These divisions mirror the general public, and there’s actually a big reveal in the data
Catholics Divided Over Global Warming
Partisan Differences Mirror Those Among General PublicOn the eve of a forthcoming encyclical by Pope Francis on the environment and climate change, a new Pew Research Center survey finds that U.S. Catholics’ views on global warming are broadly reflective of American public opinion writ large; a solid majority believe that Earth is warming, but there is much more division over the cause and seriousness of climate change. Moreover, the poll shows that climate change is a highly politicized issue that sharply divides American Catholics, like the U.S. public as a whole, mainly along political party lines.
About seven-in-ten U.S. Catholics (71%) believe the planet is getting warmer. Nearly half of Catholic adults (47%) attribute global warming to human causes, and a similar share (48%) view it as a very serious problem.
But more than eight-in-ten Catholic Democrats say there is solid evidence that Earth is warming, compared with just half of Catholic Republicans.1 And while six-in-ten Catholic Democrats say global warming is a man-made phenomenon and that it poses a very serious problem, only about a quarter of Catholic Republicans agree.
Among the U.S. public as a whole, belief that global warming is occurring is nearly twice as common among Democrats as Republicans (86% vs. 45%). The view that global warming is caused by human activity is roughly three times as common among Democrats as among members of the GOP (64% vs. 22%), as is the view that it represents a very serious problem (67% vs. 21%).
First, I’m wondering how any Democrat can be a Catholic, as the majority support abortion on demand. They don’t listen to the Pope on most issues, why should they listen to the Pope on this?
Second, we see that 68% believe that the Earth is warming. Count me among those who have that belief, and the raw data and facts support that belief.
But, notice that only 45% of the general public believe that it is caused by human activity. Unfortunately, it is rarely, if ever, asked as to the percent that Mankind is responsible for. Some may say a little (put me in that box). Cult of Climastrology members will say that Mankind is mostly/solely responsible, which seems to be the same feeling from Pope Francis. That said, after 25+ years of “spreading awareness”, only 45% believe the current warm period is caused by human activity.
And only 46% believe it is a serious problem. Look, even some of those who believe that the current warm period is mostly/solely caused by nature are concerned. Changes in the climate can have good and bad effects. Again, though, after 25+ years of agitation this is the best that the CoC can do. 46%.
A big fail. Especially since all those who profess to believe that Mankind is at fault fail to live their lives like there is a crisis.
I don’t expect a reply. Almost no Warmists ever do.

I was apostate before Vatican I, but since then the Catholic Church has become a contemptible clown show. The current, hopefully last, Papacy is worse than its predecessors who turned a blind eye to homosexual priests molesting altar boys.
Kudos for sending one of your silly tweets to the Pope!
Like most Christians, they pick and choose their beliefs within the constraints of the their organized religion. Obviously, many leave the church. There are gay Catholics. There are Catholics who oppose child molestation.
That 46% of Americans and 48% of Catholics understand that global warming is a very serious problem is impressive considering the fossil fuel industries campaign funneled through the Republican Party and their media, and the lack of interest from the legitimate media.
Cathoilic dogma teaches that ALL forms of birth control are wrong , not just abortion. However most American democrats also believe that teh USA should not outlaw all forms of birth control. Likewise on the death penalty and many other political decisions.
40% of Ameicans do not believe in evolution, 40% believe Jesus will return before 2050
40% think the Grand Canyon was formed by Noah’s flood, and under Bush the National Park Service was ordered not to mention the age of the grand vCanyon if asked for fear of hurting Bush’s polls with his “base”
Teach when do you think the Grand Canyon was formed, within the last 10000 yearslike in the Bible or earlier?
I suspect that this forthcoming encyclical will be celebrated by the left in a way that Humanae Vitae and Evangelium Vitae never were.
John wrote:
There is a difference: regardless of moral concerns, artificial contraception harms no other person, while abortion kills a living human being. In a theocracy, we could ban both, but in a secular democratic republic, we shouldn’t be able to ban something which harms no other person.