Monthly Archives: April 2015

White House: Skeptics Shouldn’t Have A Say In Any Climate Deal

Leftists love to yammer on about “direct democracy” and involvement by all citizens. As long as those citizens toe the line (Daily Caller) White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Tuesday that senators who “deny” man-made global warming probably shouldn’t have any say over an international agreement to cut carbon dioxide emissions. “Well these are […]

Leftists Respond To Indiana Pizza Place With Tolerance, Compassion, And Reasoned Debate

If you believe the headline, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you Indiana pizzeria closes after threats A family-owned pizzeria in Indiana closed on Wednesday following backlash over its support of a controversial religious freedom law. TMZ reported that Memories Pizza is suspending its business operations amid uproar over the state’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Owner […]

Cult Of Climastrology Rather Upset That They’re Being Called A Religion

I actually agree. They should be upset. Because they aren’t a religion, they’re a cult. Here’s Warmist Rebecca Leber at the far left New Republic Republicans Are Attacking Climate Change Science by Comparing It to Religion Republicans struggle to find a convincing reason not to take action on climate change, so they tend to recycle […]

If All You See…

…is a desert created by too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on how long Americans have to work for the tax bill.

Good News: Study Says “Climate Change” May Not Cause Cold Snaps

Of course, it fails to actually state what is causing the cold snaps (Weather Channel) After a brutal winter that left parts of the country buried in record-breaking snow, many were looking for a culprit to blame. According to a new study, climate change might be off the table as the reason when it comes to […]

White House Releases Its “Plan” For Forcing Others To Pay Higher Energy Prices For “Climate Change”

Yesterday I mentioned that Team Obama was going to release a plan, which is less a plan than a rough outline (White House) Building on the strong progress made under President Obama to curb the emissions that are driving climate change and lead on the international stage, today the United States submitted its target to […]

Arkansas Legislature Passes Religious Freedom Restoration Legislation

This had made liberals very upset, because institutionalized, government approved bigotry against religions (well, any religion but Islam) is a Good Thing in their world (NY Times) The Arkansas legislature on Tuesday passed its version of a bill described by proponents as a religious freedom law, even as Indiana’s political leaders struggled to gain control […]

Pirate's Cove