want to
I’m really hoping he (Jeffrey) responds here. The only doomsayers alive today, in my world, are the far left climate armageddonists and the jihadists. Everyone else thinks the world’s going to turn out great. Which is good because it definitely will.
I want to know what groups he thinks disagree with this outlook.
We’re all gonna die! Those iron-age Muslims are coming to get us! LOL
What are conservative doomsday cultists doing that liberals should be doing?
Disappointed :(. I’d hoped you’d respond with more thought than that.
Poor baby.