While the vast majority of legitimate research seems to prove that CO2 doesn’t cause the warming that the Cult of Climastrology thinks it does, Treehugger’s Sami Grove is both Very Concerned and Very Elated about other research
Cutting emissions slows climate change faster than we thought
Global carbon emissions stalled last year. China’s coal use is falling. Solar power is becoming increasingly competitive. Heck, even some forward thinking utilities arerethinking their reliance on fossil fuels.
For the first Earth Day in a very long time, I am hopeful we might see some very real progress on cutting carbon emissions, much quicker than we ever thought possible. And yet, every time I voice this optimism, the pessimists pipe up:
“We’ll never cut emissions fast enough… Runaway climate change is already upon us… Carbon emissions hang around in the atmosphere for decades… etc etc ”
I too had been under the impression that emissions cuts can take many, many decades to have an impact on the climate. So while tooling around on the internet last night, and trying to avoid annoying EArth Day press releases, I was excited to read oabout new research that came out in December last year, which suggests that CO2 emissions warm the climate quicker than we thought.
Why would he be happy about that? Because, Sami believes that if it warms it quicker, removing it can stop the warming quicker. Hey, maybe that’s the reason for this?

Well that’s great news… but why don’t you share some of that “legitimate research” with the rest of the world? It’s not fair to keep it to yourself.
I see you continue to recite the broken meme that the Earth has stopped warming. The RSS dataset, which purports to measure the atmospheric temperature several kilometers above the Earth’s surface, and which shows much more variability than the other datasets, is the only one that gives you the result you crave so desperately. Datasets that rely on surface temperatures show continued warming that matches quite nicely with CO2 increases, thank you very much.
The residual Deniers are looking more and more like the Flat Earth Society.
Teach why would you think that satellites 100 miles from Earth measuring the atmosphere where almost no one lives would be more reliable than thermometers on the planet surface where I and most everyone else lives ?
The “Lord” Monckton has a powerful hold on his devotees. That seem to overlook his claims that his quack medicine doesn’t cure HIV and multiple sclerosis It even cures Graves disease, that causes bulging bug eyes, most notably in Marty Feldman the comedian. It hasn’t seemed to help all that much in the case that the “Lord” Monckton exhibits.
And did you know he is a birther? well of course he just HAS to be
Jeffrey or John said,
“Teach why would you think that satellites 100 miles from Earth measuring the atmosphere where almost no one lives would be more reliable than thermometers on the planet surface where I and most everyone else lives?”
Surface thermometers are ‘adjusted’ to report whatever the adjuster wants to report. Satellite data is not.
Both statements are false.
Will you please explain how satellite data are gathered?
Poorly and inaccurately placed ‘sic’. I forgive you though.
“Will you please explain how satellite data are gathered?”
Nope. But data ‘is’ gathered. not ‘are’ gathered. It’s a tricky rule in English, upon which you are falling on the wrong side.
If you didn’t know before this that surface thermometer temps are ‘adjusted’, then you are far out of your league here, Jeffrey.
You are almost right on “data is” and I was clearly wrong for correcting you! My go to grammarian, the scrupulously correct “Grammar Girl”, says:
In my real job we treat data as a “count” noun.
I didn’t say I didn’t know about data adjustments, so your snarky evasion is surprising. The question was for you to explain how satellite data are not adjusted and hence, superior to surface thermometer data.
Are YOU aware of the maladjustments in the early UAH satellite as adjusted by Drs. Spencer and Christy, right? If the satellite measurements are direct (they clearly are not) how could the adjustments ever be wrong?? In fact, the only proven significant errors in data adjustment was from in the satellite data of deniers Christy and Spencer! That’s not to say they fudged the data, just that they mistakenly “adjusted” the data, resulting in an underestimation of the atmospheric (not surface) temperature.
Do you have any evidence to support your accusation that the surface (thermometer) temperature readings are falsified?
Here’s a simple summary of the RSS process, obviously leaving out many steps:
A first grader can be taught to read a thermometer, a technology that is many centuries old.
That charlatan windbag, Load Munchkin of Bitchly (according to denier commenter, j), risibly stated that the satellites use very sophisticated platinum resistance thermometers! I don’t think you know much about the topic and are just repeating a denier myth – that temperature data showing warming is fudged.