This has give Cult of Climastrology members a sad
(Inside Climate News) The top 10 Republican candidates for president spent 120 minutes of their first primary season debateThursday night in Cleveland duking it out over issues like foreign policy, national security, immigration, abortion and the economy.
Missing from the conversation, however, was climate change. Not a single substantive question was asked by Fox News moderators about global warming or energy. Except for a brief nods to the Keystone XL pipeline and undefined “out-of-control regulations,” the candidates didn’t raise the issue themselves either.
The forum, which at times felt more theatrical than political, is the latest example how one of the nation’s most divisive topics has been ignored in the GOP primary thus far. (snip)
Earlier on Thursday during the so-called Kids Table or Happy Hour debate among the Republican candidates not polling in the top 10, Fox News host Bill Hemmer asked South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham how voters could trust him after he supported the Obama administration’s climate agenda. During a presidential forum in Manchester, N.H. on Monday, one out of more than 50 questions addressed  global warming or energy. The issue has also been absent from most town hall meetings, diner speeches and backyard meet-and-greets as the 17 Republican candidates have zigzagged across New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina.
I’d actually like to hear Republican candidates address the topic, what their beliefs are, and, more importantly, what their plans are for energy production. I really do not care that much if they are believers: I care if they plan to Do Something about it, because Doing Something about it means damaging policies that put even more power in the hands of the Central Government.
The UK Guardian, which has given up on journalism in favor of climate change activism, is likewise annoyed that there was no talk of guns, “climate change”, and race relations. Again, I’d love to hear them take these issues on from a Conservative point of view, making sure to note that
- Democrats want to disarm law abiding citizens while being soft on the actual criminals that commit crime
- Refuse to practice what they preach on climate change, while offering legislation, rules, and regulations that are damaging to the economy, hurt the lower and middle classes, and give government tons more control over our lives, private entities, and the economy
- Race has gotten much worse under the Obama administration, and, hey, let’s face it, Democrats treat Blacks simply as a voting block to be patronized, all while attempting to keep Blacks poor and reliant on government, and ignoring the massive Black on Black crime in Democratic Party run cities.
I really do not think Democrats would like this debate if Republicans came out swinging and attacking.

The left are aghast, appalled, outraged, enraged, distraught, apoplectic, that maybe, just maybe, not everybody takes
global warmingclimate change as seriously as they do.Of course, perhaps, just perhaps, more people would take
global warmingclimate change as seriously as the left claim they do if we saw the left behaving in a manner which tells us that they take their own views seriously.Puh-leeze. When the GOP went full nutz in 2008 the world lost the chance to act on global warming in a meaningful way.
I know you like to think you have a point with your
global warmingclimate change construct, I guess you’re thinking there was a name change lately.The IPCC was founded in 1988. Do you know what IPCC stands for? Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Wow. From the beginning it was Climate Change. So when did “they” change global warming to climate change?
And anyway, the GOPers ignored a lot of things, such as logic, reason and economics.
I hypothesize that the GOP is actually supporting and promoting Trump early in the primary season to make the remaining GOP reactionaries look sane. Sure Scott Walker wrecked Wisconsin’s economy but he didn’t accuse a female moderator of being on her menstrual period. Sure Carly Fiorina wrecked a major US corporation but she didn’t call Mexicans rapists. Sure Jeb! is really a Bush! but he didn’t bankrupt four of his companies. Sure Marco Rubio insists that girls impregnated by their fathers, uncles and big brothers carry their fetus to term but he didn’t… actually that’s probably worse than most Trumpisms.
“The GOPers ignored a lot of things, such as logic, reason and economics.” I’m sure you meant to say “the IPCC ignores a lot of things, such as logic, reason and economics.”
Meanwhile Team Hillary continues to defy an order from a federal judge and illegally destroys federal documents.
Wow. “Menstruation???”. Really??? What an immature, childish, dirty little mind. Of all the body parts you could have used to finish Trump’s sentence for him, your mind went right into the misogynistic gutter.
That would be because nobody believes your clown science “model” anymore. The jig is up, boys, time to try and find real jobs off the government tit.
Well, except for Captain Sandtrap, and he only likes it because it gives him more power.
Time for a post-climate president
I challenge the Dems to be real socialists and just roll tanks into the factory gates of American industry and take over like Stalin, enough of the back door, weak kneed attempts at control Big Biz via globaloney
The American Spectator ran this piece a while back:
In 2011, Wisconsin had a whopping deficit of $3.6 billion dollars. But a cooperate tax cut and collective bargaining reforms invigorated the state economy. Now, the state is boasting a $911 million surplus, credited to “good stewardship of the taxpayers’ money.â€
Now for conservatives this seems to be great news. The problem my conservative friends is that there is more to the health of a populace then just a balanced government budget.
These are things to keep in mind going forward. Yes or Federal budget is out of control but we must be careful as conservatives to be seen solely as obsessed with MONEY while ignoring the needs of the people…….
And this is precisely how the Right is perceived………its why the left believes we all sit around all day long obsessing over how to give money back to billionaires.
Bush coined a phrase compassionate conservativism which came from Ronald Reagan and the Neo-conservative movement. Smaller is not always better……Reagan proved that……what is better is a government that is more efficient and wise and handled smartly.
Jeffrey wrote:
Really? Well, to our everlasting regret, the Democrats had huge majorities in the Congress following the 2008 elections, including a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate for about half a year. The “full nutz” Republicans couldn’t stop anything.
Of course, when the Senate considered, in advance, the Kyoto Accords, that august body voted unanimously, 95-0, for a “sense pf the Senate resolution asking President Clinton not to sign the Accords. Unanimously, in case you didn’t understand it, means that every Democrat who voted agreed.
President Clinton sent Vice President Gore to Kyoto to sign the wretched thing, but never bothered to submit it to the Senate for a ratification vote, ’cause he knew it would be defeated, and defeated with Democratic votes as well as Republican ones.
President Bush then “withdrew” our signature from Kyoto, which I thought was a mistake. Rather, he should have submitted it to the Senate for a ratification vote, knowing it would be defeated.
Jeffrey wrote:
If that is the case, if “the chance to act on global warming in a meaningful way” is long gone, why should we waste people’s mony doing something that we can no longer do?
The Dems had a functioning supermajority in the Senate from Sept 25, 2009 to Feb 4, 2010, which included only 60 in-session days, with no session longer than 5 days. That’s when the heavy lifting on the PPACA was conducted.
Note too that there were still a few conservative Dems at the time. Dems still win Senate seats in overall conservative states, e.g., Arkansas, Nebraska, Alaska, Montana, N and S Dakota, Missouri, Louisiana. In particular, conservative Ben Nelson (D-NE) demanded changing the abortion language and the “Cornhusker Kickback”. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) was also prickly.
Almost every country has failed to live up to Kyoto because there is NOTHING TO REPLACE fossil fuels.
Also you might like this bit of information.
look at this graph what sticks out to you.
8 of the 10 top offenders are either Communist or socialist countries. China has almost doubled the amount of CO2 produced over the USA. Combined the USA only accounts for 17 percent of the co2 entering the atmosphere and yet………
Every AGW truther in the world is railing against the USA as if we are single handedly going to destroy the world.
china and India are set to bring 1000 THATS ONE THOUSAND NEW COAL PLANTS ONLINE in the next 5 years estimating that this alone will drop the USA to less then 13 percent of all CO2 expelled.
and now you know the rest of the story.
Jeffrey seems to think it’s the Republicans; fault!
And who was it who controlled the schedule? Why, that would have been the Democrats! They could have used their filibuster-proof majority all that they wanted, and been in session every single day during that period of time.
A couple of years later, Harry Reid used the “nuclear option,” to end filibusters on judicial nominees; if they had wanted, he could have done the same thing for ordinary legislation at any time during President Obama’s first two years, but didn’t.
And now most of them are gone, because the voters kicked them out. Why, it’s almost as though the voters are more conservative than you are.
What has happened is that the Democrats, who claim to be the party of the working man, have instead become the party of the non-working man, and they have, in effect, chased away white working class voters. They don’t understand people who live from paycheck-to-paycheck, and they don’t respect them, either. (My article on that will appear at noon.)
Jeffrey told us only part of the story:
And what happened? Once Senator Nelson’s vote to invoke cloture was no longer needed, once the Democrats needed only 51 votes, they screwed Mr Nelson and got rid of the kickback. When the Democrats sodomized one of their own, why would you ever expect Republicans to trust them?
Coal is NOT doing as well as Liam qould like to believe
Of those 1000 plants about 1/2 have been shelved.
Liam would personally never invest in coal
Peabody coal the US largest has fallen in stock price from $70 2011 to $1 itoday’s price. No wonder the Koch brothers are hoping to win in 2016
What will happen to coal when solar electric price falls another 40% in the next 2 years?
Coal plants have a useful work life of 30-50 years, really who thinks a coal plant is a good long term investment ??????/
The findings update a 2012 report by the World Resources Institute, which estimated that 1,199 new coal-fired power plants, with a total capacity of 1,401 gigawatts, were in the pipeline for construction.
New figures suggest that, by 2014, this had shrunk by 23% to a proposed 1,083 gigawatts of new coal-fired capacity.
The 23 percent reduction is not in plants….its in generating capacity and the bulk of the proposed cancellations is in Europe and the United States where they are being replaced with Natural gas.
I find it difficult to even entertain your moronic posts.
You can’t even quote your own links accurately.