April 10, 2015 – 1:00 pm
…is a great field full of nature that should have some wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on a coming net neutrality Internet tax.
April 10, 2015 – 10:15 am
You just knew there would be at least one Fossil-Fueled Tornado Hits Northern Illinois #poisonedweather #climatechanged http://t.co/c5amqguWAp pic.twitter.com/VwmFfuzHtK — Brad Johnson SUBSCRIBE TO HILLHEAT.NEWS (@climatebrad) April 10, 2015 Because tornadoes, including big ones, never happened before fossil fueles. He even doubles down @wxtrackercody All weather is influenced by decades of enhanced greenhouse effect from carbon […]
April 10, 2015 – 7:14 am
It doesn’t help the case of Officer Michael Slager, who has been fired from the force, in the least (WISTV)The State Law Enforcement Division has released a copy of the dash cam footage from North Charleston police officer Michael Slager’s patrol car in the moments before he fatally wounded Walter Scott. (you can see the […]
April 10, 2015 – 6:46 am
That’s what sources are saying. But don’t expect her to do anything live in front of an audience (NY Daily News) The long wait’s almost over — Hillary Clinton’s official campaign announcement is expected Sunday, a source close to the campaign told the Daily News. The former secretary of state is likely to throw her […]
April 9, 2015 – 1:00 pm
…is a place that is a hive of Bad Food which causes climate change, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Don Surber, who notes that some Warmists are going anti-vaccine.
April 9, 2015 – 11:02 am
Who guesses “give up using fossil fuels”? Bzzzzt. Wrong. From the minds of Ken Berlin at Ecowatch and Al Gore’s Climate (un)Reality Project One Simple Thing You Can Do Today to Stop Global Climate Change …… It is critical that we hold our leaders of all political parties and at all levels accountable for taking […]
April 9, 2015 – 9:04 am
What is this all about? Diminishing the notion that Warmists should practice what they preach Dear Humans, Industry, Not Your Activities, Is Causing Climate Change Scientists and climate policy wonks usually say global warming is caused by “human activities.” This shorthand obscures an important point: that while we humans are certainly responsible for climate change […]
April 9, 2015 – 8:55 am
Progressives think that Government, particularly the Central Government, is the answer, as well as increasing taxation (of course, they typically mean increase taxes on That Guy, not themselves). The majority of Americans say otherwise (Fox News) A record number of American voters think they pay too much in taxes. In addition, they think government is […]
April 8, 2015 – 2:42 pm
As someone who used to be arachnophobic, and is still slightly, I’m really not seeing the downside (Inquisitr) A new study indicates that the overall temperature increases worldwide caused by global warming will have a devastating effect on spider populations – effects that scientists never saw coming. A recent study published in The Journal of Experimental […]
April 8, 2015 – 1:00 pm
…is a field that would be perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Capitalism Is Freedom, with a post on the most hated companies 2015.