Leftists love to yammer on about “direct democracy” and involvement by all citizens. As long as those citizens toe the line
(Daily Caller) White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Tuesday that senators who “deny†man-made global warming probably shouldn’t have any say over an international agreement to cut carbon dioxide emissions.
“Well these are individuals whom, many of whom at least, deny the fact that climate change even exists,†Earnest said when asked by a reporter. “So I’m not sure they would be in the best position to decide whether or not a climate change agreement is one that is worth entering into.â€
So sit down, shut up, and just suck up the pain, Skeptics. Democracy? Pfft. There’s a reason Jonah Goldberg referred to Progressives as “nice fascists”. Earnest, and certainly Obama and the rest of the Cult of Climastrology, want neither citizens nor elected members of Congress to have a say, if they refuse to buy into the Cult of Climastrology.
“Well, again, I think it’s hard to take seriously from some members of Congress who deny the fact that climate change exists, that they should have some opportunity to render judgment about a climate change agreement.”
Of course, letting anyone in Congress, much less Skeptical Congress critters, have a say in this agreement is something Team Obama is planning to avoid, by making sure this is not a treaty. They plan on simply making an agreement then implementing it via Executive Orders.
It will be amusing when Liberals start whining about the cost of living increases caused by this plan.

it’s more than ironic that the left, true believers in the power of words, would silence those who disagree with them.
And Jeffrey probably agrees; darn those peasants who voted the evil Deniers into office!
The House and Senate, however, have the authority to set their own agenda, and there is nothing which stops them from taking any executive agreement that the President happens to make, and voting on it.
This is where the Senate has seriously erred: we’ve had several Presidents who have signed treaties that they knew would never be ratified by the Senate, and simply not submitted them to the Senate for ratification. But the Senate has every right to take a signed treaty and hold a ratification vote on it, whether the President submits it or not, and should have done so several times before.
One of the worst things the younger President Bush did was to withdraw our signature from the Kyoto Accords. President Clinton never submitted it to the Senate for ratification, and President Bush disapproved of it. What he should have done was submit it to the Senate for a ratification vote, knowing that it would be rejected.
I’ll take that premise and double down for a thousand, Alex-
“Well, again, I think it’s hard to take seriously this administration who denies the fact that Iran is a leader in state sponsorship of terror, that they should have some opportunity to make a deal with Iran about their nuclear capabilities.â€
It’s 1984 in 2015.
Yes. He’s lazy, and not particularly clever.
The idiot Republicans were elected and have majorities in the House and Senate and can do as they please.