How much in the way of fossil fuels does it take to run a presidential campaign, what with criss-crossing the country on planes and buses, heading to events in vehicles?
At a time when our planet is warming due to climate change, the last thing our environment needs is more drilling
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) August 23, 2015
If this was enacted, how would politicians like Bernie travel? Oh, right, this doesn’t actually apply to himself. Only Other People.
I’m not expecting a reply.

Beenie isn’t saying all use of fossil fuels must end immediately
absolute perfectionism in others is one possible signature of a narcissist
You wish perfectionism in the lives of others
90% of the stuff your stores sell is made in China
When will you begin to help American workers instead of selling out to the commie Chinese?
When will you personally join the fight against ISIS or openly carry in support of the 2nd Amendment?
When will you live a life 100% in line with what you preach politically?
Do you practice being obtuse or does it just come naturally?
Teach points out the hypocrisy of those, usually on the left, who support policies that would change the way we live, while not doing so themselves.
I’d say you already know that but I’m not so sure.
Beenie? That’s good though. Seems right for Sanders.
John’s elevator definitely does not go to the top, in fact, I don’t think it leaves the basement. He really has trouble with understanding and does not have a good knowledge base, much like old Jeff. Best just to ignore them. They get some rush by showing their stupidity.
Obama flies straight from his 17-day royal vacation to Las Vegas for a fundraiser. Still leading the world at emitting carbon.