So says the Washington Post’s hyper-Warmest Jason Samenow. Unfortunately, I have to pull part of this from the Boston Globe, since, for whatever reason, the original Washington Post article is no longer available. Maybe they realized that it didn’t help the “climate change” narrative. I do have it saved to Pocket, so, some info you can’t see
The present El Nino event, on the cusp of attaining ‘‘strong’’ intensity, has a chance to become the most powerful on record.
The event — defined by the expanding, deepening pool of warmer-than-normal ocean water in the tropical Pacific — has steadily grown stronger since the spring.
The presence of a strong El Niño almost ensures that 2015 will become the warmest on record for Earth and will have ripple effects on weather patterns all over the world.
A strong El Niño event would likely lead to enhanced rainfall in California this fall and winter, a quieter than normal Atlantic hurricane season, a warmer than normal winter over large parts of the U.S., and a very active hurricane and typhoon season in the Pacific.
Whoa, wait a minute, El Nino is a natural event. If a big one is going to occur, and if we’re being told that this year has so far been a moderate El Nino year, this means that all the warming for 2015 can be blamed on nature, not Mankind. No wonder they wanted to pull the article. It destroys the narrative about 2015 being the hottest ever because of Mankind’s “carbon pollution”.

so could this be caused by all that deep ocean heat ?
That some people didn’t really think was hiding down there?
Like the AGW people kept saying was there
And from where does all that heat from an El Nino originate?
Originally, from the sun.
Good one, John. “Like the AGW people kept saying was there.” Yes, they kept saying it was there after 68 or so other “reasons” didn’t pan out. But nice of you to show the incompetence of the AGW people.
That’s right! And why is the Earth retaining more of the Sun’s heat these days?
And that’s wrong! No evidence the earth is retaining more heat these days. And even if so, no evidence on why. Is this the first time it’s allegedly retained heat? No.
Conspiracy much?
I found the WaPo article with no trouble. And if you Google “strongest el nino 2015” you get over 10,000,000 hits. That is a pretty lame job of suppressing the information.
the vast tropical Pacific Ocean receives more sunlight than any other region on Earth. Usuallythe Pacific trade winds blow from east to west, pushing the warm surface waters westward, where they accumulate into a large, deep pool just east of Indonesia, and northeast of Australia. As a result the deeper, colder waters in the eastern Pacific are allowed to rise to the surface, usually along the coast of South America, creating an east-west temperature gradient along the equator known as the thermocline tilt.
El Nino’s have been going on for millions of years. It is not a new Anomaly that just suddenly started when mankind started buring fossil fuels and it most likely has very little to do with C02.
So the starting premise of some people are in error. They are concluding that heat is driving El Nino and that the warmer the planet gets because of Co2 then the more intense El Nino’s become.
This is false…El Nino’s occur during periods of glaciation.
And from where does all that heat from an El Nino originate?
Uh, the same as it where it always comes from during El Nino’s, throughout history. Nothing manmade about it. Except in the feeble political minds of Warmists. Who still won’t give up their own big carbon footprints.
The oceans and the atmosphere are warming. El Nino phenomena transfer heat from the Pacific to the atmosphere. The El Nino are not responsible for global warming.
Other than all the evidence.
Except for the rapid increase in anthropogenic CO2…
If it was strictly cyclical, then 2015 should be just another peak among many, rather than expected to be warmer than any previous El Niño. Nor would that explain why 2014 was the warmest year in the instrumental record.
The evidence indicates that El Niño conditions are being exasperated by global warming. See Johnson, Atmospheric Science: A boost in big El Niño, Nature Climate Change 2014.
The evidence indicates that El Niño conditions are being exasperated by global warming.
First, that’s the cutesy little argument Warmists have invented lately, about AGW making things worse.
Second, it still doesn’t mean that the warming is anthropogenic. If it did, perhaps Warmists would actually practice what they preach.
First things first. 2014 was the warmest year in the instrumental record, and 2015 is already warmer than the same period in 2014.
To reiterate, you had suggested that the current warming was a natural cycle, but if it was strictly cyclical, then 2015 should be just another peak among many, rather than expected to be warmer than any previous El Niño. Nor would that explain why 2014 was the warmest year in the instrumental record.
2014 was the warmest year in the instrumental record
Was that before or after NASA and the NOAA altered the temperature record to make recent years warmer?
Okay fine…..were all gonna die….That means we need to end fossil fuel use today.
So tell me whats your plan? How do we save the world?
People love to argue about this because I guess they have nothing better to do then annoy other people with their own ideas but seriously………
The world wants to know how the AGW crowd is going to save us all?
I want to know….no more theories, no more proclamations that AGW is the only truth……….
Save us.
Whats your plan?
El Niño events are a prominent feature of climate variability with global climatic impacts. The 1997/98 episode, often referred to as ‘the climate event of the twentieth century’1, 2, and the 1982/83 extreme El Niño
From your article. I actually subscribe to this magazine so I dont have to look at the teasers that AGW trolls use to troll forums druming up support for the death of fossil fuels.
Now lets look for a moment at the CO2 content of the Earth during 1982/83….
According to NOAA the CO2 content was 335 ppm.
during the 97/98 even the Co2 content was 352 ppm.
So the question is that we must return immediately to co2 contents of at least well below 335 ppm in order to avoid any Severe El Ninos which we all know are destroying the world and proof positive that the earth is gonna die.
So again my question is how do you do that exactly…..
According to a study by Princeton its already too late….Their modeling shows that if we halted all fossil fuels today that the earth would continue to warm and the co2 content would continue to rise.
So how are you going to save us………
A carbon tax is probably the best way to tap the capabilities of the markets while putting the cost on those who do the most damage to the climate.
Liam Thomas: Their modeling shows that if we halted all fossil fuels today that the earth would continue to warm and the co2 content would continue to rise.
There’s a flywheel effect, but the temperature will stabilize at some point. A variety of evidence indicates that the equilibrium climate sensitivity is about 2-4°C per doubling of CO2.
“2014 was the warmest year in the instrumental record.” Yes, which means nothing because the instrumental record only goes back to 1850 or so, which also means there’s no comparable data for the other 4 billion years. Sorta like saying “that’s the warmest thing I’ve seen in the last 2 seconds!”
Thats what I thought. YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED IN SAVING THE WORLD…….your only interested in punishing people who use fossil fuels.
Where I work if this was your answer to a question posed to you more then once you would be unemployed. We seek viable solutions. Workable solutions. Answers.
We ask questions then we answer our own questions with due diligence.
The question I ask is how are you going to save the world and your answer is that thru modeling the planet will stabilize IF we tax them………
Tax them how much? Starting when? How you going to feed the poor when the tax you put on farmers is just passed on at the grocery store? NO ONE PAYS FOR A TAX…they just pass on their costs.
You guys hate fossil fuels so much that you do not care about the poor the middle class because your solution continues to be TAX, TAX, TAX…..while the world goes hungry the planet will continue to warm according to you and the planet will continue to suffer dire catastrophic sea rise according to you…………
MIDST of all that……you want to tax the crap out of everyone so the poor can starve and the middle class can spend all their money on food thus forcing manufacturing jobs to collapse…….
In other words you communists want the collapse of society so that YOU can fill the void.
YOU offer NO SOLUTIONS to feeding and powering the world…..all you offer is a tax to punish the world for living on this planet.
Here is a plan for the AGW Crowd.
1. Pool all your money. Petition all your governments and then invest heavily in your own R&D and begin building Alternative wind and solar farms.
2. Begin the analysis of geography and geology of each country and determine the most efficient run off routes and begin building lakes and damns.
3. Where possible construct new Hydro Electric damns to generate electricity.
4. Study paleoclimatology and determine where these Strong climatic events will most likely impact and begin to develop the industry and infrastructure to take advantage of what is coming.
5. Petition governments to stop pandering to environmental groups who would stop the contruction of geo thermal, wind or solar power plants.
6. Encourage the use of Nuclear Energy to the exclusion of environmental groups and in the disposition of such endeavor ensure that adequate disposal of Fuel rods is thought out, established and free of any protests or law suits.
7. Nations along the coast must begin investing in additional Saline plants to create additional fresh water.
8. Carbon sequestration must become a priority in order to ensure that co2 levels continue to fall. This will be a natural offshoot of the reduction of dependence upon fossil fuels for all but farming and transportation.
9. Rotation of crops is essential to prevent the release of sequestered carbon into the atmosphere……
10. The halt of rain forest gutting is mandatory…This would require the reforestation of the tropical rainforest and the reimbursement of some monies lost to the nations that are gutting the rain forests.
11. Ensuring that the proper amount of fast growing, carbon eating trees and ground cover is essential in helping to convert co2 to o2 and remains a reliable method of sinking co2.
12. Encourage each family in the world to plant specific plants(see addendum) around their homes and in their gardens which are much more efficient co2 converters and carbon sinks.
13. Encourage that each roof top be used efficiently either in the use of solar panels or roof top gardening.
See I have an endless list of real solutions. AND if AGW were really real, and if everyone really believed it was an impending catastrophe you would have no problem in getting the goverments along with private corporations to committ to your world wide manhattan project.
There’s no instrumental data, but there is evidence. The Earth’s climate has changed dramatically. Originally, the surface was molten rock. It’s somewhat cooler now.
Human civilization is only the last moment or so of cosmic history, but is of particular concern to humans. While humans can certainly adapt to climate change, it can cause severe social disruption, economic losses, and the permanent destruction of much of humanity’s natural inheritance.
No. They just have to pay the true cost of their use of fossil fuels. There are a number of technologies which can reduce carbon emissions.
That’s right. So people who buy products that emit more carbon during production will pay more, so people will switch to products that produce less carbon.
Actually, a carbon tax can be made revenue neutral.
Sure, some of those might be workable solutions, but a carbon tax harnesses the power of markets to find solutions.