Monthly Archives: April 2015

Say, How Does Hillary Stack Up When It Comes To “Climate Change”?

This is obviously an Important Question for the Cult of Climastrology (Climate Progress) The choices the next president will make will decide what sort of climate confronts the world this century…. Clinton is by many definitions a climate hawk. Importantly, she has said the President’s use of the Clean Air Act to rein in carbon […]

NY Times Op-Ed: Making Fetus’ A Protected Class Is A Big Mistake

Let’s see: liberals make virtually everyone else a protected class. Gays, minorities, women, Blacks, you name it. Well, except white men. They apparently do not want the unborn to have any protections. Here’s Deborah Tuerkheimer, who tries to tell us that the idea to stop making fetus’ a protected class isn’t about abortion rights How […]

If All You See…

…is a horrid and evil gas grill, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on hate hoaxing to cover murder.

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are chittering, the bunnies are eating my neighbors flowers. This pinup is by Pearl Frush, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 Red State notes that the NY Times thinks political history started […]

Say, Why Does Hillary Want To Be President, Anyhow?

Today’s the day when Hillary plays small ball with her announcement to run for president. At least, we are assuming that she will announce that, rather than saying she is not running. The Washington Post’s Dan Balz has a few questions When Hillary Rodham Clinton arrives in Iowa next week as a candidate for president […]

If All You See…

…is a place featuring capitalist advertisers, who are bad for climate change, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the Liberal Bubble.

Scottish Warmist: Nationalize All Energy

Of course, this is just one guy writing a letter to the Herald Scotland. But, if one Warmist is writing it, how many others are bobbing their head in agreement? Energy must be nationalised to address climate change MES, as the science and engineering literature amply attests, is well established technically. Methods range from electric […]

Game Of Thrones And “Climate Change” Are Totally Linked Or Something

No longer can we just watch a show and be entertained: we must now consider the implications of Serious Issues And Stuff Has ‘Game of Thrones’ Affected the Way People Think About Climate Change? Winter is coming, but no one seems to care. Sound familiar? An invisible force threatens to destroy life as we know […]

Ruth Marcus: The Bathroom Wars For Transgenders Are Totes Serious, You Guys

No, no, no. No giggling. So says The Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus Beyond the bathroom wars for transgender rights The White House now offers a gender-neutral restroom, for use by men, women and anyone whose gender is less than certain. If this news tempts you to giggle — please refrain. See? I told you. No […]

Warmists Confesses He’s A Climahypocrite, And He’s A-OK With That

I’ve been seeing a low level push recently whereby Warmists are finding excuses to by hypocrites, and finding acceptance for being hypocrites. Here’s Peterson Tucsano at the Huffington Post I Confess: I Am a Climate Change Hypocrite Anyone engaged in climate action runs into pushback from people not ready or willing to hear about our […]

Pirate's Cove