Scott Walker, like most politicians (and, really, most people), has his good points and bad points vis a vis political beliefs. As Allahpundit notes, he’s pretty much always been an amnesty shill, so it would be rather difficult for him to “shift his stance”, at least his true one, as the Wall Street Journal writes, as Walker goes down the road of Establishment Republican amnesty belief
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker told a private dinner of New Hampshire Republicans this month that he backed the idea of allowing undocumented immigrants to stay in the country and to eventually become eligible for citizenship, a position at odds with his previous public statements on the matter…
But during the March 13 New Hampshire dinner, organized by New Hampshire Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Horn at the Copper Door Restaurant in Bedford, Mr. Walker said undocumented immigrants shouldn’t be deported, and he mocked 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s suggestion that they would “self-deport,†according to people who were there…
“He said no to citizenship now, but later they could get it,†said Bill Greiner, an owner of the Copper Door restaurant. Ken Merrifield, mayor of Franklin, N.H., who also attended, said Mr. Walker proposed that illegal immigrants should “get to the back of the line for citizenship†but not be deported.
Dan Riehl notes
Given the history here, it may now be impossible to know precisely where Walker stands, with supporters left to assume the worst — that he’s just another open borders Republican — becoming the default across the conservative grassroots whose support he needs to win.
Team Walker put out a statement, though
“We strongly dispute this account. Governor Walker has been very clear that he does not support amnesty and believes that border security must be established and the rule of law must be followed. His position has not changed, he does not support citizenship for illegal immigrants, and this story line is false,†she announced in an email to journalists Thursday afternoon.
Team Walker might want to consider sending that email to leading Conservative bloggers and news outlets, the people who can make or break Walker during the primaries.
The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin, a big Establishment Republican herself, continues on
There are three aspects to this flap. First, Walker would do well to spell out what he is for, not simply what he is against. He said that this president’s conduct changed his mind on the issue. How it changed and what he now believes are topics he should address forthrightly. Second, he should be wary of chasing voters drawn to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) who inveigh against immigration and toss around economically suspect claims. Walker remains a figure who can unify the party and appeal to non-Republicans in a general election. There is no need to marginalize himself as Mitt Romney did went he introduced “self-deportation†to the 2012 presidential race. Third, for all the huffing and puffing about Bush, immigration reform critics ignore the similarities among the views of Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), former Texas governor Rick Perry and others who emphasize border security first. None of them favor “open borders†or “amnesty.†Rubio, for example, favors border security and measures to counter visa overstay and then an arduous road to citizenship for those here illegally (with fines, payment of back taxes, etc.) and repair of our legal immigration system. It’s not going to please the talk radio show anti-immigration crowd, but let’s remember that they are not representative of the GOP electorate as a whole. Whatever route Walker chooses, he should be clear and unapologetic.
Very much the Establishment POV, though Walker would do well to spell out his actual policy prescriptions. As for the other points, those have been discussed to death, but let’s note that the Establishment immigration plan tends to be smoke and mirrors, allowing legalization without really securing the border, nor making the illegals go down any “arduous road”. The Difference between Democrats and Establishment Republicans is simply in talking points, not end results.
Let me just note once again: deporting the tens of millions of illegals is not impossible, but extremely difficult. And there may just be some who actually want to be part of the American dream. Secure the border, and institute significant civil and criminal penalties on those who hire illegals without doing their due diligence. Make those who provide jobs for visa holders, as well as colleges that accept foreigners, in charge of keeping track of immigration status. Those who want to stay should show they can speak English and have value to America. No social safety net programs for any of them. Period. Let them wait in line like all those who’ve done it the right way. Create conditions where illegals will no longer jump the border nor overstay their visas.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

No social safety net for undocumented kids?
Teach do you really care only about yourself ?
Could this be why you have trouble understanding women ?
Would you prefer to see kids starve rather than have them cared for by the government ?
You know I used to think Cruz was at least a smart guy but when he started babbling about Galileo it was obvious he wasn’t
At lunch the other day, a colleague, who’s a brilliant chemist, a millionaire fiscal conservative, atheist and Republican, asked why I thought we were devolving into an idiocracy. I answered that we a pummeled daily with “information” from blogs, corporate cable, cell phones, advertising and corporate talk radio, and most people don’t have the time to sift through and analyze this “data”.
No offense Teach, but you are wrong more often than right, and you are not even a major blogger. The odious jimhoft, The Gateway Pudendum lies or is mistaken in every post. Glenn Reynolds, the Instaputz, the #1 Conservative blog according to Newsmax, is mostly wrong.
“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.†― Winston S. Churchill
Churchill couldn’t foresee the internet where any easy lie can penetrate every nook and cranny around the world in seconds before the difficult truth, which requires work to explain, can decide which pair of pants to wear.
Addled Aunt Connie’s emotional fantasy about vaccines is now as valid as an NIH researcher’s.
RWNJ (Right-Wing News Journalism aka “FOX News”) is the only major news source re-emphasizing that Obama traded five OH MY GOD terrorists for Bowe Berghdahl. Hillary!! Behghazi!!
This is how you found an idiocracy. We’re a Rafael “Ted” Cruz away from watering crops with Brawndo.
“we a pummeled daily with “information†from blogs, corporate cable, cell phones, advertising and corporate talk radio,”
And yet their influence pales in comparison to the influence of the MSM which operates as a branch of the democrat party.
As to Instapundit being mostly wrong, I’d be curious as to some specifics, and not about Global warming.
John…”Would you prefer to see kids starve rather than have them cared for by the government ?”
How about the parents taking care of the children?
deport and no citizenship …. lice in areas over run by illegals, live in the areas over run by hispanic gangs, libs don’t yet they spew theiur raxcism .. the goal is to create a new plantation, the hacienda for the good little brown people .. thats what libs want …. .illegal aliens are criminals, ever hear of identity theft? and need to be dealt with …. no work visas until the REAL unemployment rate is lower than it is now
“Let me just note once again: deporting the tens of millions of illegals is not impossible, but extremely difficult.”
So what?! Just START it, and see how many illegals take note and choose not to be the next to be caught. Straighten up, or ship out.
The MSM with story after story about the vile Clintons? The MSM cheerleading the invasion of Iraq? The same MSM in the pocket of Wall Street? That supports the Repubicum policy of cutting Social Security and Medicare? The same MSM that thinks there are two sides to global warming?
And you are wrong that commercial television, newspapers and newsmagazines pale in comparison to the minute by minute input of the internet. Other than the unwatched MSNBC and the mega popular FOX, even most cable programs try to be fair, even when serving as bastions of support for the status quo and conventional wisdom.