Monthly Archives: March 2015

The Entire White Fraternity System Is Totally Racist Or Something

Over the past few years we’ve been treated to the notion that college campuses are hotbeds of sexual assault, inappropriate sexual advances, misogyny, and an overall “rape culture”, which is interesting considering that colleges are hotbeds of Liberal thought, ranging the gamut from your basic Democrat voter to far, far, far left Progressives, socialists, Marxists, […]

NY Post: Politicians Fan The Flames Of Cop Hatred

Let’s be clear: not every law enforcement officer deserves respect. Like in all facets of life, there are bad apples. That said… (NY Post) Government-fueled cop hatred has claimed more victims. Two St. Louis-area police officers were shot Wednesday night during a protest outside the Ferguson, Mo., police department, one in the face, the other […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful bicycle that should have been a mandatory replacement for fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is First Street Journal, with a post Democrats not having the same interests as the working class.

Hotcoldwetdry Should Totally Be Renamed “Climate Disruption” Or Something

Because this is what is done with science. Change the names. Remember all those times that the Theory of Gravity was changed to make it more palatable for the masses? Forget Global Warming And Climate Change, Call It ‘Climate Disruption’ People have been learned to cope with change by thinking it’s not all bad, but […]

Next Shutdown Threat: Highway Funding

This is what happens when the Central Government hasn’t actually had a real budget during the entirety of Obama’s time in officer (The Hill) Transportation funding is running on empty, forcing Congress to scramble to meet its next major deadline before the tank runs dry on May 31. Both parties say they want to avoid […]

Surprise: Obama’s Illegal Alien Program Allowed Those Convicted Of Crimes To Remain In U.S.

Mr. Obama will Very Disappointed about this when he learns about it in the news. Of course, unless it is actually broadcast on MSNBC or ESPN, he’ll never know (Associated Press) Federal agents in a sweep targeting the most dangerous criminal immigrants arrested 15 people who have been allowed to remain in the U.S. under […]

We Must Totally Reclaim “Climate Change” Debate From Alarmists And Deniers Or Something

Obviously, all you Alarmists and Deniers are causing great stress to the debate, so there is a great need to get the debate back on track to…a total belief in anthropogenic Hotcoldwetdry. Here’s Mark Lynas at the UK Guardian (which has totally gone all in on being the Official Paper Of Record for the Cult […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible sea from the 1940’s that would soon rise hundreds of feet, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on climate change mummies.

Denying Hotcoldwetdry Is Like Gargling With Arsenic Or Something

“Climate change” is a fascinating subject to follow and blog about, because there is always some nutter doing/saying/writing something nutty (WND) Would you gargle with arsenic? Or juggle nitroglycerin? Or even poke a poisonous brown recluse spider? Perhaps not. But an editorial cartoon published Tuesday in Pennsylvania-based suggests such “idiotic behaviors” is the same […]

Chivalry Is “Benign Sexism”, Which Is Still Super Bad, Or Something

Personally, I just called it “being polite” and treating a lady like a lady Why chivalry may not always be what it seems: Men who hold doors open and smile may actually be sexist, study claims If you’re the sort of gentleman who holds the door open for a lady – or the sort of […]

Pirate's Cove