Monthly Archives: April 2015

Man With Gargantuan Carbon Footprint Says Climate Change Is Personal To Him

For health reasons or something (ABC News) President Obama says that climate change became a personal issue for him when his older daughter Malia, now 16, was rushed to the emergency room with an asthma attack when she was just a toddler. “Well you know Malia had asthma when she was 4 and because we […]

Maps Show What Americans Think Of Hotcoldwetdry

Sadly, the Cult of Climastrology keeps collapsing (Bloomberg) Researchers at Yale have unveiled a new interactive map that estimates public opinion on global warming right down to the county level. As a nation, 63 percent of Americans believe that the globe is warming. (Note: It is.) But that single statistic reveals little about what people […]

Judge Denies Restart On Obama Amnesty

The judge even uses Obama’s own words against Obama (via The Lonely Conservative) (Washington Times) President Obama’s new deportation amnesty will remain halted, a federal judge in Texas ruled Tuesday night in an order that also delivered a judicial spanking to the president’s lawyers for misleading the court. Judge Andrew S. Hanen, who first halted […]

Climastrology House Launches Health Initiative

At least Obama isn’t taking a long fossil fueled flight for the announcement Obama announces 30 medical schools will teach how to treat people suffering from global warming. — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) April 7, 2015 President Obama is launching an initiative Tuesday aimed at highlight the connections between climate change and public health, bringing […]

If All You See…

…is an area being desertified by too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Public Secrets, with a post on out of control college costs.

Great Pause Hits 18 Years 4 Months

Cue the Cult Of Climastrology excuses and avoidance. And something about the Navy. Here’s Christopher Monckton Since December 1996 there has been no global warming at all (Fig. 1). This month’s RSS temperature – so far unaffected by the most persistent el Niño conditions of the present rather attenuated cycle – shows a new record […]

Is Boycotting States The Next Big Thing For The Cult Of Climastrology?

Actually, I hope so. Keep the loons to their own states rather than coming to mine (Daily Caller) Climate change activists are taking a cue from the controversy surrounding the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and proposing a strategy that should include punishing states that block cap-and-trade type legislation. A Think Progress, a blog for the […]

Schumer Bucks White House On Iran Legislation

Chuck Schumer will probably be the recipient of a Justice Department probe, ala Bob Menendez (not that Menendez may be totally innocent: question the timing) (Politico) Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, one of Capitol Hill’s most influential voices in the Iran nuclear debate, is strongly endorsing passage of a law opposed by President Barack Obama that […]

Al Gore’s Climate Reality Says Change Starts With You

Ever asked yourself, “What can I personally do about climate change?” @ClimateReality answers this question & more — Climate Reality (@ClimateReality) April 6, 2015 One would expect some answers, would one not? Nope. Leads to a link to register for a web meeting. Which will surely be about spreading awareness. Wouldn’t want the little […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible hot dog made out of evil meat, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jammie Wearing Fools, with a post on the UVA rape story retraction.

Pirate's Cove