It’s so utterly horrible. Nice weather leads to people going outside and hurting themselves while playing. And no one ever hurt themselves outside before CO2 hit 350ppm, you know
(Climate Progress) People of all ages — not just the elderly — are more at risk of death and emergency room visits as the earth warms, a recent study has found.
The study, published this month by researchers at Brown University and the Rhode Island Department of Health in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, focused on the population of Rhode Island. Researchers found that it didn’t need to be that hot for people to start visiting the ER in higher numbers — according to the study, a temperature of 75 degrees compared to 65 made heat-related emergency room visits increase by 3.3 percent. But, as it got hotter, the jump in visits was more acute: on days with highs of 85 degrees, ER visits jumped 23.9 percent compared to days with highs of 75 degrees. In addition, Rhode Island’s death rate increased by 4 percent on 85-degree days compared to 75-degree days.
So, again, all this confirms is that when the temps rise, people get outside. And many hurt themselves while doing things in the great outdoors, and even overheat themselves. Shocking! The study even mentions these notions, and points out that the age group is not the elderly, but those 18-64 most at risk.
But, of course
The study warned that, if climate change continues to drive temperatures up, Rhode Island’s residents “would experience substantially higher morbidity and mortality.†If, by the end of this century, days in Rhode Island become 10 degrees warmer — a projection that’s on the high end of climate models — the summertime death rate in the state would increase by 1.5 percent, or about 80 additional deaths per summer. In addition, the ER visit rate would jump by 25 percent, or an increase of about 1,500 visits every summer. And since other states — not just Rhode Island — are expected to see higher temperatures with climate change, the study’s results could serve to make residents around the U.S. wary of high heat.
First, there’s no proof of anthropogenic causation, and, second, seems like people in Rhode Island are rather wimpy.

No Teach that study does not show that more people do go outside when temps go up
You certainly don’t do well with numbers
Teach that study dies not show that more people are outside when temps are 85 plus
In fact when it is very hit must people would probably prefer to be inside
>If, by the end of this century, days in Rhode Island become 10 degrees warmer — a projection that’s on the high end of climate models — the summertime death rate in the state would increase by 1.5 percent, or about 80 additional deaths per summer.
That is a lot of “ifs” It is unlikely the temperature will rise 10 degrees in the next 85 years. If you believe NASA the temperture is slightly cooling at the moment.If you beoieve NOAA the temperature is slightly warming by a few 100th’s of a degree. The last 100 years it rose less than 1 degree.
By that time people will have solar based air condioned clothes and in home emergancy care.
When 1/3 of climate change funding started going to study the effects of climate change, the result was thousands of studies about what could happen to X if Y happened. The media eats this kind of fantasy up because it provides them with thousands of free stories with great attention-getting emotional headlines about poor creatures great and small. The media churns up fear and interest by implying that Y is happening. An iron triangle was formed between government funding, university researchers, and the media. All strongly motivated to support the facade and shout down naysayers. This created the biggest publishing boom in science fiction history.
[…] climate change alarmists are up to their usual nonsense. The latest is that they’re blaming injuries on the nice weather many of us have been […]
Warmist claptrap now officially qualifies as a ‘cult’, as all you have to do is join up, surrender all critical thought, and chant along… and it will solve ALL of your problems, even that sprained ankle from volleyball, apparently
But, but, but I thought that if the temperature got 10º F warmer, there wouldn’t even be any Rhode Island anymore!