Yes, this does come from the same paper that kills lots of trees and uses vast amounts of power and fossil fuels to gather the news, publish their paper, and distribute their paper
In a welcome development, businesses are asking world leaders to do more to address climate change. This week, the top executives of six large European oil and gas companies called for a tax on carbon emissions.
These companies — the BG Group, BP, Eni, Royal Dutch Shell, Statoil and Total — are not taking a bold environmental stand. They are being pragmatic. They want an efficient and predictable policy to limit greenhouse gas emissions because they realize something must be done. Numerous scientists, economists, environmentalists and political leaders have previously proposed similar ideas.
They understand two things: first, they can pay lip service to the Cult of Climastrology, partially thinking that this will catch them a bit of a break from the unhinged activities of CoC activists (who take fossil fueled trips to protest fossil fuels companies). Second, they understand that they can make a boatload of money off a carbon tax, as the price of their product skyrockets due to Government
A carbon tax would raise the price of fossil fuels, with more taxes collected on fuels that generate more emissions, like coal. This tax would reduce demand for high-carbon emission fuels and increase demand for lower-emisson fuels like natural gas. Renewable sources like solar, wind, nuclear and hydroelectric would face lower taxes or no taxes. To be effective, the tax should also be applied to imported goods from countries that do not assess a similar levy on the use of fossil fuels.
Revenue generated by carbon taxes could be used for a variety of purposes. A lot of the money should surely be given to households, especially the poorest, through tax credits or direct payments to offset the higher prices they would have to pay for gasoline, electricity and other goods and services because of the tax. Some of the money could be used to invest in renewable energy and public transportation, or to lower other taxes.
Even the NY Times EB admits that this will skyrocket the cost of living, which will hurt the poor and middle class, unlike the uber-rich folks on the NY Times Editorial Board. If they think that money will be returned in the form of tax credits or direct payments, they haven’t been paying attention to Government. Furthermore, even if some is, there is no possible way that the money would even approach what the increased costs would be. This increases the size and power of Government, and all for little to no gain. Carbon markets have failed around the world, including in California. The Left leaning governments in Australia were summarily booted out over their passing of a carbon tax. Most nations are moving away from these failures. And Warmists mostly refuse to give up their own fossil fuels addictions.

Feeling guilty about your carbon footprint?
GOODSTUFF’S Carbon Offset Marketplace and Exchange (G-COME)is where you can exchange, sell, buy, barter or trade carbon credits. The aim is to make this the one stop pump and dump carbon offset exchange. With G-COME you can now participate in a program where Aggregators and Brokers are not taking their slice of the carbon offset pie in the sky.
All LARGE corporations welcome regulation.
Regulation benefits large corporations and stiffles competition as the smaller players cant deal with the stiff taxes and added costs of adhering to the regulations.
The editorial didn’t mention the size of the proposed tax. And you didn’t define what you meant by skyrocket. How high must the tax be to cause the cost of living to “skyrocket”?
One question has always nagged at me.
IF AGW is the GREATEST THREAT TO MANKIND…this is not my projection….this is basically what Obama and Biden said last month to graduating Seniors at several colleges.
WHY did a veto proof democratic congress in 2009-2010 not nationalize the oil, gas and coal industries and shut them down or seriously curtail their efforts?
OR DO ANYTHING AT ALL….IF ITS THE GREATEST THREAT TO MANKIND……yet they totally ignored it…..they didnt even address AGW when they could have done anything.
I mean after all Global warming is a horrendous threat to mankind and its all fossil fuels fault….its a no brainer that the MASSIVE NINETY EIGHT PERCENT could easily shut down the oil and gas and coal industry with legislation and regulations.
Do not do what I do….do what I say. Its the AGW’s Way.
The Alinskyite Disciple Denier thinks the only acceptable policy action was to nationalize the energy companies. This is a common debate “tactic” used by right-wingers, e.g., if AGW is serious why haven’t climate realists given up ALL fossil fuel use.
We progressives use the tactic, too. If abortion is “murdering children”, why don’t right-to-lifers do everything in their power to stop it? If ISIL is a MASSIVE threat to the US, why don’t conservatives join the Army? If the federal government is the root of all evil, why do conservatives collect Social Security, enjoy the freedoms protected by the government, drive on the interstate highways, use Medicare and on and on.
The Waxman-Markey bill passed the House in 2009 by a vote of 219-212. Some southern and coal region Dems voted nay. The Senate didn’t take it up as the Dems could not block Republican filibusters.
Here endeth the lesson.
Jeffrey asked:
I s’pose that depends upon what you have to pay for the increased cost of living, doesn’t it? For Al Gore and Dean Baquet, a maybe 10% increase in their sparktricity bills is easily handled; for the family in Estill County, Kentucky, barely making ends meet by including odd jobs on the weekend into their family income, yeah, a 10% increase in their electricity bill really is skyrocketing.
Of course, everything that they buy has a cost of electricity in its production as well, so the cost of everything goes up, yet, in poverty-stricken Estill County, job opportunities don’t increase and wages don’t rise.
The verb “skyrocket” as applied to energy costs rising was given to us by our very own President; I can’t criticize our host for using it. :)
the abusers on the left and of course their mouthpiece the times push policies to abuse children, the elderly and all who have to work for their incomes. the left loves to abuse
So you don’t know what skyrocket means either. Got it.
I know as well as the President who decided to put the word into the debate! And it takes a true picker of nits to demand the quantification of an adjective.
But, bowing as I do to your superior intellect, I’ll ask you to enlighten us: what do you see as a proper quantification of “skyrocket” or “skyrocketing”? Do you believe that this word would mean exactly the same thing to the Editor of The New York Times as it does to the guy working at a WalMart in Owsley County?
Or, is it that you being rather well-to-do, you have no clue what it takes for poor people to survive in this country.
Once again the Astro-turfing paid agitator lives on this site using Saul Alinsky tactics so poorly that they are just oozing with disjointment. If I knew his boss I would report him and he would have to take another course on Saul Alinsky.
One must incorporate elements of truth along with the big lie and then convince you that the power lies not with you but with the Saul Alinsky flinging Astro-turfers clearly superior position. For the longest time it was refered as political correctness but it is nothing more then smooth talking operatives who Want you to believe that they have more power then they actually do.
I post a link to a poll that shows only about 2 percent of respondents in a Gallup poll IN MAY OF THIS YEAR….said environment/pollution was the biggest problem facing this country. YET the president and VP declares that it is the greatest threat to our national security.
In order to force the Right into toeing the line and being politically Correct it takes paid operatives night and day pounding and hammering every blog of consequence, every newspaper and magazines comment section. They pound the ill equipted and poorly trained conservatives with Saul Alinsky tactics intended to ridicule which in turn infuriates the poster into more angry rebuttals.
Its the tactic of choice. It requires no skill to make someone mad. Where the skill comes in is in twisting the truth just enough to make it appear as if the Agitators truth is in fact the ultimate truth.
They do this with bait and switch.
Example would be Global Warming…..Most Americans agree that pollution is bad and the environment should be taken care of. That is kind of a no brainer….it cuts right and left and moderate on the political specturm. What the AGW crowd does is then take POLLUTION and make global warming the MAIN CULPRIT OF POLLUTION…..bait and switch… you have people believing that CO2 is a pollutant and is causing all of our pollution. Bait and switch.
Wall Street is full of rich people. Rich people are evil. Republicans want to cut taxes. The Rich Pay taxes….ergo…..Republicans ONLY CARE ABOUT RICH PEOPLE and WALL STREET…..bait and switch tactics…..when the fact is that during the last two cycles Obama received far more wall street money then did the Republican hopeful.
Bait and Switch. Watch for it…its used constantly by the Astro-turfing paid agitators who peruse the internet looking to start arguments with NO solutions whatsoever….the whole point is to make the right look like unhinged, uneducated rednecks who love guns and wall street and spend their nights and days stalking black people and hispanics.
Bait and switch….is an awesome politically correct way to beat down anyone in a debate…look for it every time a lefty in here posts.
Classic. This is too funny. But the serious question is that IF the President and the Vice President believes the greatest threat to our national security…..NAY to the WORLDS security is global warming and climate change then the Bait and switch tactic becomes….why did they not nationalize the oil and gas companies?
AS for your other bait and switch points of driving on highways etc, collecting social security and the evils of the government…let me just say that these are NOT THE GREATEST THREATS TO THE WORLDS SECURITY….they are issues. For example conservatives pay into social security because they must. Its the law. Conservatives would not join the army to fight ISIS because our president is committed to not fighting ISIS ergo what would be the point. If you pack up your family and fly to Syria or Iraq to join the anti-ISIS army you will be arrested and put in jail….Its against the law to do so. Abortion? ITS NOT A THREAT TO THE WORLDS SECURITY… is a threat to unborn children but that is a different discussion.
* RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.†They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones. (Radical activists, in this sense, are no different that any other human being. We all avoid “un-fun†activities, and but we revel at and enjoy the ones that work and bring results.)
* RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.†Don’t become old news. (Even radical activists get bored. So to keep them excited and involved, organizers are constantly coming up with new tactics.)
Its quite obvious you have not spent enough time fully implementing Saul Alinsky tactics on anything other then AGW. You should stick to AGW your other attempts are rather weak, pathetic and totally transparent.
Rule 7 applied to the Wall Street Sit ins. They become bored and old news. The movement moved on.
Ferguson…rule 7. Then on to Baltimore. Keep them excited and motivated…..dont drag on too long….dont become old news…move on, try new things….keep the pressure on, use different means and tactics to accomplish your goals.
Police are now suddenly evil…its a new tactic. If you obey the police your hate black people. Black lives matter, Police lives do not matter ergo if you claim Police lives matter then its very obvious you hate Black people.
Such a load of shit…..but it works until the people understand what fully is going on. But with a MSM full of communist prepped Columbia School of Journalism graduates….its so much fun to keep this tactic stirred up until the social change that is the ultimate goal….(COMMUNISM)….is attained.
Folks be not decieved…Communism is the goal of the democratic party that has been taken over by progressives and they have all studied Saul Alinsky very carefully and use it daily all across America, all across the internet and all across the MSM.
You got me. I’m a US Federal government employee and am paid $179,450 a year from your taxes. And the wonderful pension I will get… I will get a 4.7% raise on Dec 1. Right now, in the Obama administration there are 6,647 paid trolls assigned to harassing powerful right-wing blogs. The Repubs can’t stop it because it’s all hidden in the CIA budget. It’s costing you about 1 billion a year. Infuriating isn’t it? Mr. Obama assigned me to harass The Pirates Cove following a cabinet level meeting to determine who most stands in his way to take over the Earth.
I confessed this once before in the comments section of another right-wing blog, during the reign of King Bush II, and I think it turned into a right-wing meme. Oops.
Anthony Watts was our biggest mistake. He gets almost a million a year, and we thought, mistakenly, that since he was so over the top stupid that no one would believe him and he’d foul the waters of Denialism forever. We clearly overestimated the reasonableness of his audience. As Saul Alinsky once told me: “You just cannot parody the right-wing. Once you make the most outrageous parody, they top it with their own “reality”.” He presciently added, “Eventually, every progressive idea will be part of a worldwide Communist plot”. We all miss Saul. He used to mock and ridicule conservatives to obtain actionable information from them. Some may have died. He was implicated in the murder of Andrew Breitbart, who was likely mocked and ridiculed to death and dumped on the street.
Some blogs, in fact most right-wing blogs, block any contrary comments. It’s a simple but effective tactic that has blunted the impact of the program. I was originally assigned to The Gateway Pudendum, but was banned there for asking the odious jimhoft what had happened to his promised video of Mrs. Obama “going off” on whitey!
Can we get your real name and Federal Id Number so we can have you arrested. Along with your Buddy Obama since you fingered him in an illegal activity. Its is against the law for federal employees to partake in political activities on the clock. You just admitted to doing such.
Barack Obama, ID#1.
Knock yourself out, schizoid.
So now you trust Obama, LOL. Obama, just like his predecessor, is a bit too glib for his own good.
“Skyrocket” implies a large increase, right? What on Earth in the article or from his own knowledge – which he didn’t cite – would make him choose “skyrocket”? Is no one on the right curious about the details of a carbon tax proposal?
(We can assume Teach meant the New York Times, not the NW Time’s)
Here are some more accurate and less inflammatory headlines.
The resident psychotic typist re-types his flawed argument. Do you really believe that nationalizing the oil and gas companies is the only path to securing America?
What is your solution to solving global warming?
Solutions Mr. Astro-turfing Never give them a plan Saul Alinsky disciple.