It’s very inconvenient that the Great Pause has lengthened to 18 years and 6 months, per RSS (which, suddenly, Warmists do not like). To cover for the lack of warming, which was even noted by Kevin Trenberth in the Climategate emails (“The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.â€), the Cult of Climastrology has come up with over 70 excuses, most of which tend to blame natural variability. NOAA went a different route
(Daily Caller) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists have found a solution to the 15-year “pause†in global warming: They “adjusted†the hiatus in warming out of the temperature record.
New climate data by NOAA scientists doubles the warming trend since the late 1990s by adjusting pre-hiatus temperatures downward and inflating temperatures in more recent years.
“Newly corrected and updated global surface temperature data from NOAA’s [National Centers for Environmental Information] do not support the notion of a global warming ‘hiatus,’†wrote NOAA scientists in their study presenting newly adjusted climate data.
To increase the rate in warming, NOAA scientists put more weight on certain ocean buoy arrays, adjusted ship-based temperature readings upward, and slightly raised land-based temperatures as well. Scientists said adjusted ship-based temperature data “had the largest impact on trends for the 2000-2014 time period, accounting for 0.030°C of the 0.064°C trend difference.†They added that the “buoy offset correction contributed 0.014°C… to the difference, and the additional weight given to the buoys because of their greater accuracy contributed 0.012°C.â€
This is what they call “science”. Just fabricate the Pause away!
But that’s not all NOAA did to increase the warming trend in recent decades. Climate expert Bob Tisdale and meteorologist Anthony Watts noted that to “manufacture warming during the hiatus, NOAA adjusted the pre-hiatus data downward.â€
“If we subtract the [old] data from the [new] data… we can see that that is exactly what NOAA did,†Tisdale and Watts wrote on the science blog Watts Up With That.
Greg “Blocking Everyone Who Doesn’t Agree” Laden provides a laughable take from the Warmist side
There is, however, variation as the earth’s surface temperature steadily rises as the result of the human release of greenhouse gas pollution. Every now and then that variation results in a period of several years when the rise in global temperature is relatively slow, and a recent such period has been termed a “hiatus†or “pause.†But that signifier mainly comes from those who deny the reality of global warming, and is often used by them as an argument that global warming is somehow not real. It is real, and they are wrong.
In other words, nature is responsible for pauses and slowdowns, Mankind is solely responsible for warming. This is the Cult of Climastrology in a nutshell. They have a tough time explaining why the same natural conditions which cause the Pause/slowdown cannot be responsible for the warming. Heck, they don’t even try. They just throw out insults. Then they block you on Twitter for asking inconvenient questions.
Via Climate Depot, we read
Key pitfalls of the paper:
-The authors have produced adjustments that are at odds with other all other surface temperature datasets, as well as those compiled via satellite.-They do not include any data from the Argo array that is the world’s best coherent data set on ocean temperatures.-Adjustments are largely to sea surface temperatures (SST) and appear to align ship measurements of SST with night marine air temperature (NMAT) estimates, which have their own data bias problems.-The extend of the largest SST adjustment made over the hiatus period, supposedly to reflect a continuing change in ship observations (from buckets to engine intake thermometers) is not justified by any evidence as to the magnitude of the appropriate adjustment, which appears to be far smaller.
This is all just another attempt to protect the Cult of Climastrology, continue the funding gravy train, continue the scaremongering, and continue pushing for more taxation and governmental control of individuals, private entities, and economies. Progressivism at work, pushed by people who refuse to give up their own fossil fuels usage and go “carbon neutral” in their own lives.

Im gonna repost something I said earlier.
CMIP5 is a standard set of model simulations designed to take into account a bunch of different things.
Their goals are to:
1. Model climate for the near term out to I think they say 2030 or 2035.
2. Model climate out to around the turn of the century. Without looking up their exact addendum Im just going off memory here.
3. There are something like 30 different groups that are all running independent models and the red line your seeing in the above graph was a compilation of the 30 agencies models of predicted short and long term temperature rise.
The most egregious example of the Climate Nazis idea of science is written in their Addendum which Im sure will be taken down after they realize people like me are quoting them
It reads:
When merging MSU and AMSU together, the data for each generation of satellites is weighted by the number of satellites with valid data for that month. This has the effect of de-emphasizing MSU data after the advent of the AQUA satellite in June 2002. Since the 2002-2004 period is when there is an unexplained warming drift in MSU channel 2 data from NOAA-14 relative to AMSU data, this change has the effect of lowering the overall warming in TMT and TLT during the post 2002 period.
The changes also result in a reduction of sampling noise and “orbital striping†for periods when data from more satellites is used.
Data from NOAA-16 is not used because all 3 channels show unexplained drift throughout it’s lifetime. NOAA-17 was only operational for a short period of time, thus it’s data is of little use for climate studies. We plan to begin including data from NOAA-19 after 3 years of operation.
NOAA’s weather data has not jived with the AGW agenda for decades so they either dont use it or took it down and reworked it to make it JIVE…..
A communist agenda to destroy capitalism….thats all AGW is about.
This was cut and pasted from their site these are not my words.
People are now claiming because their is only 1.7 billion dollars going out in grants that somehow this is an insignificant amount of money……..divide 1.7 billion into 1000 grants whats that amount too?
1.7 million dollars per grant….2000 grants…..865,000 per grant.
Do not forget that there are 100’s of private donors willing to spend exorbitant amounts of money to make sure the reports are favorable to their Hedge funds bottom line.
Not just federal dollars but private endowments pour into the climate witchery cauldron to be dispersed to the proper men and women…
Who then “MAKE IT HAPPEN.” Now I do not begrudge anyone making money but IMO ClimateNAZI’s are no different then the politicians we elect. They are simply prostituting themselves for a different set of pimps.
Global warming is a massive conspiracy by we Communists to take over the world! Fellow comrades, please just relax. We have now taken over every government, every scientific organization, every satellite, every thermometer, every news organization (except 1), every political party (except 1) and every university. Only 6 individuals on Earth with IQs over 100 have resisted our plan. Resistance is futile. We had a choice between hoaxing an alien invasion or hoaxing climate change to get world’s attention and agreement. After almost a week of discussions with Hollywood elites we decided that staging an alien invasion would be too expensive so we decided on hoaxing climate change. The final decision was made just outside Moscow in 2004.
We funnel billions of dollars to climate “researchers” around the world. We have a file of 10,723 remaining scientific “papers” pre-written (originally in Russian or Persian) and pre-populated with fake data. When needed, an important paper is assigned to a scientist already on our secret payroll and is released to a willing media. Obviously, we have tried to enlist skeptics such as Watts, Monckton, Curry, Spencer and McIntyre, but some people just can’t be bought, their love of FREEDOM! is so strong. Also, the Koch Fund pays more than we do.
We expect 2024 to be the tipping point when we will have control of the US presidency, House, Senate and SCOTUS and will tighten our grip around your throats. Every American will make $27.52 an hour, with job assignments based on melanin concentrations from mandatory skin biopsies. For example, the ultra pale Donald Trump will clean the cesspools in a goat farm outside Paducah KY. Rush Limbaugh will be scrubbing floors at the busiest gay porn theater in Baltimore. Flavor Flav will be the new president (but still at $27.50 an hour).
Please take a look at this discussion of the Karl paper, and take special note of Figure 2, which shows that the data corrections resulted in the opposite of what WUWT claimed. That is, the corrections REDUCED the rate of warming!
Hotwhopper. About the author.
I’m a sixties-something woman with an interest in climate science. I have a Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours) and an MBA and work as a freelance consultant.
It seems unfortunately she cant read a graph. And she seems to rely on her readers to simply accept in toto what she says as fact.
Quite clearly the graph shows that There is a slight warming and not cooling. Its pretty much right there.
Secondly before this paper was even published the AGW crowd went to work destroying its credibility before it even hit the news stands.
This is how the Communist AGW crowd works. Saul Alinsky rule 11. Pick the target, freeze it and tear it to pieces. Anyone who comes along with a skeptical view of anything AGW is in essence met with a smear campaign designed to destroy their credibility.
The AGW Nazis treat disblievers like Jews of world war 2. If they can find you they will destroy your life, your career and your family and friends and see to it that you never publish or work another day in your life again.
It is this Gestapo tactics that has the population up in arms and polling shows that only 11 percent of people believe climate change is a significant problem
Because even the so called “IDIOTS” understand to some degree what is going on and even liberals want their FREEDOM and their LIFE back thats being stolen from them by climate whackos.
weren’t the Nazis right wing conservatives that were allied with and supported by German industry and banks? I am not sure that even mentioning “Nazi” is a good debating tool for the climate truthers.
Liam ALL of the big Euro oik companies recognize that AGW is a big problem, really it is only the American oil companies that lag.
Teach you seem to think that everyone is part of this giant conspiracy and cult. That is just weird.
Teach why do you believe that you have found the secret TRUE knowledge that has been hidden from the world?
And as far as expecting perfection in others……
Demanding perfection in others is one common component of a disturbed personality
How about “why should I obey laws that others break”?
This RSS “data” shouldn’t ALL data be subject to review? Some of those sats are pretty old now, orbits changing instruments out of wack, why SHOULDN’T scientists adjust results? Especially on sats they may be 20 years old
Liam typed:
And she is still more qualified than radio weathercaster and college dropout, Anthony Watts. And she is not paid by denier organizations.
The “new” and “improved” hockey stick.
You’re just acting willfully ignorant. At least we hope you’re acting.
Mankind’s primary impact on climate is through burning fossil fuels which adds CO2 to the atmosphere – this leads to warming. We humans also add some aerosols that can lead to cooling. If we spray painted the Earth white we could cool the Earth, too.
What natural forces impact the climate? The Sun – more radiation, more warming; and vice versa. Volcanoes – aerosols reflect more incoming sunlight – therefore cooling. Ice – big patches of ice reflect rather than absorb sunlight – therefore cooling. Since so much of the Sun’s energy is taken up by the ocean, it makes sense that changes in ocean currents could influence the distribution of the Earth’s heat. El Ninos transfer heat from the ocean to the atmosphere, La Ninas from the atmosphere to the oceans. Clouds reflect sunlight.
So natural forces can lead to warming, cooling and the redistribution of the total heat content of the Earth and atmosphere. Man is primarily warming the Earth right now.
Since who’s qualified has been brought up….
hotwhopper is a sixties-something woman with an interest in climate science who Jeffery claims is more qualified than Anthony Watts.
Jeffery, did you notice that Watts included comments from Dr. Judith Curry who is Professor and former Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology and President (co-owner) of Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN).
Her point, and ours is that “The global surface temperature datasets are clearly a moving target. So while I’m sure this latest analysis from NOAA will be regarded as politically useful for the Obama administration, I don’t regard it as a particularly useful contribution to our scientific understanding of what is going on.”
Constant revision of the data to favor your theory would seem to indicate that your theory is shit.
This pretty much sums up what the enviroNazis cant seem to grasp. They constantly change the data, hide it, force you to pay exorbitant amounts of money to SEE IT and then claim they have all the answers.
“why SHOULDN’T scientists adjust results?”
Because if your data needs adjustment, your data is not valid. Period. Science 101.
As I said earlier, we prefer being referred to as Climate CommuNazis because by 2024 as we start the Great Cleansing, you guys will be rounded up and sent by freight trains to the new CommuNazi Gulag/Concentration Camps. Don’t plan to ever be going home.
Think you’ll defend yourself with your popguns? Think again, comrade. In 2016 Obama, The Great and Powerful will make himself Czar for Life, making ownership of guns by white conservatives illegal. We plan to deputize all the young Black, Muslim, gay, and Mexican men and give them even bigger guns and they’ll hunt you down town by town. In the movement we have a name for a conservative without a gun – a limpdick.
Think the military will protect you? Think again, comrade. You may have noticed how the Supreme Leader Obama has twisted the mission and scope of the military. They now love gays and minorities and hate Christians. And conservatives need not apply! Think you’ll be able to defeat the world’s most powerful military that YOU built, lol. Hoist with your own petard, you is. Only the Koran, Mein Kampf, Das Kapital and Alinsky’s Rules for Radical will be allowed. All part of the plan.
All Christian and related churches will converted to Mosques, re-education centers and community meeting halls. There will be a single political party, the CommuNazis. The symbol will be a Black man wearing one of those Muslim beanie things, with one massive clenched fist up in the air and with his jackboot across the neck of a prostrate limpdick clutching a shredded old glory. The new flag for the newly formed Union of CommuNazi Districts (UCD) will be a yellow hammer and swastika with a crescent on a bright red background. States will be dissolved and broken up into 12 geographic Districts with no autonomy. District 12 will be called Gulagistan and is made up of ID, MT, WY, ND, SD, NE, UT, CO, NV and KS. All limpdicks will be freighted to the prison workcamps there. District 9 will be called RedNekkistan is made up of AR, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, SC, NC, TN, KY, VA and WV. Once the stupid and lazy limpdicks are removed from RedNekkistan we expect the District to flourish. The local governments will all be federal employees. All police will be federal. The new national capitol will be San Francisco.
In 2014 the Progressive Mafia (media, Dems, libs, professors, Muslims, Mexicans) engineered the takeover of the House and Senate by Republicans. We now know where 73.6% of far-right elites are at all times. Almost all your leaders are in DC or NYC and will be easily rounded up. The few remaining will be captured at the first Republican primary debate. Rush Limbaugh, of course, will go free. He’s been one of us for 16 years. You didn’t really believe anyone could really be that stupid, did you?
Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin are not really dead. In fact, all those shootings of young Black men were staged by us, except that one where the cop shot the guy 7 times in the back and lied about it. That one was real. It had been discovered (thank you, NSA!) that the deceased had previously posted a comment on WUWT complimenting Watts. We don’t allow our Black comrades to do that. Barack had him taken out.
You like the flat tax? How about our new flat wage? Every American will make $27.42 an hour and the workweek will be five 7 hour days with 6 weeks paid vacation per year. Limpdicks slaving away in Gulagistan will receive 3/5ths the hourly pay of real CommuNazis.
Oh, and the Earth continues to warm.
If your a progressive all your data needs adjusting. Most progressives are delusional. Just read what the poster above me wrote. The sad part is that he actually believes this and prays for it to come to fruition. His wet dream is to round up all conservatives and non believers and put them in gulags.
His rant would be funny if he wasn’t serious.
“The earth continues to warm” Sure, that’s why they comically try to cover up the fact that it’s not. And even if warming, that’s no proof on the why of the alleged warming. In other words, the warmumists can”t prove that this isn’t natural.