Nothing says “let’s all come together” like telling people to fly a non-inclusive flag in opposition to people supporting a non-inclusive flag. Headline via fritzdecat in the comments, who offered it up in contradiction to WTVD 11’s headline
A local minister is hoping to give Independence Day a whole new meaning.
As the debate over the Confederate flag rages on, Paul Scott, a longtime Durham activist and minister, is urging African-Americans to ditch the red, white, and blue flag for red, black, and green.
“It’s a wake-up call for us to come together under this flag — united,” declared Scott, adding that he’s deeply troubled by the racial climate in our country. (snip)
Scott is taking his cause to social media and urging followers to change their profile photos and to use the hashtag #RBGFlag this weekend. He says his message is not anti-American but rather pro-black unity.
“Every ethnic group is proud to raise their flag,” said Scott. “It’s time for us to have that same black pride and raise our flag.”
So, they’d be cool with all sorts of white people flying the flag of the KKK (do they have one? No idea, nor do I care to look) or some big White Supremacist movement, in order to show “pro-white unity”? I’m betting there would be a huge, huge outcry.
Let’s consider that the origination of the flag was based on the song “Every Race Has a Flag but the Coon”, written by Will A. Heelan, and J. Fred Helf, which notes that so many other groups/nationalities here in the US and the U.K. fly flags and or symbols, or wear those symbols, such as the Irish and Scots. They flew those flags or showed those symbols in pride of their heritage.
Calling for Blacks to fly the Black Liberation Flag is not being recommended for pride, but for separation. One might even call it hate. If a leader within the Aryan Nation (do they have a flag? Not bothering to look) was recommending this, it would be called hate.
An interesting dichotomy: advocating unity and separation at the exact same time.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Since Jeffrey says that the Confederate battle flag is a symbol of white supremacy, then we must conclude that the Rev Scott is perfectly OK with us flying the battle flag. :)
The left cannot understand it at all: the Confederate battle flag is a symbol of Southern pride. No one flying it today has ever owned an American slave, nor is anyone advocating a return to slavery. A few people use it as a white supremacist symbol, which means, at least for Jeffrey, that anyone flying it must be a white supremacist.
Of course the KKK has a flag it is the same flag that is at the center of the recent controversy
The flag of treason and white supremacy
Yes John, the KKK. Organized by southern Democrats.
Not only that, the inconvenient truth for Jeffery is that he had ancestors involved in the slave trade.
I have no problem with that statement Jl none at all.
However that was some time ago and for most Americans that is history that happened before they were born. Since certainly by 1970 the Klan and in fact most southern whites have NOT voted Dem.
The dems lost their hold on the South (and the Klan) when LBJ pushed through the Civil Rights Act. And yes many Dems did vote against that BUT it was passed by a Democratic led Congress and signed by a Democratic POTUS with the help of liberal GOP members and ZERO help from Republicans (10) from the South. The vote ws more regional than party orrientated
And the Klan was not just race haters, they also hated Jews and Papists (Catholics)
Now look at what has happened in the last 2 weeks: nine Black church goers murdered and now, 7 Black churches burned
Who is most upset over this Dems or GOPers?
Has any of the 16 or more people trying for the Republican POTUS nomination spoke about the church burnings except perhaps that they were done by people who hated christians ?
Probably some here would agree with the statement that ” that church with the Black flag SHOULD be burnt they are just asking for it”
and yes Teach the Aryan Nation does have a flag and strangely enough it has many similarities to….. wait for it…………. don’t guess yet….. …………………………………..the rebel battle flag.
the diagonal stripes ? where did that come from?
I keep looking for the word “separation” but Rev Scott doesn’t seem to have used it. Its only use was by you
when one sees a swastika does one immediately think that it is an ancient Hindu symbol?
No really, I am just a proud Hindu proclaiming pride in my heritage and or religion. No offense meant, y’all are just being too PC
For people who claim to be patriotic and to love the United States of America, it IS a bit difficult to comprehend how you would revere a flag of people who fought against the United States of America. It strikes me as being like people revering the Nazi flag because they fought against the communists and socialists.
When NASCAR says that it is trying to end the use of that flag at its events (it did ban the General Lee car) you know that the flag has been pushed to where only the extremist fringe wants it displayed
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Durham Pastor Encourages More Divisiveness And Spiritual Separation In Flying Black Liberation Flag […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Durham Pastor Encourages More Divisiveness And Spiritual Separation In Flying Black Liberation Flag […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Durham Pastor Encourages More Divisiveness And Spiritual Separation In Flying Black Liberation Flag […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Durham Pastor Encourages More Divisiveness And Spiritual Separation In Flying Black Liberation Flag […]
It’s called the confederate battle flag.
It’s possible we all had relatives involved in the slave trade, as slaves, owners, brokers or abolitionists. I may have too, although from both sides, my family were poor folk from Kentucky who settled in Missouri. So what? Most of us condemn slavery as a blight. Why don’t conservatives?
Were southerners only proud of their heritage since the civil rights movement started? That’s when they started flying the battle flag.
Maybe it was the GayKKK that burned down those churches since the black pastors called for Christians to oppose guy marriage.
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Durham Pastor Encourages More Divisiveness And Spiritual Separation In Flying Black Liberation Flag […]
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – Durham Pastor Encourages More Divisiveness And Spiritual Separation In Flying Black Liberation Flag […]