Monthly Archives: April 2015

Washington Post Editorial Board Suddenly Concerned With “Ideals” When It Comes To Rubio

Back in 2008, the Washington Post Editorial Board published a gushing piece coming out (unsurprisingly) for Barack Obama, based on Obama’s ideals and beliefs, but failed to mention one thing he had actually done during his adult years that made him qualified in the least for the job of POTUS (BTW, the piece is a […]

Bored Grandma To Make “Climate Change” A Top Agenda Item

Remember, Hillary bragged about flying almost a million miles on fossil fueled planes during her tenure as Secretary of State, something Ed King at Responding to Climate Change fails to note Hillary Clinton to make climate ‘top of agenda’ for White House run Tacking climate change and investing in clean energy would be a priority […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible charcoal grill cooking evil climate un-friendly meat, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Rhymes With Right, with a post on thinking money in politics was bad.

Nothing Like Marching Through Snow To Protest “Climate Change”

Oh, wait, sorry, I forgot that cold and snow are caused by “climate change” ail reported. If it were a real thermometer it would have shown temperatures at a chilly 44 degrees Fahrenheit by 4 p.m. — the high for the day. Most of the day, however, temperatures were lower with some wind chill and high humidity. […]

Good News: DOD Claims Bible, Constitution, Declaration Of Independence “Sexist”

I’ve mentioned this before, and I’ll mention it again: the Left has a virtual lock on many sectors, such as the entertainment industry, the legacy news, unions, Lawyers guild, education, and many others. Now they are going after organized religion and the military. They used to try and destroy them from the outside. Now they […]

Marco Rubio, The Other GOP Establishment Candidate?

I was expecting a howler of idiocy from the NY Times’ Nate Cohen after the beginning Marco Rubio, who announced his bid for the presidency on Monday in a call to donors, has been called the “best communicator” in the Republican Party. Over and over and over again. But he has little to show for it. Of course, Obama had nothing to show for his […]

When You Really Need Someone To Tweet Something Obscenely Dumb, Ask DWS

Bless her heart As Marco Rubio announces for #GOP #2016 nom. today, it's important to remember he is no new leader w/ fresh ideas — Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) April 13, 2015

Hotcoldwetdry Is Like A “Civilisational Wake-Up Call” Or Something

Doom (The Platform) Climate change is changing everything and time is not on our side Today, carbon dioxide molecules make up approximately 400 parts per million. This notorious greenhouse gas is one of the most significant contributors to climate change. Merely 160 years ago, carbon dioxide molecules made up just 250 parts per million. The […]

If All You See…

…is an evil carbon infused charcoal fire, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Evil Blogger Lady, with a post on the difference between Hillary and Scientology.

Northeast Has Snowiest Winter Since 1717

A report from the Overheated Planet (Daily Caller) This past winter broke tons of low temperature records across the eastern seaboard, but would you have guessed the Northeast just had the snowiest winter since the “Little Ice Age”? “Looking back through accounts of big snows in New England by the late weather historian David Ludlum, […]

Pirate's Cove