Because if there’s one thing the far left is known for, it’s their humor
Handle with humor: why we want you to laugh about climate change
Is the topic of climate change too hot for people to handle? Maybe we need to throw some humor into the mix…….
It’s naturally hard to see that glimmer of hope behind the giant shroud of depressing facts, so maybe it’s time to make the facts a little less depressing. A fantastic way to do this is with humor (or as some of you call it, “humourâ€).
By interjecting some ‘funny’ into the climate change debate, we can prove the science true, make fun of its objectors and make it easier to understand at such an imperative time. Because while the battle to save our planet must be won with action, we need to make the topic of climate change more approachable for people to take that action – and humor is a pretty good tool.
25 years of spreading awareness, unhinged Nuttbaggery, derangement, die ins, videos where kids head’s explode, et, and now they want humor?