There were two killed and at least other shootings in Baltimore on Tuesday. May was essentially a record breaker for Baltimore when it comes to murders. What to do?
(Baltimore Sun) Pastors and other community organizers plan to walk some of Baltimore’s most violent blocks on weekend nights from 8 p.m. until 1 a.m. this summer.
Midnight basketball tournaments and a new community center for children named for Freddie Gray not far from Gilmor Homes, where he was arrested, are aimed at uniting the city. Gray, 25, died from an injury sustained in police custody prompting protests and rioting.
On Father’s Day, the Rev. Jamal H. Bryant wants to lead a rally through the streets — clergy, gang members and children alike — bearing coffins, a solemn “visual reminder” of the violence. Baltimore recorded 43 homicides in May, the worst month Baltimore has seen in 40 years.
And right there it breaks down. Gang members? How in the heck are they supposed to be a part of the solution? They are part of the problem.
Clergy invited to Baltimore on Tuesday the Rev. Jeffrey Brown, who led the Boston TenPoint Coalition, a faith-based crime-fighting effort that helped drop that city’s homicides from 152 in 1990 to 31 in 1999, in what many called the “Boston Miracle.” Brown led a “street training” in Baltimore on how to best engage young people.
Brown said clergy must take their roles in the community to heart to change the culture on the streets.
While I applaud the initiative, the Boston one is the outlier. These usually fail (see Detroit, Camden, Birmingham, Atlanta, Baltimore, etc), hence the reason to try them again and again and again and again, etc and so on. Why the need to continuously have marches and demonstrations and programs and such in these liberal/Democratic Black areas? As the comments point out, “where were they 43 murders ago?” Why is it that, even with heavy policing, Baltimore is a violent city? Why is there no need for all these programs and demonstrations and marches and such in Conservative areas?
Of course, even mentioning this is surely raaaaacist, as is discussing the real issues and real solutions.
Just opening ANOTHER rec center is NOT the answer. Rec centers are notorious recruiting grounds for more GANG members. Why not spend some money on fixing up the homes of the poor people, GIVING THEM JOBS that pay something. Pay them to fix up their homes and other poor people’s homes. That would keep a LOT of gang members off the streets for a long time. JOBS stop violence….. not pitiful rec centers. GET A BRAIN pastors!!! You are going to be sitting ducks walking around bad neighborhoods in the middle of the night trying to do good. GOOD needs to be done in the DAYTIME. Gangs don’t need jobs as they already have swell jobs robbing people, selling drugs, etc. GET THEM SOME REAL JOBS and the violence will cease…. or JUST BUY EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN W BALTIMORE A GUN AND LET THEM SHOOT IT OUT WITH EACH OTHER AND BE DONE WITH IT. TRY READING “THE TURNER DIARIES” AND READ ABOUT NEW BALTIMORE. IT’S A REAL EYE OPENER. White men made Baltimore a Black Hell Hole. Only because Freddie’s actions were caught on a cell phone did he become “famous”. WTF? Ever hear of the white boy killed by a black cop? No. Because it was NOT caught on a cell phone and the saying “Only Black Lives Matter” apply here to cop killings. And what about all the black on black crime? Guess that means nothing as they didn’t read the slogan Al Sharpton pushes. Have his paid rent a looters/rioters come back and fix the city that they happily trashed out. And tell that SOB Sorros to pay for their “work”….he’s another slacker not paying for his looters in Ferguson and Baltimore riots.
The real problem in Baltimore is that everyone is simply scared to death that everyone’s going to die from global warming. If only we created a [nother] tax on fossil fuels, everything would calm down up there.
Teach any chance you personally will be volunteering ? Perhaps as a business mentor?
You have real solutions??? Please share. I’m certain the people of Baltimore would like to know.
RICO the Black Guerrilla Family, including the politicians.
Any solution proposed will be met with a barrage of excuses for why they can’t do it. It’s an endless loop. Someone will eventually have to cure the problem with force, most likely as soon as the democrats get the socialist government they’re working on now.