One would think the NAACP and other social justice warriors would be more concerned with the high rate of Black In Origin crime within the greater Atlanta area, but, hey, things like that are hard
(WSBTV) The Atlanta chapter of the NAACP officially called for the elimination of all symbols of the Confederacy from Stone Mountain.
This comes on the heels of the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the South Carolina State House.
NAACP’s Richard Rose says the time to move is now, but admits it may be a steep slope to climb.
The organization issued a statement calling for the removal of all symbols of the Confederacy from the park.
“My tax dollars should not be used to commemorate slavery,”Rose said.
Rose said his group wants Confederate symbols removed from all state-owned buildings, parks and lands.
Rose told Petersen he would start with Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. “Those guys need to go. They can be sand-blasted off, or somebody could carefully remove a slab of that and auction it off to the highest bidder,” Rose said.
If the carvings are removed, will this stop?
No, this push will never end. Of course, it is interesting that the NAACP is itself a group that would be considered racist if it was the National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People, rather than Colored People.
Will the NAACP push for the elimination of the Democratic Donkey, a symbol of Northern Democrats support of the Confederacy? Will they push for the end of the Democratic Party, which was the party of slavery, segregation, and bigotry?
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Teach do you think that tax dollars should be spent on people who fought for their right to own Black people and buy/sell, whip and rape those men women and children ?
I do not.
I think enslaving other humans is wrong. and the people who fought to retain that right should not be celebrated
As far as the donkey ? Sure get a new symbol why not?
As far as the shame of what the Dems USED to represent, that should be exposed and not hidden. But more important the shame of the modern GOP should be shown.
Just as your own racism is being daily exposed by yourself.
SJWs are the modern equivalent of those who marched (and were beaten and killed by social conservatives) 50 years ago for civil rights for all
As far as your telling blacks what is or isn’t the most important thing to do, well Teach just what do YOU do to solve that problem? Aren’t you like those warmists who tell others to behave certain ways but don’t change there own lifestyles 100% ? So when are we going to hear that YOU have decided to become a Big Brother to an underprivileged black kid that has no good role model?
If you think that is the only reason the South seceded then maybe we should spend tax money on educating the ignorant.
So your solution is to eliminate history? To eliminate the ability to talk about the subject?
Tell us john, what have you done to address the issue of your ancestors who took part in or profited from slavery?
How have Dems changed from the days of keeping people enslaved and under the authority of others? It is not the DEMS that are talking and working to allow more freedom. If anything, Democrats and so called “progressives” are for more restrictions and less liberty.
I want to make sure I understand your point here, john. You think that someone saying that addressing jobs, poverty, opportunity, crime, police brutality, the all too common lack of a black “family,” etc are all less important than removing a statue? You think that the discussion of these ideas is somehow a bad thing?
And you wonder why you and people of your ilk are seen as oppressive and anti-freedom as you are scared of ideas that are contrary to yours and you want them suppressed.
You mean having a conversation isn’t the right thing to do?
Thanks for making the point, john.
You bring up an “underprivileged black kid that has no good role model” but yet think that removal of flags and symbols is more important. Without realizing it, you made Teach’s point.
I am sure he appreciates that.
Of course, even if one were to accept your premise of “what have you done,” it is flawed from the beginning. While AGW’ists demand that action be taken and forced on people against their will, Teach and others are making no such demands when it comes to the removal of symbols or priorities in different communities. People aren’t telling others that HAVE to deal with the problems or an “underprivileged black kid that has no good role model.” Teach isn’t demanding anything. Teach isn’t infringing on the decisions people make in their lives as AGW’ers demand.
There is a massive difference in the two situations but you will never see it and in doing so, expose yourself as one who cannot critically think or make good points.
Fortunately, they wrote their reasons down.
Fortunately they wrote and spoke about their reasons:
As I said, slavery was not the only reason for the Civil War.
gitarcarver (quoting): “We are not fighting for slavery.”
The explicit Declaration of Causes by Confederate states directly contradicts that politic assertion.
gitarcarver (quoting): “Therefore I deemed that you were fighting the battles of our liberty”
Sure, said the man who whipped slaves for running away, even though they had been promised their freedom.
It is simple denial and revisionism to deny that protecting the institution of African slavery was the primary reason for secession.
Why don’t Southern Blacks celebrate the “wonderful” southern heritage exemplified by that flag and statues of CSA leaders? I’ve asked this several times and no one answers.
The Civil War had many reasons BUT the most important was slavery. That is a fact that can not be whitewashed away by bad history.
The South’s whole Kukture and economy depended on the enslavement of Black men women and children.
That is the reason the people of the United States of America no longer will tolerate the display of the flag of the traitors who fought against the United States of America.
And yes symbols are important, that is why they ARE symbols.
Face it: the USA has reached a tipping point and being anti gay being or racist is just not accepted any more. when WalMart and Nascar say the flag has to go (and soon will be all monuments to traitors) then you know only the die hard racists want to wave that flag.
The future is liberal, the past was conservative. Sorry times up!
The future is liberal, the past was conservative. Sorry times up!
Yeah we can surely see that by the thumping the Democrats keep taking in local elections. The only thing you have going for you is that libertarians are destroying any chance a national election will swing in favor of the GOP…..
Otherwise……….House of Representatives….which represents the WILL OF THE PEOPLE……..
188 Democrats and 246 Republicans.
Senate. 44 Democrats 54 Republicans 2 independents.
we can certainly see the demise of the conservative movement in Johns Troll infested mind.
john, jeff,
Both of you would have meaning if you would get some education, read a book (not the web), look at things from a logical aspect (yes, they even have courses for that). Both of you ooze of pure ignorance. Now, tell me how the US which endorsed slavery within it borders was fighting the South to get rid of slavery. That does not make sense even to a liberal.
Progressivism always drags the “free”-marketeers and conservatives along. Child labor laws, women’s suffrage, ending slavery, trust-busting, civil rights, workers’ protections, gay rights, women’s rights and on and on and on – accomplished by progressives over the objections of conservatives and profiteers.
And there is more to be done. Progress has slowed the past 4 decades or so as the profiteers have pushed backed with the unabashed assistance of their wholly owned political parties. Union busting, military invasions, corporate deregulation, politicians easily bought, “trade” deals, monetary and fiscal policies – all to guarantee high profits and low wages.
It’s no wonder that Senator Bernie Sanders and populist talking Donald Trump have surged. Both the Tea Party and Occupy movements signal that the mass of Americans are growing weary of the business as usual they’ve suffered the past 50 years or so.
It’s no wonder that Senator Bernie Sanders and populist talking Donald Trump have surged. Both the Tea Party and Occupy movements signal that the mass of Americans are growing weary of the business as usual they’ve suffered the past 50 years or so.
I will agree with this. Politicians stink. As a GOP’er I pray Bernie Sanders beats out hillary then our own GOP whacko can beat him….because when he starts actually having to deal with the general public….even Communism doesnt look that good compared to the GOP whackos the right puts out there.
If the tea party would just shut up……the GOP could actually take over all 3 branches and get shit done….but they wont…they cant….as Michael says everyones a neocon….we all want to make the war machine rich….progressives say we all spend our nights worrying about how to make Warren Buffett and George Soros rich rather then feeding our families.
Politics has become a profession of loons…run by loons and funded by laughing madmen.
Just wondering what the carbon content of a Confederate flag is.
But anyway another Muslim terrorist murdered some Americans today.
Priorities people.