Today’s scary fable from the Cult Of Climastrology
(UK Telegraph) Mussels will become inedible within the next 100 years as rising sea temperatures turn the dinner table favourite poisonous to humans, scientists have found.
A study has indicated that a change in temperature of just 2 degrees celsius could make mussels, oysters and other popular shellfish too poisonous for humans to eat.
They must have some serious hard facts to make this prediction
Climate change models* predict that sea temperatures will rise significantly in the next century, causing massive disruption to marine habitats.
* For sake of acknowledging inside baseball occasionally, we’re talking about the idiocy of garbage in garbage out political belief computer models.

NJ also law its lobster catch decline by 90% during Teach’s lifetime because of wTer temp increase
MA is now about as far south as lobsters can be fished commercially in coastal waters
The lobster decline is due more to a persistent rot disease in the lobsters, over fishing, pollution and quality of water in traditional fishing areas.
That’s NOAA’s position and other positions of government agencies before they got to hear from Jonn that he knows more than they do.
Of course the populations will change as the temperature, pH and water levels change. All the plants, animals, chemistry and microbes in an ecosystem are interrelated.
Temperature and pH are part of what makes up water quality.
So Jeffery’s article and Jeffery disagree with the thread hijacking attempt by jonn.
That is good to know.
I’m a little shocked that there is a ‘lobster decline’, Git. Just three years ago, there was such a glut that you could pick up 1 lb lobster in any supermarket in the northeast for $5, and in Maine for $3. Bigger ones of course cost more.
persistent rot disease is a direct result of warmer water. As for overfishing NOP here is why
it used to.
first the main predator of juvenile lobsters are adult lobsters, the more adults killed the more juveniles survive. Also lobstermen are strong conservationists, any lobster identified as a female by carrying eggs will have her tail notched and that means she can never be harvested.
Please take a look at the Maine catch that has INCREASED in the last 20 years.
Yes Kevin in colder waters of Maine which now supplies almost all American harvested lobster the persistent shell rot is negligible And Maine fisherman have maintained a sustainable harvest. NJ now harvests 90% less lobsterhan
Yes 3 years ago in Maine lobster was cheap. Kevin where do you live and what are YOUR current prices?
Maine is now about $1.50 a pound more.
I keep my Viking on a Long Island commercial warf I oay the ex-boat price which is about $5 a piece from the few that the baymen now get.
haha G carver I get my info from agencies, even NOAA says the recent decline is mostly temp related
And yes GC I have fished commercially
from NOAA
Red tide making shellfish clams mussles scallops roxic to humans is also temp regulated as algae blooms. mussels
Today, scientists face similar challenges regarding the abundance and management of lobster. Although lobster fisheries are highly regulated and harvests in some areas are at their peak, recent assessments of the lobster resource paint a mixed picture, with record high abundance, reproduction, and survival rates throughout most of the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, but decreasing abundance, reproduction, and survival rates in Southern New England. State and federal fishery managers and lobstermen are continually working on ways to ensure the continued health of this valuable resource and are developing additional harvest restrictions for the Southern New England population due to concerns about its current stock status. Federal managers also recently capped the number of lobster trap permits in the primary Gulf of Maine fishing area to maintain current harvest levels and the abundance of the resource in this area.
The NOAA cite says no such thing john as it cite environmental issues (which can be water quality, pollution, temps, etc, and pressure from over fishing.
The cite NEVER says that the decline is “mostly temperature related.”
You got caught in another lie, john.