Sexism, or just Donald being a jerk?
(The Hill) Donald Trump on Sunday took a shot at fellow 2016 GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, saying you “develop a massive headache†if you listen to the former Hewlett-Packard CEO.
“I just realized that if you listen to Carly Fiorina for more than ten minutes straight, you develop a massive headache,†he tweeted. “She has zero chance!â€
This was after Carly! blasted Donald over his supposed remarks towards women, which culminated with
“I think you cannot have a president who is thin-skinned,†she added. “If you think a question is tough, imagine the pressure of actually being in the Oval Office.â€
We’ve already had over 6 years of one super thin-skinned POTUS. Do we need another one?
Here’s a question for Trump supporters, who, quite frankly, are trending towards the way the unhinged Ron Paul supporters acted: what are Trump’s policies? He’s made some nice noise about securing the border (and then providing full amnesty for all the illegals). What else is he proposing? He likes to get into a lot of bitching matches. So far, his campaign is mostly bright lights, but someone forgot to actually play the music.
BTW, Liberals like to say Carly! is a failure because of what happened with HP. What do they think about Obama, who has presided over a weak economy, one of the worst recoveries ever, record numbers of people giving up on finding a job, all the people working low paying, and often part time, jobs, etc and so on?

Liberals like The Donald!, who trashes all women?
The recovery from the Great Recession is better than the recovery from the Reagan/Volcker Recession and from the Clinton/BushII recession of 2001, at least according to the evidence, rather than conservative feelings.
Do you now really think the US President controls the economy? That’s obviously troublesome given Reagan’s horrible economic record and Bill Clinton’s good one.
Reagan/Volcker deliberately put millions of middle class American workers out of work with the objective of reducing inflation.
Donald and Ron Paul and their supporters cannot be compared.
The Ron Paul movement was based on a very strict ideology, much more like the pay Robertson Christian Right movement.
Comparing Donald to these movements actually gives Donald and his followers too much credit where none is due.
Donald just likes playing the jerk and picking fights. He has no fundamental ideology and that is also why he is inconsistent like most other politicians.
Now lets be fair to LBJ, Nixon, Ford and Carter………As Europe and Japan finished rebuilding from the Second World War, American manufacturers lost their effective global monopoly and soon found themselves struggling to compete with foreign goods, cutting sharply into corporate profits and stock-market values.
At the same time, a huge new cohort of young people—the “baby boom” generation—entered the labor force en masse, requiring the economy to create several million new jobs each year just to keep pace with the rapidly growing workforce.
It was only the massive boom of the internet that gave Bill Clinton a way out and balanced budgets under Clinton occurred with a GOP Senate and House.
Incidently not withstanding Bill Clintons dick wagging in the air non stop I thought he was a decent president……..a democrat willing to work with the GOP.
IF only those days could return.
I’m tired of ham.
The GOP base LOVES that Donald. He is yours.
Teach the Dow tripled under Obama. Capitalists gotta love that,right? As for the “workers” who but the socialists care about them. Capitalism is about PROFITS and SHAREHOLDER VALUE. When labor costs are kept low profits go up and capitalists are happy. Unemployment rate is down to the 5s
Black unemployment lowest in 7 years
Yes, Reagan caused the job loss. Now, you are so smart, tell me how you would have handled the economy in 1980. We had interest rates of 20%, stagflation, excessive inflation that was out stripping the ability of the government to print money. The only answer for that strange economic situation is unemployment. As it happened, that stopped the cycle and we had the best economy for 20 years until the Clinton tax hikes killed it and started the current troubles.
The stock market is not an indicator of anything. You keep saying that and it defines your stupidity. The stock market is only going up because of the massive infusion of money from the Fed. Once that stops, the market will fall 80%. As a troll you are not particularly cleaver or well informed, get an education.
David. The stock market IS one solid indicator of how our economy is doing. When it crashed and lost 1/2 its value from 14000 to 6500 90 days after Obama became POTUS our unemplyment rate shot up to 9.5%
David i guess that means YOU did not invest in this record increase in the Dow. because YOU did not believe it was going to happen. Too bad sadz for you.
The US stock market is booming because the whole world wants to invest here, they think our economy is doing well.
Saying that the Dow is not an indicator is either quite stupid or some Zen koan I fail to undrstand
David are all time record high corporation profits also a non indictor ?
There is only one simple reason the dow is doing well and it has nothing to do with the economy.
NEAR ZERO INTEREST RATES>>>mean there is nowhere to invest your money so its all pouring into the stock market.
Why do we have near zero interest rates if the economy is in such great shape? And why did the FED buy back its own bonds for nearly 6 years if everyone wants a piece of our pie?
John……you continue to amaze….do you come over from the daily KOS and just repeat other peoples posts over there without really doing some research on your own?
John wrote:
Well, the socialists certainly say that they care for them, but their policies haven’t exactly done what the socialists have said they would do.
The white working class is deserting the Democrats, because the Democrats don’t understand them at all, and don’t respect them. And the real socialists, in Venezuela, have taken an oil-exporting country, one which is getting capital inflows from industrialized nations, and turned the place into a cesspool where basic necessities are in short supply.
You know who are really for the workers? It’s the Republicans, because we understand that the best friend of the working man is his employer. If you lose a friend, well, that’s rough, but you can still keep your house; if you lose your job, your best friend might be able to throw a few bucks your way, but he can’t pay your bills for very long, and you do lose your house.
My point was that the Fed sacrifices middle class jobs at the hint of inflation. As I’ve said many times before, Volcker did the right thing. But is it the fault of workers when the Fed raises interest rates cooling off the economy and causing massive job losses? A little inflation helps borrowers and hurts lenders, and lenders are more important to our political class.
And yes, we’ve all heard the stories of St. Reagan. The miserable economy during his tenure was Carter’s fault and the good economy during Clinton’s terms were because Reagan fixed the economy by nearly tripling the national debt and generating the highest unemployment rate since the Depression. The bad economy under Bush I was Clinton’s fault but the worse economy under Obama is Obama’s fault. No modern Republican President has ever had a flaw.
You finally seem to be able to understand, via your last comment. There is hope. But I would rephrase some of your comment on the middle class, it is those who have chosen to pursue occupations that are expendable in the market that seem to readily lose their jobs. And, why do you go on about the middle class. Your man Obama has just about killed that economic sector and all progressive and environmental programs are assuring its death. But, you don’t think that far, do You?
Let’s recognize that you are a self-described American traitor and white supremacist and you deserve no respect.
That said:
Because the US government serves as proxy for the plutocrats and has been systematically assaulting the working classes with policies that reward the wealthy. Let’s cut Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security so we can cut taxes for the rich! Let’s raise interest rates and eliminate 1,000,000 jobs every time the inflation rate ticks up a bit. Let’s keep wages low by busting unions, bringing in tradesmen, and keeping unemployment high! Let’s keep barriers high to foreign professionals so they won’t compete for professional jobs and lower salaries for doctors, lawyers, architects and professors. Let’s cut taxes and ignore our decaying infrastructure and public transportation, then transfer that money to defense contractors so we can invade Iraq and next, Iran. Let’s hide by law the fact that corporate Directors make over $100,000 a year for attending 6 meetings and decide how much their buddy, the CEO makes. Let’s allow corporations to deduct as a business expense the luxury jets they use to ferry their executives and their families from New York to Paris and back. Can an actual working man deduct his cost of actual work-related transportation as a business expense? Let’s give very profitable corporations, that pay no corporate taxes refunds totaling billion for setting up tax shelters in the Cayman Islands. Corporations spend almost a billion a year on tax avoidance schemes to save them many billions.
The richest nation in the history of nations has nearly 2 million homeless children, and tens of millions more living in poverty. What the fuck would Jesus say when face to face with Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of GE, specializing in avoiding taxes and moving manufacturing jobs overseas? Immelt makes $22,000,000 a year and pays a lower tax rate than anyone who reads this. Would Jesus get angry?
So it’s the workers’ fault that our Congress and presidents enact trade deals that reward the plutocrats? It’s the workers’ lack of prescience that they didn’t see the burst housing bubble engineered by Congress and the Wall Street banks?
This is rich coming from someone who claims to be a physician, an employment class in America protected by the federal government immigration law, and largely paid from government coffers. Are you in favor of a free market in medical care? Let’s recruit 10s of thousands of physicians from China, India, Japan and Europe, who will work for 1/2 what the pampered/government supported American physicians will accept.
He’s not my man, but the economy has been recovering slowly following the worst recession by far since the Great Depression – a recession engineered under the watchful eye of Alan Greenspan and Congress and their subservience to the financial sector. Good economists everywhere saw the real estate bubble but our officials ignored it, preferring to invade Iraq instead. The financial crash resulted in a huge transfer of government tax monies to the already wealthy. Yay, America!
Can you clearly describe how “progressive and environment programs” are assuring the death of the middle class?
Unlike you, I am an adult. I see a considerable amount wrong with American medical care. Most of this could be fixed by getting people like you out of the system. Like, allowing people to buy all medications across the counter as is done in freer countries. We are bring millions of doctors from other countries, that is why the quality has gone down and the cost is way up. We have been doing this for 20 years and my foreign friends think it funny that you don’t understand cultural differences and that we import a very poor product. You clearly have no understanding or education on economics or a wide variety of other subjects, go to school, please. Your world would be much easier to understand and live in. By the way, you protect yourself with a corporation and likely do not pay a living wage, so why do you complain about others that take advantage of the laws as you do? As to a traitor, you bet, just like the Irish were traitors to the English, the Polls traitors to the Germans and the USSR and the Ukraine to Russian, the list goes on. Better yet, why do you compel us to have to live under your tyranny and then complain about the tyranny yourself?
Jeffrey fails economics:
It’s kind of difficult combitch that we are “keep(ing) wages low by busting unions, bringing in tradesmen, and keeping unemployment high” and concomitantly complain about “keep(ing) barriers high to foreign professionals so they won’t compete for professional jobs and lower salaries for doctors, lawyers, architects and professors.”
Why are skilled tradesmen and technicians trying to come here? Because not enough Americans have the skills that businesses need! We need scientists and engineers and technicians, while Americans are getting degrees in Women’s Studies and English Literature. An interesting statistic: 57% of all college students are women, but women make up only 10% of science, technology, engineering and mathematics students.