Good question. Jen Kuznicki discusses, , especially since Eric Holder once said that Americans are cowards when it comes to discussing race. Of course, Liberals do not want a conversation, they want a soliloquy, which hides their own tendencies which would be considered racist if a Conservative was involved
(CNS News) Starbucks executive Corey duBrowa recently deleted his twitter account, after what he said were abusive comments as a result of his push for a campaign in which his baristas were to engage with customers about race relations.
“I was personally attacked through my Twitter account around midnight last night and the tweets represented a distraction from the respectful conversation we are trying to start around Race Together,” duBrowa said. “I’ll be back on Twitter soon.”
But the whole point of the conversations he promoted, was to get people talking about what is uncomfortable, and controversial. It seems childish to delete his own twitter account over it.
Lost of far left Liberals can dish it out, but not take it. If you jump into the political arena, you best have thick skin
If Starbucks wants us to talk about race, let’s start with why they don’t have Starbucks Coffee Houses in some of America’s cities that are mostly black, or have had a racially charged history?
My friend looked up various cities, and found that there are no Starbucks Coffee Houses in many of them.
Places like Highland Park, Michigan, which is at the center of Detroit, is inhabited by a population that is 94 percent African-American. Or in Benton Harbor, Michigan, which is almost 90 percent African-American. There is not a Starbucks in either town.
There is not a Starbucks in East St. Louis, Illinois, in which 98 percent of the population is African-American. Nor is there one in Gary, Indiana, whose population is 85 percent African-American.
The recent remembrance of the march on Selma, Alabama had the president walking down the street with many people who fought for civil rights, but once again, Selma doesn’t have a Starbucks. Neither does Ferguson, Missouri.
If you further look at the racial dot map and zoom in, then compare it to a Google map noting Starbucks’ locations, you will see that Starbucks tends to avoid Black neighborhoods, such as in D.C. and Seattle. Seattle being the home base for Starbucks. The closest Starbucks to Selma is in Montgomery, and, in fairness, 1 of the 6 Starbucks locations is in a mixed racial area.
Why does this heavily liberal company tend to avoid locating stores in Black areas? Do they not think Blacks would like coffee? Could it be that the company is racist, to use the language of the Left?
In reality, Starbucks locations are a great measure of economic activity. Selma’s economic activity is pretty poor. So is that in Ferguson. Perhaps Starbucks could help increase economic activity by locating stores in those areas.
More: Juan Williams is upset that people are engaging in their constitutional ability to make fun of Starbucks. What did I write about a soliloquy?

Do you really think a Starbucks in impoverished areas will solve the poverty there? Of course you don’t – the suggestion is just part of your smear of Starbucks for daring to talk about race.
I do not think the writer is smearing Starbucks in this article. It just sounds like they are pointing out that in reality starbucks is “all talk and no action”. This same concept can be applied to many different situations. for example, just recently Gabby gifford was stumping in an eastern state for a state gun control law……but she does not live in that state. If she feels that strong about that particular states gun laws then she sould be willing to relocate there and register as a voter.
From an economic aspect of the article, it shows that maybve starbicks is not doing “their fair share”. If they did push for coffee shops to be opened up in more areas that are predominately black, then they would be providing jobs, neighborhood stability and a broader tax base to the local governments. It would help the local areas to improve infrastructure and programs. starbucks wants to talk about the “problems” but does not go very far to be part of the solution.
Cuz they only open Starbucks shops in neighborhoods full of entitled people who need a good talking to
[…] …or…lack thereof. […]
the store wants to make money not get robbed daily or be burnt down …. starbucks like all lefty groups is a fraud … and their coffee is nasty
Teach I am surprised you did not check to see if in fact there was a Starbucks in Selma
There is in fact one there check its Yelp review if you wish and start fact checking and print a correction if needed
They do have a Starbucks in Selma pop that right wing bubble you live in
Starbucks exists for the sole purpose of making money, and businessmen open stores where they believe they can most efficiently make money.
There are no other concerns anywhere close to as important.
Dana couldn’t be more right. Businesses prime directive is to produce a profit.
Apparently you did not take your own advice john, because there is no Starbucks in Selma.
You mean the review found here?
So let’s see….. Montgomery is not Selma.. Prattville is not Selma either. Your statement is factually wrong.
There is no Starbucks in Selma.
Furthermore, if you look at the Starbucks store locator for Selma, Al, you’ll see that Starbucks doesn’t show any stores in Selma either. If you look at the map, all of the stores listed for Selma are east of I-65.
Selma, of course, is WEST of I-65.
Of course, it could be that Starbucks lost one of their stores and doesn’t know where it is. That’s always a possibility. But for the rest of us who can actually read and understand maps, there is no Starbucks in Selma.
You were so quick to try and condemn Teach and instead, you exposed your own ignorance.
Funny how John didn’t actually provide a link to it, eh, GC? I had even written “The closest Starbucks to Selma is in Montgomery..”, but, we know that John doesn’t really read the posts.
Ferguson is a small municipality in St. Louis County. If Officer Wilson had desired, after shooting Brown, he could have made a left turn on W. Florissant and driven 1000 feet to a Starbucks. In fact, part of the parking lot is in Ferguson!
Are you really smearing Starbucks for having a store 1000 feet away from where Brown was killed?
In fact, Starbucks are dotted around the near North St. Louis County, which is heavily populated by Black Americans.
I don’t have a Starbucks within 1000 feet of my home or work. Do you? I have to drive almost 2 miles to my nearest Starbucks. Do you think Starbucks is anti-white for not having a store in the middle of my working class neighborhood?