July 13, 2015 – 8:10 am
If you want to read what the Liberal intelligentsia believe, you head to the NY Times. And, right now, they want to protect sanctuary cities, which protect those who have entered out country illegally or overstayed their visas, even if they are bad people who have committed serious crimes. The editorial from the mostly white […]
July 13, 2015 – 7:47 am
Talk about a crowded field I'm in. I'm running for president because Americans deserve a leader who will fight and win for them. – SW http://t.co/DZG253QjfP #Walker16 — Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) July 13, 2015 (The Hill) “America needs new, fresh leadership with big, bold ideas from outside of Washington to actually get things done,” Walker […]
July 12, 2015 – 6:40 pm
It couldn’t have anything to do with the people/voters who live in Baltimore, and the policies they enact, could it? After Charleston shooting, Baltimore gun control advocates take to church to spread message In the middle of a rousing sermon at his Southern Baptist Church on Sunday, the Rev. Donte Hickman asked congregants to raise […]
July 12, 2015 – 1:00 pm
…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle pushing evil ice cream at an evil water sucking golf course, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on a woman attacked in Chicago for being white. It’s ice cream week! Why ice cream? What is it […]
July 12, 2015 – 10:00 am
Happy Sunday! A great day in America. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the fish are biting. This pinup is by Arthur Sarnoff, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 Not A Lot Of People Know That discusses a possible mini ice age American […]
July 12, 2015 – 8:23 am
Nothing like some good race baiting for the sake of race baiting Why Are Our Parks So White? …… The national parks attracted a record 292.8 million visitors in 2014, but a vast majority were white and aging. The most recent survey commissioned by the park service on visitation, released in 2011, found that 22 percent of […]
July 11, 2015 – 1:00 pm
…are palm trees which will soon be growing in Detroit from too much heat, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on the utter ignorance of the Church’s left wing.
July 11, 2015 – 11:00 am
Today’s scary story (CBS) Rising sea levels have been mostly measured in inches in the past decades, but scientists said they could increase more than 20 feet in the future as global warming continues to melt ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. The dire projections are based on a look back at the climate record, […]
July 11, 2015 – 7:37 am
For some reason, Warmists are very afraid over offering differing views of climate, allowing students to make up their own minds. I wonder why (National Journal) Senator Roger Wicker wants to make sure that public schools can teach students about “the natural causes and cycles of climate change.” The Mississippi Republican and skeptic of the […]
July 11, 2015 – 7:17 am
….well, you know (Rolling Stone) Even as South Carolina and major retailers officially disconnect themselves from the Confederate flag, the controversial symbol continues to have a prominent presence at Kid Rock‘s concerts. On Monday, the National Action Network’s Michigan chapter protested outside the Detroit Historical Museum, which houses a Kid Rock exhibit, demanding that the rocker stop displaying the […]