Monthly Archives: April 2015

Gay Businessman Who Hosted Ted Cruz Even Forced To Grovel At The Feet Of Gay Mafia

Run afoul of a small minority of the nation’s residents? You won’t like the results (NY Times) Ian Reisner, one of the two gay hoteliers facing boycott calls for hosting an event for Senator Ted Cruz, who is adamantly opposed to gay marriage, apologized to the gay community for showing “poor judgment.” Mr. Reisner put […]

Latest Cult Of Climastrology Excuse: The Pause Is Just A Distraction

And doom is coming in 2040 Climate Change Scientist says Global Warming Slowdown is Just a Minor Distraction and will Peak in 2040 The latest rise of the world wide average air temperature will not matter compared to how much the planet will heat up by the year 2100, says the latest study in Nature […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful salad, which reduces obesity which is bad for climate change, BUT IS NO LAUGHING MATTER, DAMMIT!!!!!!!!, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with the Sunday Funnies.

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! It’s a gorgeous day in the awesome nation of America. Birds are singing, pollen level is down, people are out and about. Not sure who did this pinup, added a wee bit to it. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 This ain’t Hell… has your Sunday feel good stories […]

Mostly Peaceful Protest In Baltimore Includes Broken Windows, Thrown Rocks, Damaged Police Cars

And let’s not forget about all the arrests. There’s a serious amount of dissonance going on in this NY Times article written by Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Stephen Babcock Scenes of Chaos in Baltimore as Thousands Protest Freddie Gray’s Death OK, the headline, which is most likely written by an editor, says “chaos” A largely […]

If All You See…

…is wonderful wine which will be decimated by too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Sooper Mexican, with a post on nasty military hating fraternity jerks.

Nepal Earthquake: The Winners Of Today’s Climate Change Nuttbaggery Are…

So, in case you didn’t hear, there was a very big earthquake in Nepal, a 7.8. So, of course, this Those believe Climate Change is a myth are sick mentally. Nepal earthquake: hundreds of people dead – live updates — Abu Sufian Imon (@AuthorSufian) April 25, 2015 More insanity below the fold

Warmist: Know What Caused All Those Mediterranean Boat Deaths? Climate Change

Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with extremist Islamists or anything (Breitbart) James Murray, editor of Business Green, said the deaths are “precisely the kind of disaster security analysts expect to see worsen in a world afflicted by escalating climate change.” Admitting there may be other factors involved, including terrorism and corrupt governments, he nevertheless […]

Bruce Jenner: I’m A Woman And A Republican

I’m really kinda surprised that many in the media are shocked that Bruce Jenner has stated that he’s a woman. It’s not like there haven’t been numerous stories about him transitioning. The other part is sure to drive liberals nuts (Breitbart) In an Interview with Diane Sawyer Friday night on ABC, Bruce Jenner ended months […]

Washington Post: These Big Meanie Republicans Just Won’t Accept Big Government Solutions To “Climate Change

The tag line to this piece by the Washington Post Editorial Board is “Serious politicians should welcome, not duck, a debate on global warming”. Which is interesting, considering that Warmists have constantly stated that “the debate is over!!!!!!!!” And it has been those on the Skeptic side who have constantly called for actual debate on […]

Pirate's Cove