Monthly Archives: April 2015

Hotcoldwetdry Is The Most Important Story Of Our Lives Or Something

If that’s so, why is it that a very small number of Warmists practice what they preach? This is and interview with “Alan Rusbridger, editor-in-chief of The Guardian, on the massive response to the newspaper’s fossil fuel disinvestment campaign and the urgent need to take action on climate change.” (The Hindu) The idea for ‘Keep […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful vegan hot dog, which Everyone Else should be forced to eat, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Astute Bloggers, with a post on the twisted minds of Leftists.

The Winner Of Today’s “Climate Change Helped Cause #baltimoreriots” Is….

CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL!! The air, land, water, and PEOPLE are changing destructively. Baltimore/Ferguson. #ActOnClimate @RevYearwood — Terence Muhammad (@HiphopTC) April 28, 2015 Most of the tweets related to the riots and Hotcoldwetdry are snarky, but a few are wackadoodle like the above.

Dumb Headline Of The Day Regarding #BaltimoreRiots

While I grabbed this at WRAL, the article is an Associated Press article, and the headline is repeated at numerous other news outlets, including Yahoo News, Fox News, and Fresno Bee Riots in Baltimore raise questions about police response Do they mean question about how the police treated Freddie Gray, a known criminal (which is […]

As Baltimore Burns, Salon Says Police Morale Can Wait

When you want reasoned, well thought out, rational discourse on a subject, Salon is not where one goes Police morale can wait: How the Baltimore riots should reshape Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s agenda As the chaos in Baltimore has shown, it’s far too soon to shift our attention to the grievances of cops Out of […]

Score One For Religious Freedom: Judge Finds In Favor Of Printer Who Refused To Make Gay Pride T-shirts

If a straight group went to a gay t-shirt printer and ask for a shirt that read “Vote no to gay marriage” and the printer said “no, not going to do it”, would that be discrimination and worthy of a complaint and possible lawsuit? Is that bigoted towards a viewpoint? Or, is it something else? […]

Warmists: Let’s Rename It “Climate Ruin”

My suggestion would be for Warmists to practice what they preach, showing that they really believe the mule fritters they’re pushing. Silly me Climate Ruin vs. Climate Change “I thought I liked that the USA is now number one in oil and gas, but hey, I don’t want to ruin the climate….” That’s the reaction […]

If All You See…

…are wonderful locally grown fruits, which helps stop climate change, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Nice Deb, with a post on GWB unloading on Obama. (this photo is a bit more risque than I would usually use when linking to a female blogger, a respect thing.)

“Climate change is a moral failure”

It is a moral failure, because Cult of Climastrology members refuse to live their lives in accord with their supposed beliefs. However, that’s not what Warmist Paul Andersen means (Aspen Times) It took a Quaker Friends meeting in Aspen to clarify why climate change is a moral issue and that we’re failing it as a […]

We Should Totally Think Of Illegals As Parents, Not Problems Or Something

Here we have Roberto Suro (a professor) and Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco (a dean), both at California schools of higher education, making a different case Think of Undocumented Immigrants as Parents, Not Problems SOMETHING happened while the immigration system in the United States got broken, something that should change the way we talk about fixing it. […]

Pirate's Cove