“Climate change” is a fascinating subject to follow and blog about, because there is always some nutter doing/saying/writing something nutty
(WND) Would you gargle with arsenic?
Or juggle nitroglycerin?
Or even poke a poisonous brown recluse spider?
Perhaps not.
But an editorial cartoon published Tuesday in Pennsylvania-based PennLive.com suggests such “idiotic behaviors†is the same as if you deny “human-caused climate change.â€
The banner atop the cartoon says, “Four totally idiotic behaviors,†then has images of people gargling with arsenic, juggling nitroglycerin, poking a brown recluse and denying so-called man-made climate change.
The headline at PennLive reads: “Yes, climate change is real. Stop denying it: A PennLive editorial cartoon.â€
Here’s what that looks like.
Meanwhile, PennLive uses gobs of CO2 emitting energy to publish their cartoon.

Climate truthers are easily offended when science disputes the climate truthers
The continental USA is about 2% of the surface of the planet they trumpet a harsh winter there but choose to ignore the rest of the planet
But unicorns in the bible trump science !
Or something
“The continental USA is about 2% of the surface of the planet ……..but yet they choose to ignore the rest of the planet.” Really? Then why in your post yesterday were you harping on what’s talking place in Alaska and California, which of course are only a small part of the 2%. Consistency isn’t that important with you, is it?
I get all my science from climate scientists and other cartoonists.