Monthly Archives: July 2015

If All You See…

…is a sea that will rise up and kill everything sometime soon, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post on Cuba demanding the return of Gitmo. Yes, switching up to American flag hotties for the rest of the week, going through next week. I […]

David Suzuki: We Totally Need To Eliminate Fossil Fuels And Go Carbon Zero

Hey, remember how members of the Cult of Climastrology told us they aren’t trying to eliminate all use of fossil fuels? Yeah, about that, hyper-Warmist David Suzuki tells the truth Zero Carbon Emissions: The New Language Of Climate Change If nothing else, the G7 countries’ recent agreement to end fossil fuel use for energy by 2100 signals […]

AP Throws A Dose Of Reality Into Church Arson Controversy

There have been 8 predominantly Black churches which have burned over the last 10 days. Only 3 can positively be identified as being arson. The rest? Lightning strikes are some of the most probable causes, especially for the Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church in Greeleyville, SC. Three of those fires have been ruled arson, […]

Montana Polygamists Apply For Wedding License

Well, this was quick (via Twitchy) (ABC News) A Montana man said Wednesday that he was inspired by last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage to apply for a marriage license so that he can legally wed his second wife. Nathan Collier and his wives Victoria and Christine applied at the Yellowstone County […]

Surprise: Corals Adapt To Warmer Water Temperatures

Weird, right? According to Cult of Climastrology doctrine, corals are doomed, along with all other life on earth, because they can only deal with a very narrow temperature range (Times of Malta) Some corals are adapting to climate change and becoming more tolerant of warmer temperatures, a study has found. The discovery opens the door […]

If All You See…

…is a sea that will rise up hundreds of feet in just a few years, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on crazy people being dangerous.

We’re Saved: Stick Your Head In The Sand For July 4th

Alas, this little bit of moonbattery from the Cult of Climastrology has nothing to do with the upcoming American Independence Day, but a bit of moonbattery from Warmists in Ireland, pushed by Stop Climate Chaos, who wants Irish Warmists to jump in their fossil fueled vehicles and drive to Sandymount, in Dublin, Ireland Last month […]

Gay Marriage Advocate: Now That We’ve Forced You To Pay Attention, Our Lives Are Our Business

Same sex marriage social justice warriors have forced the gay lifestyle out into the mainstream, where citizens are constantly and consistently bombarded with gay marriage stories, opinion pieces, and advocacy. Now one, Brian Moylan, wants everyone to butt out. Well, after totally discussing his gay life Please Don’t Make Me Get Gay Married We didn’t […]

Durham Pastor Encourages More Divisiveness And Spiritual Separation In Flying Black Liberation Flag

Nothing says “let’s all come together” like telling people to fly a non-inclusive flag in opposition to people supporting a non-inclusive flag. Headline via fritzdecat in the comments, who offered it up in contradiction to WTVD 11’s headline LOCAL MINISTER URGES THE FLYING OF BLACK LIBERATION FLAG THIS WEEKEND A local minister is hoping to […]

Pirate's Cove