This is a case of the age old wisdom “be careful what you wish for. You might get it”
(Mediaite) Two Baltimore police officers spoke through voice-altering technology to CNN’s Brooke BaldwinWednesday morning, telling her that cops are in a “reactionary mode†since the criticism of the department over the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody.
Violence has spiked in Baltimore since a supposed “police slowdown,†in which officers pull back from their duties when they feel a lack of city and community support. The officers said police are still responding to emergency requests, but have stopped initiating policing, instead retreating into a “reactionary mode.†“Even though you have reasonable suspicion…nine out of 10 times, that officer is going to keep on driving,†one officer said.
“The criminal element feels as though that we’re not going to run the risk of chasing them if they are armed with a gun, and they’re using this opportunity to settle old beefs, or scores, with people that they have conflict with,†the officer said. “I think the public really, really sees that they asked for a softer, less aggressive police department, and we have given them that, and now they are realizing that their way of thinking does not work.â€
Crime was already high in Democrat run Baltimore. Neighborhood Scout ranks Baltimore as a 3, meaning that it is safer than just 3 percent of US cities. The violent crime rate is 14.28 per 1,000 residents. The national average is 3.8. There’s a 1 in 70 chance of being a victim of a violent crime in Baltimore. The property crime rate is double the US rate. All of this was occurring when police were being proactive. What will it be now that the BPD has given the people what they want?
Who does this hurt the most? The very people who learn to hate the police and have been railing against the police the most, the Black community of Baltimore, where the crime rate is the highest. And now going higher. The vast majority of the murders, shootings, stabbings, and other violent crime is occurring in the Black reservations that Democrats, who have controlled the city since the late 1960’s, have created in Baltimore. They wanted a softer police presence, now they have it. And it’s not working out so well.

That is plain idiotic. The public didn’t demand less police presence and protection. They didn’t demand the police to stop doing their job. What the public wanted was the police to be less violent, racist, and injust. What the public wanted was the police to act constitutionally to serve the entire public and protect the rights of all. Police in other Western countries are capable of this. Why shouldn’t we expect it of our own police?
So we need more brutal police in order to have a safer society????
You know that sounds insane right?
Hell, let’s call up tha nazi’s and the SS!
We will have the safest neighborhoods in the world!!
I feel the issue is not the lack of policing…. We should examine what the real cause of this violence is in their society…. Only then can we find the solution.
My guess… Government has something to do with it…. And not in a conspiracy way, but rather in the nanny state way.
The government over generations has created this problem and now they have no clue how to fix it…. Their solution though? Our police need to become more brutal to clean up the mess out goverent has created….
Less law enforcement, and then you see more law-breaking? Shocking, I say, shocking!
Their emphasis was on less brutal enforcement, not less law enforcement in general.
I thought this was what they already did, and only chased down unarmed people so they could shoot them without being fired upon….
Aren’t most of the outrage over unarmed people getting brutalized…. I’m confused why they are making this about armed criminals??? I don’t think the public is worried about a cop shooting a guy with a gun.. hahahaha typical politicians to twist the truth…
Michael wrote:
That is a hair which one might split philosophically, but in practice, not so well. “Brutality” and “excessive force” are in the eye of the beholders, and are certainly different things from the perspective of the police officer and the criminal. This perceptual difference can be resolved only once human beings become perfect, and once they become perfect, we won’t need the police.
time to begin looking to replace those police officers who aren’t doing the work they are paid to do
Then why where the police in Baltimore charged with an illegal arrest in the Gray case? The stop was a legal Terry stop but yet the police were charged for it.
And what job is that john? You cannot force a cop to see a crime. You cannot force a cop to write a ticket. You can’t force a cop to protect you or your property.
The problem here is that for too long bad cops were protected by unions and the blue wall. That is starting to change, thankfully, as more bad cops are arrested, prosecuted, disciplined or fired.
Some people want all cops thrown under the bus which means the cops know that no one has their back. Why should a good cop risk their life when they are hated for simply wearing a badge?
When are you going out and help in a neighborhood watch, john? When are you going to help in the North Avenue area of Baltimore?
the outside negro agitators got what they wanted, the mayor got what she wanted, the da got it, sharpton got it, obama got , they are all happy….. f the people they don’t matter to criminals and thugs