You know who should be in the streets protesting peaceably? Officer Wilson and those who support him, along with those who support law and order. Obama’s Department of Justice cleared Wilson. Michael Brown did not have his hands up saying “don’t shoot”. Brown was a criminal, who stole cigars (there’s still some confusion over his supposed assault of the store clerks), was dumb to be walking in the middle of the street, assaulted a police officer in his vehicle, attempted to take his gun, ran away when the gun went off, then charged the officer, resulting in being fatally shot.
And so we get to what occurred in mostly Democratic Party run Ferguson Sunday
(St. Louis Post-Dispatch) A peaceful day of protest and remembrance dissolved into chaos late Sunday when a man fired multiple shots at four St. Louis County plainclothes detectives in an SUV. The detectives fired back and the shooter was struck, said county Police Chief Jon Belmar. He was in critical condition.
Tyrone Harris identified the victim as his son, Tyrone Harris Jr., 18, of St. Louis. Harris said shortly after 3 a.m. that his son had just gotten out of surgery.
He said his son graduated from Normandy High School and that he and Michael Brown Jr. “were real close.”
“We think there’s a lot more to this than what’s being said,” Harris Sr. said.
Huh. The gun battle lasted 45 seconds, with dozens of spent casings found. Harris was found with a 9mm Sig Sauer pistol, stolen in Cape Girardeau. But, hey, there’s probably some sort of conspiracy going on, according to his father! And, hey, he was totally not with the protesters! Even though plain-clothes officers followed him through the protesting crowd.
At 2:15 a.m., two teenagers were shot in a drive-by shooting near the Michael Brown Jr. Memorial on Canfield Drive. The victims, ages 17 and 19, were hospitalized and expected to survive. The gunman was riding in a passenger car and opened fire on them, police say.
Most likely unrelated to the protests, just a typical night in Democratic Party run Ferguson. With another drive by shooting earlier Sunday evening, with a man shot in the foot. There was also a shooting Saturday night near the area. And a police van was shot while arresting a man wanted for assault at the Saturday protest.
The marchers, whose number swelled to more than 1,000 just after noon Sunday, were silent during the 1.5-mile walk up West Florissant Avenue and across Chambers Road to Greater St. Mark Family Church out of respect for Brown, said James Evans Muhammad of Black Educators and Lawyers for Justice.
About 300 people gathered inside the church late Sunday afternoon following the march for a community service.
Nothing says we want peace like upholding a violent young man as an idol. But, then, Lefties love people like that. Che, Mumia, Castro, Stalin, Mao, etc.
During the day time, it was mostly peaceful. Then
During a torrential rain storm about 9 p.m. Sunday, several people broke the door on Bowen’s Beauty Supply. The cash register was stolen and dumped in the parking lot. About a dozen Missouri State Highway Patrol and police cars responded.
Post-Dispatch reporter Paul Hampel was beaten and robbed while covering the protests Sunday night. He was not seriously injured.
Checks Cashed and Loans was also broken into. Via Twitchy we see
Protesters growing confrontational, blocking traffic on W. Florissant in #Ferguson.
— Paul Hampel (@phampel) August 10, 2015
Nothing says “peaceful” like wearing bandanas over your face and throwing up gang signs. Protesters where also chanting “kill the police” and “f*ck the police”.
I have yet to find a news outlet which notes the race of Tyrone Harris. It’s almost like they don’t want to.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

#BlackLivesMatter, but only when a black person is killed by a white guy; other than that, it doesn’t seem like anybody either cares or expects anything different.
Think of the reaction amongst whites, amongst conservatives, when Dylann Roof (allegedly) murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina. Whites were just as appalled as anybody at Mr Roof’s actions, and the context made the difference: unlike Mr Brown, or Freddie Gray, Mr Roof’s victims were truly innocent people, committing no crimes, but engaged in a Bible study session. Amazing how whites really are concerned, when the victims aren’t thugs and gangbangers.
And, of course, black women in America are five times as likely as white women to end a pregnancy via abortion.
If black men are so much more likely to be murdered by other black men in our cities, and black women are so much more likely to kill their own children in the womb, but the only protests we hear concern those relatively few black men, mostly thugs themselves, who are killed by white people or police officers, why should I, or anyone else, believe that black lives truly matter?
Our host noted:
There’s no need: absent race being specified, people will simply assume that someone who did this stuff is black.
And that’s why the black community is being destroyed from within, by blacks within that community. When those kinds of actions are so common that most people, including Jeffrey (though he might deny it), will simply assume that the perpetrator is black, how can you expect those black people from that community who are completely law-abiding citizens to escape the stigma, avoid the suspicion, that they, too, are not all that trustworthy?
We had a cop killed by a black scum bag last week. He was working in North Louisiana but was from South Louisiana. His body was taken to his family home and all along I-49, about 200 miles, there were cop cars lined up and American flags flying from the overpasses and cranes. Not one word in the media.
It is curious that blacks, the least educated thirteen percent of the population, the least productive, most criminal, and most dependent on governmental charity, should dominate national politics. Yet they do. Virtually everything revolves around what blacks want, demand, do, or can’t do. Their power seems without limit.
Clearly Blacks are not most dependent on government charity. The bulk of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security outgoes end up with white people. Tax subsidies go almost exclusively to wealthy whites and white-run corporations. A few white-run Wall Street banks received more direct payments in one year than all Blacks received in “charity”. Most government contracts (crony capitalism) go to white-run businesses.
Only a white supremacist could make such an ignorant statement.
Less family wealth, shorter life spans, higher unemployment rate … Does that seem like unlimited power?
Lil’ jeffy still ignoring the real problem as Fergudishu begins a second night of riots.
Note that self-inflicted problems of blacks consume inordinate amounts of public and governmental attention, even though only blacks can solve them. I might say, “should solve them,†since they never have and we all know they won’t. Yet we hear about them endlessly.
Are blacks in Chicago killing each other in large numbers? The solution might be to stop doing it, might it not? While I do not wish these young dead, I can do nothing to stop them, and it is not my problem. Are black children growing up illiterate? This gives me no pleasure, and I have various reasons both selfish and moral to wish it were not so. But perhaps the solution is for their parents, or parent, to see that they do their homework, or even to teach them. I cannot do this for them, and it isn’t my problem.
So what’s your point in citing a white supremacist website?
We all know there is more crime, more poverty, less stable families in our big city Black ghettos. Many of the young entrepreneurs there resort to selling drugs, a violent occupation, to make a living. The argument is not about
warmingpoverty but about causation. The link between poverty and crime has been clearly established. It’s hard to pull yourself up by your bootstraps when you don’t have bootstraps. Are you really asking why people without things resort to taking things from others? A better question is why those with lots (e.g., Wall Street banksters) still stole from those with little.It’s common for lower caste whites like yourself to blame Nigs/Mexicans/Queers/Bitches for the sad state of your life, but it’s naïve for you to think you could have been President if not for that affirmative action Kenyan.
There are internal problems in the Black “culture”, for sure, but how much wealth could a father who couldn’t vote until 1965 pass along? How much wealth could a great-grandfather who was a slave in 1865 pass along? How effective is young father in prison for marijuana? Remember the catchphrase separate but equal?
Jeffrey wrote:
Oh, so now Social Security and Medicare is “government charity?” Seems to me that I have been taxed, my entire working life, to pay for the retirement and medical benefits I was promised . . . and that I had no choice but to accept those “deals,” or I would be arrested and thrown in jail.
‘Tis amazing how the left claim that Social Security and Medicare are a form of welfare, when it suits them to use that argument, but are earned benefits at other times.
I have said it before: if I had a billion dollars in the bank, I would still claim every last penny of my Social Security and Medicare benefits, not only because I have paid for them, but because to not do so is to reduce those programs to welfare, and the beneficiaries to welfare recipients.
Jeffrey wrote:
I grew up in the Bluegrass State, and I grew up poor, as did my wife. For several years when she was a child, the family “bathroom” was an outhouse. For me, well we always had a bathroom, but one winter the pipes froze, and split, and my mother didn’t have enough money to afford a plumber, and we had no running water, or toilet, for over a month; that’s how I grew up. Yet somehow, some way, we never turned to selling, or using, recreational pharmaceuticals.
Eastern Kentucky is a very poor area, but, shockingly enough, it hasn’t turned into the combat zone that the Windy City, and so many other urban areas have become. If the problem is only poverty, then shouldn’t we see the murder rate in Owsley County and Lee County and Estill County match that of Baltimore?
Thing is, my life isn’t in a sad state; my wife and I both grew up poor, but we’re not poor now, because we did something really radical like work for a living.
I’ve learned the secret: if you go to work, on time, every day, you’ll eventually get ahead, because you’ll be so far ahead of those people who take out mental health days and show up late that it will be noticed.
Oh, I don’t know, about as much as Elaine’s father passed on to her, as much money as my father — gone since I was in the second grade — passed on to me.
Now, my mother did get ahead, finally making some decent money as I was being graduated from high school, and what she left is college funds for her grandchildren, paid for through her insurance policies. She did leave some stuff for her three children, but she wanted us to divide it according to what we already had, which meant that I got the least, Lisa got the middle, and Stacey got the most, including her house, because that reflected what we needed; neither Lisa nor I regarded that division as somehow unfair.
Maybe he shouldn’t have used marijuana; then he wouldn’t be in jail!
The “young father” you mentioned would be sitting in jail due yo his own bad choices.
Jeffrey wrote:
About as effective as mine, who was gone since the time I was in the second grade? yet somehow, some way, I didn’t wind up in jail.
ultra right wing AlexJones from info wars has his reporter marching around with armed Oath Keepers carrying rifles. What do you think the all white Ferguson police would do if blacks were marching around carrying rifles?
Uh, johnny, booby, keep sucking on that bong, will ya?
Thanks for the chuckles, retard.
I was addressing the odious lowlife white supremacist, suckingpuppies, not you.
But since you piled on… It sounds as if you and I both grew up dirt poor, and by dint of hard work, good luck, good genes and white advantage clawed out of poverty. But not everyone is blessed with our advantages. Although my father and mother hated each other they didn’t divorce until we were teenagers. My father worked hard. I was lucky enough to be healthy, able bodied, white, intelligent and over 6 feet tall – all advantages that I had nothing to do with. I grew up in a poor, lower middle class neighborhood with black friends in pretty much the same boat – with only petty crimes – thefts and shoplifting and fistfights.
But, let’s cut the crap, OK? Why do you think Black ghettos are crime ridden? Why have Black families accrued so little wealth compared to whites? You don’t have to answer. You’ll say it’s because of liberal Democrat policies, although deep down, where only the davids and the suckingpuppies of the world are honest, you believe there’s something inferior about Blacks.
Who runs those cities, Jeff? Who’s been running them for decades and decades?
Do you have a point? If you do, I suggest you make it.
Closer to your home, another white member of our well-regulated militia went off the reservation and took out his inferiority on his two young boys, killing them both:
BTW, Ferguson is run by white Republicans.
Since white officers have shot Black men and boys carrying toy guns, I suspect things would not end well for a Black man with a real gun.
A white man in Baltimore was sitting in his car when two female er, teens got into a fight. To continue this enterprise they climbed atop his car, perhaps mistaking it for a tree. He got out and asked them to take their dispute somewhere else, whereupon fifty er, teens beat him nearly to death, leaving him with $200,000-$400,000 in medical bills. The daily grind. Life as usual. If fifty whites similarly beat an er, teen, cities would burn and the media would go crazy. In this case, silence will prevail. American-Africans can do no wrong.
Mr. Fletcher was not sitting in his car, but was inside his home when he asked the fighting Black girls to get off his truck. Fletcher was then set upon by dozens of cowardly Black teenagers and severely beaten. He’s recovering but suffered broken bones in his face. The police have arrested two and are looking for more according to the news reports.
So what’s your point in cutting and pasting from a white supremacist website that got some of the basic facts wrong? Are you incapable of putting your “thoughts” in your own words?
A group of white men collapsed the world’s economies less than ten years ago. It was in all the papers. They destroyed trillions of dollars in accumulated wealth, but walked away with many millions of taxpayer dollars. No one was arrested and the police are NOT looking for more perps. Now, not all white men are devious thieving miscreants working in cahoots with a white male power structure that ignores their crimes (or legislates them away).
Why do whites steal so much money from others? Is it because they are inherently greedy or is it because they have access to so much easy money and are supported by their white counterparts in the legislatures? Most white-collar (white male) crime is never discovered and rarely prosecuted. Maybe it’s just because a Black thief with a gun makes better video. Maybe it’s because white legislators recognize that a Black thief with a gun is scarier than a white thief with computer and it’s easier to mobilize the base that way. Maybe it’s because a white thief with a computer contributes to the white legislator’s campaign. There’s a reason that Mr. Reagan ordered cuts in the IRS – they reduced audits on the wealthy and increased audits on the poor.