This was something that was Very Important to the UK Guardian (which still hasn’t divested its own portfolio from fossil fuels)
The climate crisis: five demands from young voters
The Guardian went to the University of Sussex to find out what students think about green issues in the run-up to the election. Our panel was chaired by writer and presenter Rick Edwards
And the top 5 demands are
1) Divest from fossil fuels.
Why? Well, because. That’s why.
2) Modernise how we talk about climate change
Apparently because the talking points from the last 25+ years have become stale. Here’s the one that interested me the most
3) Take lifestyle choices seriously. Alternative lifestyles are not to be scoffed at. Young members of the audience spoke with passion about their quest to reduce carbon emissions by becoming vegan, cycling everywhere and boycotting flying. “We need to build a better picture of what a zero-carbon lifestyle looks like,†said Green MP Caroline Lucas from the floor. People might be more encouraged to reduce their carbon emissions if wearable devices, along the lines of Fitbits, existed to gamify the process, said Paul MacInnes. We need to stop tinkering around the edges and be more radical.
I’m 100% behind this. All Cult Of Climastrology members should embrace these alternative lifestyle choices, making their own lives carbon neutral. No use of fossil fuels. Etc and so on. Of course, they’ll then whine about having no money and no lives and demand that Government take care of them.
4) Our current climate change targets aren’t robust or ambitious enough.
Of course. They always want more and more. Which, of course, means more and more government.
5) Don’t let austerity take the focus off the environment. Use environmental initiatives to help us out of the economic crisis.
Well, they haven’t worked at all during the current economic crisis, and many countries, in particular Germany, are moving away from the “environmental initiatives”, which have nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with politics.

>in particular Germany, are moving away from the “environmental initiatives”
What initiatves are those? Is it Cap and Trade?
Ontario papers have been touting that it has not been working well in Europe but that did not stop our government here in Ontario from recently signing on.
Also, Ontario Hydro is so broke that now the govermnment is going to sell 60 percent of it. However, no investor will get more than 10 percent, so the government will still hold the majority voting share. So who would by that stock?
Obama is bloviating unendingly right now about how Italy can improve it’s economy by following his models of success for American. He’s even advising them to reduce bureaucracy, LOL. Yeah. He said that.
Divest ? Perhaps you should post something on the 98% BP shareholder vote on disclosures regarding climate change
China has made a reduction in the coal it imports this will not effect the profits that Dem party donors make
It will effect the Kochs who say they and friends will be contributing 900 million to who ever ends up driving the Gop clown car
Good articles. Sorry about the formatting, the tablet is a pain compared to a real PC and keyboard