The latest big talking point from the Cult of Climastrology is about Hotcoldwetdry causing shorter growing seasons maybe possibly in The Future. Here’s one of the nuttier missives on the subject, which has the exact headline I used
(TakePart) While the grow-your-own ethos has gained popularity in the United States in recent years, for many people around the globe, having a garden is not a matter of choice. Because in many places it’s still your backyard, not the grocery store, that provides the bulk of your food. Globally, 70 percent of the food supply comes from smallholder farms—and if climate change continues unabated, those subsistence growers may be the ones most dramatically affected.
A new study published Wednesday in the journal PLOS One looked at how a changing climate will reshape the growing calendar come 2100. Under “business as usual†climate-change projections, the researchers determined that the number of “suitable growing days†will drop by 11 percent, on average, around the world—and far more in certain regions. The tropics allow for a year-round growing season, but the climate-change impacts on temperature, drought, and solar radiation could cut 200 days from the farming calendar.
If if if if if. More doomsaying from the Cult, based on faulty computer models
and wishful thinking, forgetting that previous warm periods had excellent agricultural production, as has this current warm period. Sure, warmth can cause issues, as we saw during the 1930’s, when it was warmer than today. Prior to data “adjustments”.
Of course, anthropogenic causation hasn’t been proven.

Notice how they have now pushed the date out to 2100. This is after just in the recent past the IPCC said no way we can end fossil fuel use in 2 decades……so……….
Now all your hearing about is 2100.
Warmer weather wil cause a shorter growing season. Got it. More drivel from the climate clowns.