Add another to the Republican field. Can’t wait to see the sexism and misogyny aimed her way be those on the political left
(The Hill) Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina plans to announce her White House campaign on May 4, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.
Sources close to the Republican told the paper she is expected to announce her candidacy online and then hold a conference call for the national press.
Fiorina will skip the states with early nominating contests for an appearance in New York that Monday. She then plans on speaking at Techcrunch’s Disrupt NY 2015 conference the following day.
That event coincides with the release of her new book and several cable TV interviews as well, the Journal added.
For my part, I do not know very much about her beyond her time with AT&T and Lucent, both of which had great success, and her time at HP, which didn’t, and that she had run against Barbara Boxer in very liberal California. She, of course, lost. As to her political leanings, I know she’s a Republican. Is she a Reagan Republican? A Tea Party type? An Establishment Republican? We can look to On The Issues, but, this is from 2010. Most of her stances were good at the time, but others were squishy, such as supporting the DREAM Act (though she did come out against most illegal alien amnesty measures and such) and being a bit squishy on “climate change” (though she very much supports domestic energy initiatives and opposed cap and trade). She was definitely for gun freedom, reducing government, against Ocare, for tax reform, and so many other Conservative beliefs. What she thinks now, well, we’ll have to see.
Jim Treacher snarks
How convenient. Now the Rethuglicans can sneer, “See? We don’t hate women. We’ve got a woman running for president!†As if that means anything. This is just a sneak attack in their ongoing #WarOnWomen. How repulsive.
Just more proof, if you need it, that we live in a rape culture.
As for polling, Fiorina is running at the bottom of the pack. Of course, this may be due to the fact that Republicans do not really know her, nor her political stances.
One has to wonder if her big time background in tech will help her out with closing the gap on the Internet, with social media and stuff, something the Democrats still are much better at than Republicans.

It’s a book tour.